import { result } from './utils'; import type { InMemoryFileSystem } from '../compiler/sys/in-memory-fs'; import type { CPSerializable } from './child_process'; import type { BuildEvents, BuildLog, BuildResultsComponentGraph, CompilerBuildResults, CompilerFsStats, CompilerRequestResponse, CompilerSystem, Config, CopyResults, DevServerConfig, DevServerEditor, Diagnostic, Logger, LoggerLineUpdater, LoggerTimeSpan, OptimizeCssInput, OptimizeCssOutput, OutputTarget, OutputTargetWww, PageReloadStrategy, PrerenderConfig, StyleDoc, TaskCommand, ValidatedConfig } from './stencil-public-compiler'; import type { JsonDocMethodParameter } from './stencil-public-docs'; import type { ComponentInterface, ListenTargetOptions, VNode } from './stencil-public-runtime'; export interface DocData { hostIds: number; rootLevelIds: number; staticComponents: Set; } export type StencilDocument = Document & { _stencilDocData: DocData; }; export interface SourceMap { file: string; mappings: string; names: string[]; sourceRoot?: string; sources: string[]; sourcesContent?: string[]; version: number; } export interface PrintLine { lineIndex: number; lineNumber: number; text: string; errorCharStart: number; errorLength?: number; } export interface AssetsMeta { absolutePath: string; cmpRelativePath: string; originalComponentPath: string; } export interface ParsedImport { importPath: string; basename: string; ext: string; data: ImportData; } export interface ImportData { tag?: string; encapsulation?: string; mode?: string; } export interface SerializeImportData extends ImportData { importeePath: string; importerPath?: string; } export interface BuildFeatures { style: boolean; mode: boolean; formAssociated: boolean; shadowDom: boolean; shadowDelegatesFocus: boolean; scoped: boolean; /** * Every component has a render function */ allRenderFn: boolean; /** * At least one component has a render function */ hasRenderFn: boolean; vdomRender: boolean; vdomAttribute: boolean; vdomClass: boolean; vdomFunctional: boolean; vdomKey: boolean; vdomListener: boolean; vdomPropOrAttr: boolean; vdomRef: boolean; vdomStyle: boolean; vdomText: boolean; vdomXlink: boolean; slotRelocation: boolean; slot: boolean; svg: boolean; element: boolean; event: boolean; hostListener: boolean; hostListenerTargetWindow: boolean; hostListenerTargetDocument: boolean; hostListenerTargetBody: boolean; /** * @deprecated Prevented from new apps, but left in for older collections */ hostListenerTargetParent: boolean; hostListenerTarget: boolean; method: boolean; prop: boolean; propMutable: boolean; state: boolean; watchCallback: boolean; member: boolean; updatable: boolean; propBoolean: boolean; propNumber: boolean; propString: boolean; lifecycle: boolean; cmpDidLoad: boolean; cmpShouldUpdate: boolean; cmpWillLoad: boolean; cmpDidUpdate: boolean; cmpWillUpdate: boolean; cmpWillRender: boolean; cmpDidRender: boolean; cmpDidUnload: boolean; connectedCallback: boolean; disconnectedCallback: boolean; asyncLoading: boolean; observeAttribute: boolean; reflect: boolean; taskQueue: boolean; } export interface BuildConditionals extends Partial { hotModuleReplacement?: boolean; isDebug?: boolean; isTesting?: boolean; isDev?: boolean; devTools?: boolean; invisiblePrehydration?: boolean; hydrateServerSide?: boolean; hydrateClientSide?: boolean; lifecycleDOMEvents?: boolean; cssAnnotations?: boolean; lazyLoad?: boolean; profile?: boolean; constructableCSS?: boolean; appendChildSlotFix?: boolean; slotChildNodesFix?: boolean; scopedSlotTextContentFix?: boolean; cloneNodeFix?: boolean; hydratedAttribute?: boolean; hydratedClass?: boolean; hydratedSelectorName?: string; initializeNextTick?: boolean; scriptDataOpts?: boolean; shadowDomShim?: boolean; asyncQueue?: boolean; transformTagName?: boolean; attachStyles?: boolean; experimentalSlotFixes?: boolean; experimentalScopedSlotChanges?: boolean; } export type ModuleFormat = 'amd' | 'cjs' | 'es' | 'iife' | 'system' | 'umd' | 'commonjs' | 'esm' | 'module' | 'systemjs'; export interface RollupResultModule { id: string; } export interface RollupResults { modules: RollupResultModule[]; } export interface UpdatedLazyBuildCtx { name: 'esm-browser' | 'esm' | 'cjs' | 'system'; buildCtx: BuildCtx; } export interface BuildCtx { buildId: