interface Observer { source: unknown; target: Element; callback: IntersectionObserverCallback; options?: IntersectionObserverInit; } export default class IntersectionObserverMock { observers: Observer[] = []; private isUsingMockIntersectionObserver = false; private originalIntersectionObserver = (global as any).IntersectionObserver; private originalIntersectionObserverEntry = (global as any) .IntersectionObserverEntry; simulate( entry: | Partial | Partial[], ) { this.ensureMocked(); const arrayOfEntries = Array.isArray(entry) ? entry : [entry]; const targets ={target}) => target); const noCustomTargets = targets.every(target => target == null); for (const observer of this.observers) { if (noCustomTargets || targets.includes( { observer.callback( => normalizeEntry(entry,, observer as any, ); } } } mock() { if (this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver) { throw new Error( 'IntersectionObserver is already mocked, but you tried to mock it again.', ); } this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver = true; const setObservers = (setter: (observers: Observer[]) => Observer[]) => (this.observers = setter(this.observers)); (global as any).IntersectionObserverEntry = class IntersectionObserverEntry {}; Object.defineProperty( IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype, 'intersectionRatio', { get() { return 0; }, }, ); (global as any).IntersectionObserver = class FakeIntersectionObserver { constructor( private callback: IntersectionObserverCallback, private options?: IntersectionObserverInit, ) {} observe(target: Element) { setObservers(observers => [ ...observers, { source: this, target, callback: this.callback, options: this.options, }, ]); } disconnect() { setObservers(observers => observers.filter(observer => observer.source !== this), ); } unobserve(target: Element) { setObservers(observers => observers.filter( observer => !( === target && observer.source === this), ), ); } }; } restore() { if (!this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver) { throw new Error( 'IntersectionObserver is already real, but you tried to restore it again.', ); } (global as any).IntersectionObserver = this.originalIntersectionObserver; (global as any).IntersectionObserverEntry = this.originalIntersectionObserverEntry; this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver = false; this.observers.length = 0; } isMocked() { return this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver; } private ensureMocked() { if (!this.isUsingMockIntersectionObserver) { throw new Error( 'You must call intersectionObserver.mock() before interacting with the fake IntersectionObserver.', ); } } } function normalizeEntry( entry: Partial, target: Element, ): IntersectionObserverEntry { const isIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting == null ? Boolean(entry.intersectionRatio) : entry.isIntersecting; const intersectionRatio = entry.intersectionRatio || (isIntersecting ? 1 : 0); return { boundingClientRect: entry.boundingClientRect || target.getBoundingClientRect(), intersectionRatio, intersectionRect: entry.intersectionRect || target.getBoundingClientRect(), isIntersecting, rootBounds: entry.rootBounds || document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), target, time: entry.time ||, }; }