const yargs = require("yargs"); const childProcess = require("child_process"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const otherOptionKeys = Object.keys(yargs.argv).filter(item => !["_", "config", "package"].includes(item) && !item.startsWith("$")); const otherOptions = {}; for (const key of otherOptionKeys) { otherOptions[key] = yargs.argv[key]; } const cmdOptions = yargs.argv["_"]; const projectConfigPath = yargs.argv["config"] || "simplism.json"; const projectConfig = fs.readJsonSync(projectConfigPath); const runAsync = async packageName => { const testConfig = projectConfig.tests.find(item => === packageName); if (!testConfig) { throw new Error(`테스트 패키지 ${packageName}에 대한 테스트 설정이 없습니다.`); } const shimRequireArg = testConfig.angular ? [`--require`, `"${path.resolve(__dirname, "../loaders/test-angular.shim.js")}"`] : testConfig.jsdom ? [`--require`, `"${path.resolve(__dirname, "../loaders/test-jsdom.shim.js")}"`] : []; const requireOrWebpackConfig = testConfig.angular ? [ "--webpack-config", `"${path.resolve(__dirname, "../loaders/test-angular-webpack.config.js")}"`, "--webpack-env.packageName", `"${packageName}"` ] : [ `--require`, `ts-node/register`, `--require`, `tsconfig-paths/register` ]; childProcess.spawnSync( testConfig.angular ? path.normalize(`node_modules/.bin/mocha-webpack`) : path.normalize(`node_modules/.bin/mocha`), [ ...requireOrWebpackConfig, ...shimRequireArg, `--timeout`, `10000`, ...Object.keys(otherOptions).map(key => [`--${key}`, otherOptions[key]]).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b)), ...cmdOptions ], { shell: true, stdio: "inherit", env: { ...process.env, TS_NODE_PROJECT: `tests/${packageName}/tsconfig.json`, NODE_ENV: "test", JSDOM_CONFIG: JSON.stringify(testConfig.jsdom || testConfig.angular) } } ) }; if (!yargs.argv.package) { for (const testConfig of projectConfig.tests) { runAsync(; } } else { for (const pack of yargs.argv.package.split(",")) { runAsync(pack.trim()); } }