import type { OptionalArgument } from '../helpers'; import type { ChannelID, ChannelIDs, TokenOverridable, UserIDs } from './common'; interface CanvasID { /** @description Encoded ID of the canvas. */ canvas_id: string; } export interface DocumentContent { /** @description The type of content used to describe Canvas content. Always is `markdown`. */ type: 'markdown'; /** @description The markdown defining the Canvas content. */ markdown: string; } type SectionType = 'any_header' | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3'; interface SectionTypes { /** @description List of desired section types to filter on. Minimum of 1, maximum of 3. */ section_types: [SectionType, ...SectionType[]]; } interface ContainsText { /** @description Textual content that must appear in the section. */ contains_text: string; } type Criteria = (SectionTypes & Partial) | (Partial & ContainsText); type Operation = 'insert_after' | 'insert_before' | 'insert_at_start' | 'insert_at_end' | 'replace' | 'delete'; interface BaseChange { /** @description The operation to perform on the canvas. */ operation?: Operation; /** @description The section of the canvas to target the operation on. */ section_id?: string; /** @description Structure describing the type and contents. */ document_content?: DocumentContent; } type ChangeWithSectionAndContent = Required & { /** @description The operation to perform on the canvas. */ operation: 'insert_after' | 'insert_before'; }; type ChangeWithContent = Required> & { /** @description The operation to perform on the canvas. */ operation: 'insert_at_start' | 'insert_at_end'; }; type ChangeWithContentAndOptionalSection = BaseChange & Required> & { /** @description The operation to perform on the canvas. */ operation: 'replace'; }; type ChangeWithSection = Required> & { /** @description The operation to perform on the canvas. */ operation: 'delete'; }; type Change = ChangeWithSection | ChangeWithContent | ChangeWithSectionAndContent | ChangeWithContentAndOptionalSection; export interface CanvasesAccessDeleteArguments extends CanvasID, Partial, TokenOverridable, Partial { } export interface CanvasesAccessSetArguments extends CanvasID, Partial, TokenOverridable, Partial { /** @description Desired level of access. */ access_level: 'read' | 'write'; } export type CanvasesCreateArguments = OptionalArgument; export interface CanvasesSectionsLookupArguments extends CanvasID, TokenOverridable { /** @description Filtering criteria. */ criteria: Criteria; } export interface CanvasesDeleteArguments extends CanvasID, TokenOverridable { } export interface CanvasesEditArguments extends CanvasID, TokenOverridable { /** @description List of changes to apply to the canvas. */ changes: [Change, ...Change[]]; } export interface ConversationsCanvasesCreateArguments extends ChannelID, TokenOverridable { /** @description Structure describing the type and contents of the Canvas being created. */ document_content?: DocumentContent; } export {}; //#