number; buildResults: CompilerBuildResults; buildStats?: result.Result; buildMessages: string[]; bundleBuildCount: number; collections: CollectionCompilerMeta[]; compilerCtx: CompilerCtx; esmBrowserComponentBundle: ReadonlyArray; esmComponentBundle: ReadonlyArray; es5ComponentBundle: ReadonlyArray; systemComponentBundle: ReadonlyArray; commonJsComponentBundle: ReadonlyArray; components: ComponentCompilerMeta[]; componentGraph: Map; config: ValidatedConfig; createTimeSpan(msg: string, debug?: boolean): LoggerTimeSpan; data: any; debug: (msg: string) => void; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; dirsAdded: string[]; dirsDeleted: string[]; entryModules: EntryModule[]; filesAdded: string[]; filesChanged: string[]; filesDeleted: string[]; filesUpdated: string[]; filesWritten: string[]; globalStyle: string | undefined; hasConfigChanges: boolean; hasError: boolean; hasFinished: boolean; hasHtmlChanges: boolean; hasPrintedResults: boolean; hasServiceWorkerChanges: boolean; hasScriptChanges: boolean; hasStyleChanges: boolean; hasWarning: boolean; hydrateAppFilePath: string; indexBuildCount: number; indexDoc: Document; isRebuild: boolean; /** * A collection of Stencil's intermediate representation of components, tied to the current build */ moduleFiles: Module[]; packageJson: PackageJsonData; pendingCopyTasks: Promise[]; progress(task: BuildTask): void; requiresFullBuild: boolean; rollupResults?: RollupResults; scriptsAdded: string[]; scriptsDeleted: string[]; startTime: number; styleBuildCount: number; stylesPromise: Promise; stylesUpdated: BuildStyleUpdate[]; timeSpan: LoggerTimeSpan; timestamp: string; transpileBuildCount: number; validateTypesBuild?(): Promise; validateTypesHandler?: (results: any) => Promise; validateTypesPromise?: Promise; } export interface BuildStyleUpdate { styleTag: string; styleText: string; styleMode: string; } export type BuildTask = any; export interface CompilerBuildStats { timestamp: string; compiler: { name: string; version: string; }; app: { namespace: string; fsNamespace: string; components: number; entries: number; bundles: number; outputs: any; }; options: { minifyJs: boolean; minifyCss: boolean; hashFileNames: boolean; hashedFileNameLength: number; buildEs5: boolean | 'prod'; }; formats: { esmBrowser: ReadonlyArray; esm: ReadonlyArray; es5: ReadonlyArray; system: ReadonlyArray; commonjs: ReadonlyArray; }; components: BuildComponent[]; entries: EntryModule[]; rollupResults: RollupResults; sourceGraph?: BuildSourceGraph; componentGraph: BuildResultsComponentGraph; collections: CompilerBuildStatCollection[]; } export interface CompilerBuildStatCollection { name: string; source: string; tags: string[][]; } export interface CompilerBuildStatBundle { key: string; components: string[]; bundleId: string; fileName: string; imports: string[]; originalByteSize: number; } export interface BuildSourceGraph { [filePath: string]: string[]; } export interface BuildComponent { tag: string; dependencyOf?: string[]; dependencies?: string[]; } export type SourceTarget = 'es5' | 'es2017' | 'latest'; /** * A note regarding Rollup types: * As of this writing, there is no great way to import external types for packages that are directly embedded in the * Stencil source. As a result, some types are duplicated here for Rollup that will be used within the codebase. * Updates to rollup may require these typings to be updated. */ export type RollupResult = RollupChunkResult | RollupAssetResult; export interface RollupAssetResult { type: 'asset'; fileName: string; content: string; } export interface RollupChunkResult { type: 'chunk'; entryKey: string; fileName: string; code: string; isEntry: boolean; isComponent: boolean; isCore: boolean; isIndex: boolean; isBrowserLoader: boolean; imports: string[]; moduleFormat: ModuleFormat; map?: RollupSourceMap; } export interface RollupSourceMap { file: string; mappings: string; names: string[]; sources: string[]; sourcesContent: string[]; version: number; toString(): string; toUrl(): string; } /** * Result of Stencil compressing, mangling, and otherwise 'minifying' JavaScript */ export type OptimizeJsResult = { output: string; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; sourceMap?: SourceMap; }; export interface