/** * The **chain** ID. * Is used for signing, so transactions can't be replayed on other chains. */ export enum ChainID { Testnet = 0x80000000, Mainnet = 0x00000001, } /** * The **transaction** version. * Is used for signing, so transactions can't be replayed on other networks. */ export enum TransactionVersion { Mainnet = 0x00, Testnet = 0x80, } /** * The **peer** network ID. * Typically not used in signing, but used for broadcasting to the P2P network. * It can also be used to determine the parent of a subnet. * * **Attention:** * For mainnet/testnet the v2/info response `.network_id` refers to the chain ID. * For subnets the v2/info response `.network_id` refers to the peer network ID and the chain ID (they are the same for subnets). * The `.parent_network_id` refers to the actual peer network ID (of the parent) in both cases. */ export enum PeerNetworkID { Mainnet = 0x17000000, Testnet = 0xff000000, } /** @ignore internal */ export const PRIVATE_KEY_COMPRESSED_LENGTH = 33; /** @ignore internal */ export const PRIVATE_KEY_UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH = 32; /** @ignore internal */ export const BLOCKSTACK_DEFAULT_GAIA_HUB_URL = 'https://hub.blockstack.org';