import {memoize} from '@shopify/decorators'; enum SupportedDimension { OffsetWidth = 'offsetWidth', OffsetHeight = 'offsetHeight', ScrollWidth = 'scrollWidth', ScrollHeight = 'scrollHeight', } type MockedGetter = (element: HTMLElement) => number; type Mock = MockedGetter | number; type Mocks = Partial>; type AugmentedElement = Element & {[key: string]: Mock}; interface NativeImplentationMap { [key: string]: Element; } function isGetterFunction(mock?: Mock): mock is MockedGetter { return mock != null && typeof mock === 'function'; } export default class Dimension { private isUsingMock = false; private overwrittenImplementations: string[] = []; mock(mocks: Mocks) { if (this.isUsingMock) { throw new Error( 'Dimensions are already mocked, but you tried to mock them again.', ); } else if (Object.keys(mocks).length === 0) { throw new Error('No dimensions provided for mocking'); } this.mockDOMMethods(mocks); this.isUsingMock = true; } restore() { if (!this.isUsingMock) { throw new Error( "Dimensions haven't been mocked, but you are trying to restore them.", ); } this.restoreDOMMethods(); this.isUsingMock = false; } isMocked() { return this.isUsingMock; } @memoize() private get nativeImplementations(): NativeImplentationMap { return { [SupportedDimension.OffsetWidth]: HTMLElement.prototype, [SupportedDimension.OffsetHeight]: HTMLElement.prototype, [SupportedDimension.ScrollWidth]: Element.prototype, [SupportedDimension.ScrollHeight]: Element.prototype, }; } private mockDOMMethods(mocks: Mocks) { Object.keys(mocks).forEach(method => { const nativeSource = this.nativeImplementations[method]; const mock: Mock | undefined = mocks[method]; this.overwrittenImplementations.push(method); if (isGetterFunction(mock)) { Object.defineProperty(nativeSource, method, { get() { return, this); }, configurable: true, }); } else { Object.defineProperty(nativeSource, method, { value: mocks[method], configurable: true, }); } }); } private restoreDOMMethods() { this.overwrittenImplementations.forEach(method => { const nativeSource = this.nativeImplementations[method]; if (nativeSource == null) { return; } delete (nativeSource as AugmentedElement)[method]; }); this.overwrittenImplementations = []; } }