/// export declare type Color = 'white' | 'black' | 'skyLighter' | 'skyLight' | 'sky' | 'skyDark' | 'inkLightest' | 'inkLighter' | 'inkLight' | 'ink' | 'blueLighter' | 'blueLight' | 'blue' | 'blueDark' | 'blueDarker' | 'indigoLighter' | 'indigoLight' | 'indigo' | 'indigoDark' | 'indigoDarker' | 'tealLighter' | 'tealLight' | 'teal' | 'tealDark' | 'tealDarker' | 'greenLighter' | 'green' | 'greenDark' | 'yellowLighter' | 'yellow' | 'yellowDark' | 'orange' | 'redLighter' | 'red' | 'redDark' | 'purple'; export declare type IconSource = React.SFC> | 'placeholder' | string; export interface IconProps { /** The SVG contents to display in the icon (icons should fit in a 20 × 20 pixel viewBox) */ source: IconSource; /** Set the color for the SVG fill */ color?: Color; /** Show a backdrop behind the icon */ backdrop?: boolean; /** Descriptive text to be read to screenreaders */ accessibilityLabel?: string; } export declare type HeadingTagName = 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | 'p'; export declare type AppBridgeTarget = 'ADMIN_PATH' | 'REMOTE' | 'APP'; export declare type Error = string | React.ReactElement | (string | React.ReactElement)[]; export interface BaseAction { /** A unique identifier for the action */ id?: string; /** Content the action displays */ content?: string; /** Visually hidden text for screen readers */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** A destination to link to, rendered in the action */ url?: string; /** Forces url to open in a new tab */ external?: boolean; /** Callback when an action takes place */ onAction?(): void; /** Callback when mouse enter */ onMouseEnter?(): void; /** Callback when element is touched */ onTouchStart?(): void; } export interface Action extends BaseAction { } export interface AnimationProps { in?: boolean; } export interface BaseLinkAction { /** A unique identifier for the action */ id?: string; /** Content the action displays */ content?: string; /** Visually hidden text for screen readers */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** A destination to link to */ url: string; } export interface AppBridgeActionTarget { /** * Where to display the target link * @default 'APP' * @embeddedAppOnly */ target?: AppBridgeTarget; } export interface LinkAction extends BaseLinkAction, AppBridgeActionTarget { } export interface BadgeAction { badge?: { status: 'new'; content: string; }; } export interface BaseCallbackAction { /** A unique identifier for the action */ id?: string; /** Content the action displays */ content?: string; /** Visually hidden text for screen readers */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** Callback when an action takes place */ onAction(): void; } export interface CallbackAction extends BaseCallbackAction { } export interface DisableableAction extends Action { /** Whether or not the action is disabled */ disabled?: boolean; } export interface DestructableAction extends Action { /** Destructive action */ destructive?: boolean; } export interface AppBridgeAction extends Action, DisableableAction, DestructableAction, AppBridgeActionTarget { } export interface IconableAction extends Action { /** Source of the icon */ icon?: IconProps['source']; } export interface LoadableAction extends Action { /** Should a spinner be displayed */ loading?: boolean; } export interface ActionListItemDescriptor extends IconableAction, DisableableAction, BadgeAction, DestructableAction, AppBridgeAction { /** Visually hidden text for screen readers */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** Additional hint text to display with item */ helpText?: string; /** Image source */ image?: string; /** Add an ellipsis suffix to action content */ ellipsis?: boolean; /** Whether the action is active or not */ active?: boolean; /** Defines a role for the action */ role?: string; } export interface ActionListSection { /** Section title */ title?: string; /** Collection of action items for the list */ items: ActionListItemDescriptor[]; } export interface ComplexAction extends Action, DisableableAction, DestructableAction, AppBridgeAction, IconableAction, LoadableAction { } export interface MenuActionDescriptor extends ComplexAction { /** Zero-indexed numerical position. Overrides the action's order in the menu */ index?: number; } export interface MenuGroupDescriptor extends BadgeAction { /** Menu group title */ title: string; /** List of actions */ actions: ActionListItemDescriptor[]; /** Icon to display */ icon?: IconableAction['icon']; /** Action details */ details?: React.ReactNode; /** Zero-indexed numerical position. Overrides the group's order in the menu. */ index?: number; /** Callback when any action takes place */ onActionAnyItem?: ActionListItemDescriptor['onAction']; } export interface ConnectedDisclosure { /** Visually hidden label for the connected disclosure button. * @default 'Related actions' */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** Whether or not the disclosure is disabled */ disabled?: boolean; /** List of actions */ actions: ActionListItemDescriptor[]; } export declare enum Key { Backspace = 8, Tab = 9, Enter = 13, Shift = 16, Ctrl = 17, Alt = 18, Pause = 19, CapsLock = 20, Escape = 27, Space = 32, PageUp = 33, PageDown = 34, End = 35, Home = 36, LeftArrow = 37, UpArrow = 38, RightArrow = 39, DownArrow = 40, Insert = 45, Delete = 46, Key0 = 48, Key1 = 49, Key2 = 50, Key3 = 51, Key4 = 52, Key5 = 53, Key6 = 54, Key7 = 55, Key8 = 56, Key9 = 57, KeyA = 65, KeyB = 66, KeyC = 67, KeyD = 68, KeyE = 69, KeyF = 70, KeyG = 71, KeyH = 72, KeyI = 73, KeyJ = 74, KeyK = 75, KeyL = 76, KeyM = 77, KeyN = 78, KeyO = 79, KeyP = 80, KeyQ = 81, KeyR = 82, KeyS = 83, KeyT = 84, KeyU = 85, KeyV = 86, KeyW = 87, KeyX = 88, KeyY = 89, KeyZ = 90, LeftMeta = 91, RightMeta = 92, Select = 93, Numpad0 = 96, Numpad1 = 97, Numpad2 = 98, Numpad3 = 99, Numpad4 = 100, Numpad5 = 101, Numpad6 = 102, Numpad7 = 103, Numpad8 = 104, Numpad9 = 105, Multiply = 106, Add = 107, Subtract = 109, Decimal = 110, Divide = 111, F1 = 112, F2 = 113, F3 = 114, F4 = 115, F5 = 116, F6 = 117, F7 = 118, F8 = 119, F9 = 120, F10 = 121, F11 = 122, F12 = 123, NumLock = 144, ScrollLock = 145, Semicolon = 186, Equals = 187, Comma = 188, Dash = 189, Period = 190, ForwardSlash = 191, GraveAccent = 192, OpenBracket = 219, BackSlash = 220, CloseBracket = 221, SingleQuote = 222 } export declare enum TypeOf { Undefined = "undefined", Object = "object", Boolean = "boolean", Number = "number", String = "string", Symbol = "symbol", Function = "function" } export interface GeneralObject { [key: string]: any; } export declare type DeepPartial = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends (infer U)[] ? DeepPartial[] : T[P] extends ReadonlyArray ? ReadonlyArray> : DeepPartial; }; export declare type EffectCallback = () => void | (() => void | undefined); export declare type DependencyList = ReadonlyArray; export declare type Comparator = (a: DependencyList, b: DependencyList) => boolean; export interface CheckboxHandles { focus(): void; }