import React from 'react'; import { FrameProps } from '../Frame'; import { RouterContext } from '../HostProvider'; import { ComponentProps } from '../types'; import { WithFeature } from '../store/reducers/embeddedApp/navigation'; interface ExtraProps extends Pick { onLocationUpdate(location: RouterContext['location']): void; [key: string]: any; } declare type ComposedProps = WithFeature & ExtraProps; /** * Renders a Frame component with the Context set to `Main` * Handles updating the iframe url for all app-related Navigation actions * @public * @requires RouterContext * @requires HostContext * */ export declare function MainFrame(props: ComposedProps): JSX.Element; declare const _default: (React.ComponentClass & Pick<(React.ComponentClass & typeof MainFrame) | (React.FunctionComponent & typeof MainFrame), "defaultProps">) | (React.FunctionComponent & Pick<(React.ComponentClass & typeof MainFrame) | (React.FunctionComponent & typeof MainFrame), "defaultProps">); /** * The MainFrame component with the Navigation feature * @public * */ export default _default;