import { ErrorLike } from './errors'; import * as GQL from './schema/graphqlschema'; export declare type ID = string; export interface IClient { __typename: 'Client'; displayName: string; } /** * A subset of the settings JSON Schema type containing the minimum needed by this library. */ export interface Settings { extensions?: { [extensionID: string]: boolean; }; [key: string]: any; subjects?: never; merged?: never; } /** * A configuration subject is something that can have settings associated with it, such as a site ("global * settings"), an organization ("organization settings"), a user ("user settings"), etc. */ export declare type ConfigurationSubject = Pick & (Pick | Pick | Pick | Pick); /** * A cascade of settings from multiple subjects, from lowest precedence to highest precedence, and the final * settings, merged in order of precedence from the settings for each subject in the cascade. * * Callers that need to represent the null/error states should use {@link ConfigurationCascade}. * * @template S the configuration subject type * @template C the settings type */ export interface ConfigurationCascade { /** * The settings for each subject in the cascade, from lowest to highest precedence. */ subjects: ConfiguredSubject[]; merged: C; } /** * A configuration cascade that also supports representing subjects with no settings or whose settings triggered an * error. * * Callers that don't need to represent the null/error states should use {@link ConfigurationCascade}. * * @template S the configuration subject type * @template C the settings type */ export interface ConfigurationCascadeOrError extends Pick, Exclude, 'subjects' | 'merged'>> { /** * The settings for each subject in the cascade, from lowest to highest precedence, null if there are none, or * an error. * * @see ConfigurationCascade#subjects */ subjects: ConfiguredSubjectOrError[] | ErrorLike | null; /** * The final settings (merged in order of precedence from the settings for each subject in the cascade), an * error (if any occurred while retrieving, parsing, or merging the settings), or null if there are no settings * from any of the subjects. * * @see ConfigurationCascade#merged */ merged: C | ErrorLike | null; } /** * A subject and its settings. * * Callers that need to represent the null/error states should use {@link ConfiguredSubjectOrError}. * * @template S the configuration subject type * @template C the settings type */ export interface ConfiguredSubject { /** The subject. */ subject: S; /** The subject's settings. */ settings: C; } /** * A subject and its settings, or null if there are no settings, or an error. * * Callers that don't need to represent the null/error states should use {@link ConfiguredSubject}. */ export interface ConfiguredSubjectOrError extends Pick, Exclude, 'settings'>> { /** * The subject's settings (if any), an error (if any occurred while retrieving or parsing the settings), or * null if there are no settings. */ settings: C | ErrorLike | null; } /** A minimal subset of a GraphQL ConfigurationSubject type that includes only the single contents value. */ export interface SubjectConfigurationContents { latestSettings: { configuration: { contents: string; }; } | null; } /** Converts a GraphQL ConfigurationCascade value to a value of this library's ConfigurationCascade type. */ export declare function gqlToCascade({ subjects, }: { subjects: (S & SubjectConfigurationContents)[]; }): ConfigurationCascadeOrError; /** * Deeply merges the settings without modifying any of the input values. The array is ordered from lowest to * highest precedence in the merge. * * TODO(sqs): In the future, this will pass a CustomMergeFunctions value to merge. */ export declare function mergeSettings(values: C[]): C | null; export interface CustomMergeFunctions { [key: string]: (base: any, add: any) => any | CustomMergeFunctions; } /** * Deeply merges add into base (modifying base). The merged value for a key path can be customized by providing a * function at the same key path in custom. * * Most callers should use mergeSettings, which uses the set of CustomMergeFunctions that are required to properly * merge settings. */ export declare function merge(base: any, add: any, custom?: CustomMergeFunctions): void; /** * The conventional ordering of extension configuration subject types in a list. */ export declare const SUBJECT_TYPE_ORDER: ConfigurationSubject['__typename'][]; export declare function subjectTypeHeader(nodeType: ConfigurationSubject['__typename']): string | null; export declare function subjectLabel(subject: ConfigurationSubject): string; /** * React partial props for components needing the configuration cascade. */ export interface ConfigurationCascadeProps { configurationCascade: ConfigurationCascadeOrError; }