interface FrameCallback { (time: number): any; } export default class AnimationFrame { private isUsingMockAnimationFrame = false; private queued: {[key: number]: FrameCallback} = {}; private originalRequestAnimationFrame: any; private originalCancelAnimationFrame: any; private currentAnimationFrame = 0; mock() { if (this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame) { throw new Error( 'The animation frame is already mocked, but you tried to mock it again.', ); } this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame = true; this.originalRequestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame = this.requestAnimationFrame; this.originalCancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame; window.cancelAnimationFrame = this.cancelAnimationFrame; } restore() { if (!this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame) { throw new Error( 'The animation frame is already real, but you tried to restore it again.', ); } this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame = false; window.requestAnimationFrame = this.originalRequestAnimationFrame; window.cancelAnimationFrame = this.originalCancelAnimationFrame; } isMocked() { return this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame; } runFrame() { this.ensureAnimationFrameIsMock(); // We need to do it this way so that frames that queue other frames // don't get removed Object.keys(this.queued).forEach((frame: any) => { const callback = this.queued[frame]; delete this.queued[frame]; callback(; }); } private requestAnimationFrame = (callback: FrameCallback): number => { this.currentAnimationFrame += 1; this.queued[this.currentAnimationFrame] = callback; return this.currentAnimationFrame; }; private cancelAnimationFrame = (frame: number) => { delete this.queued[frame]; }; private ensureAnimationFrameIsMock() { if (!this.isUsingMockAnimationFrame) { throw new Error( 'You must call animationFrame.mock() before interacting with the mock request- or cancel- AnimationFrame methods.', ); } } }