import type { ChannelIDs, CursorPaginationEnabled, SortDir, TokenOverridable, UserIDs } from '../common'; interface ChannelID { /** @description Encoded channel ID. */ channel_id: string; } type ChannelType = 'private' | 'private_exclude' | 'archived' | 'exclude_archived' | 'private_exclude_archived' | 'multi_workspace' | 'org_wide' | 'external_shared_exclude' | 'external_shared' | 'external_shared_private' | 'external_shared_archived' | 'exclude_org_shared'; interface GroupID { /** @description The {@link IDP Group} ID. */ group_id: string; } interface TeamIDs { /** @description A list of team IDs to filter by (must include at least one ID). */ team_ids: [string, ...string[]]; } interface RestrictAccessTeamID { /** * @description The workspace where the channel exists. This argument is required for channels only tied to * one workspace, and optional for channels that are shared across an organization. */ team_id?: string; } export interface AdminConversationsArchiveArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsBulkArchiveArguments extends ChannelIDs, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsBulkDeleteArguments extends ChannelIDs, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsBulkMoveArguments extends ChannelIDs, TokenOverridable { /** @description Target team ID to move channels to. */ target_team_id: string; } export interface AdminConversationsConvertToPrivateArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description Name of private channel to create. Only respected when converting an MPIM. */ name?: string; } export interface AdminConversationsConvertToPublicArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } interface OrgWide { /** @description When `true`, the channel will be available org-wide. */ org_wide: true; team_id?: never; } interface SpecificTeam { /** * @description When `false` (the default), the channel will be available to only * the workspace specified by `team_id`. */ org_wide?: false; /** * @description The workspace to create the channel in. This argument is required unless you set `org_wide` to `true`. */ team_id: string; } type WorkspaceAccess = OrgWide | SpecificTeam; export type AdminConversationsCreateArguments = TokenOverridable & WorkspaceAccess & { /** @description When `true`, creates a private channel instead of a public channel. */ is_private: boolean; /** @description Name of the public or private channel to create. */ name: string; /** @description Description of the public or private channel to create. */ description?: string; }; export interface AdminConversationsDeleteArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsDisconnectSharedArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description Team IDs getting removed from the channel, optional if there are only two teams in the channel. */ leaving_team_ids?: string[]; } export interface AdminConversationsEKMListOriginalConnectedChannelInfoArguments extends Partial, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled { /** @description A comma-separated list of channels to filter to. */ channel_ids?: string[]; } export interface AdminConversationsGetConversationPrefsArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsGetCustomRetentionArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsGetTeamsArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled { } export interface AdminConversationsInviteArguments extends ChannelID, UserIDs, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsLookupArguments extends TeamIDs, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled { /** * @description UNIX timestamp to filter by public channels where the most recent message * was sent before this parameter. */ last_message_activity_before: number; /** @description Filter by public channels with member count equal to or less than the specified number. */ max_member_count?: number; } export interface AdminConversationsRemoveCustomRetentionArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsRenameArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description The new name for the channel. */ name: string; } export interface AdminConversationsRestrictAccessAddGroupArguments extends ChannelID, GroupID, RestrictAccessTeamID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsRestrictAccessListGroupsArguments extends ChannelID, RestrictAccessTeamID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsRestrictAccessRemoveGroupArguments extends ChannelID, GroupID, RestrictAccessTeamID, TokenOverridable { } export interface AdminConversationsSearchArguments extends SortDir, Partial, TokenOverridable, CursorPaginationEnabled { /** @description Array of encoded team IDs, signifying the external orgs to search through. */ connected_team_ids?: string[]; /** @description Name of the channel to query by. */ query?: string; /** * @description The type of channels to include or exclude in the search. For example `private` will search * private channels, while `private_exclude` will exclude them. * @see {@link Full list of channel types}. */ search_channel_types?: ChannelType[]; /** * @description Possible values are: * - `relevant`: search ranking based on what we think is closest, * - `name`: alphabetical, * - `member_count`: number of users in the channel, * - `created`: date channel was created. * Defaults to `member_count`. * You can optionally pair this with the `sort_dir` argument to change how it is sorted. */ sort?: 'relevant' | 'name' | 'member_count' | 'created'; /** * @description Only return the total count of channels. * Omits channel data and allows access for admins without channel manager permissions. Defaults to `false`. */ total_count_only?: boolean; } export interface AdminConversationsSetConversationPrefsArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description The prefs for this channel. */ prefs: Record; } export interface AdminConversationsSetCustomRetentionArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description The message retention duration in days to set for this conversation. */ duration_days: number; } export interface AdminConversationsSetTeamsArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description Set to `true` if channel has to be converted to an org channel. Defaults to `false`. */ org_channel?: boolean; /** * @description A list of workspaces to which the channel should be shared. * Not required if the channel is being shared org-wide. */ target_team_ids?: string[]; /** * @description The workspace to which the channel belongs. * Omit this argument if the channel is a cross-workspace shared channel. */ team_id?: string; } export interface AdminConversationsUnarchiveArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { } export {}; //#