BundleModule { entryKey: string; rollupResult: RollupChunkResult; cmps: ComponentCompilerMeta[]; output: BundleModuleOutput; } export interface BundleModuleOutput { bundleId: string; fileName: string; code: string; } export interface Cache { get(key: string): Promise; put(key: string, value: string): Promise; has(key: string): Promise; createKey(domain: string, ...args: any[]): Promise; commit(): Promise; clear(): void; clearDiskCache(): Promise; getMemoryStats(): string; initCacheDir(): Promise; } export interface CollectionCompilerMeta { collectionName: string; moduleId?: string; moduleDir: string; moduleFiles: Module[]; global?: Module; compiler?: CollectionCompilerVersion; isInitialized?: boolean; hasExports?: boolean; dependencies?: string[]; bundles?: { components: string[]; }[]; } export interface CollectionCompilerVersion { name: string; version: string; typescriptVersion?: string; } export interface CollectionManifest { entries?: CollectionComponentEntryPath[]; collections?: CollectionDependencyManifest[]; global?: string; compiler?: CollectionCompilerVersion; bundles?: CollectionBundleManifest[]; } export type CollectionComponentEntryPath = string; export interface CollectionBundleManifest { components: string[]; } export interface CollectionDependencyManifest { name: string; tags: string[]; } export interface CollectionCompiler { name: string; version: string; typescriptVersion?: string; } export interface CollectionDependencyData { name: string; tags: string[]; } export interface CompilerCtx { version: number; activeBuildId: number; activeDirsAdded: string[]; activeDirsDeleted: string[]; activeFilesAdded: string[]; activeFilesDeleted: string[]; activeFilesUpdated: string[]; addWatchDir: (path: string, recursive: boolean) => void; addWatchFile: (path: string) => void; cache: Cache; cssModuleImports: Map; cachedGlobalStyle: string; collections: CollectionCompilerMeta[]; compilerOptions: any; events: BuildEvents; fs: InMemoryFileSystem; hasSuccessfulBuild: boolean; isActivelyBuilding: boolean; lastBuildResults: CompilerBuildResults; /** * A mapping of a file path to a Stencil {@link Module} */ moduleMap: ModuleMap; nodeMap: NodeMap; resolvedCollections: Set; rollupCacheHydrate: any; rollupCacheLazy: any; rollupCacheNative: any; styleModeNames: Set; changedModules: Set; changedFiles: Set; worker?: CompilerWorkerContext; rollupCache: Map; reset(): void; } export type NodeMap = WeakMap; /** * Record, for a specific component, whether or not it has various features * which need to be handled correctly in the compilation pipeline. * * Note: this must be serializable to JSON. */ export interface ComponentCompilerFeatures { hasAttribute: boolean; hasAttributeChangedCallbackFn: boolean; hasComponentWillLoadFn: boolean; hasComponentDidLoadFn: boolean; hasComponentShouldUpdateFn: boolean; hasComponentWillUpdateFn: boolean; hasComponentDidUpdateFn: boolean; hasComponentWillRenderFn: boolean; hasComponentDidRenderFn: boolean; hasComponentDidUnloadFn: boolean; hasConnectedCallbackFn: boolean; hasDisconnectedCallbackFn: boolean; hasElement: boolean; hasEvent: boolean; hasLifecycle: boolean; hasListener: boolean; hasListenerTarget: boolean; hasListenerTargetWindow: boolean; hasListenerTargetDocument: boolean; hasListenerTargetBody: boolean; /** * @deprecated Prevented from new apps, but left in for older collections */ hasListenerTargetParent: boolean; hasMember: boolean; hasMethod: boolean; hasMode: boolean; hasProp: boolean; hasPropBoolean: boolean; hasPropNumber: boolean; hasPropString: boolean; hasPropMutable: boolean; hasReflect: boolean; hasRenderFn: boolean; hasState: boolean; hasStyle: boolean; hasVdomAttribute: boolean; hasVdomClass: boolean; hasVdomFunctional: boolean; hasVdomKey: boolean; hasVdomListener: boolean; hasVdomPropOrAttr: boolean; hasVdomRef: boolean; hasVdomRender: boolean; hasVdomStyle: boolean; hasVdomText: boolean; hasVdomXlink: boolean; hasWatchCallback: boolean; htmlAttrNames: string[]; htmlTagNames: string[]; htmlParts: string[]; isUpdateable: boolean; /** * A plain component is one that doesn't have: * - any members decorated with `@Prop()`, `@State()`, `@Element()`, `@Method()` * - any methods decorated with `@Listen()` * - any styles * - any lifecycle methods, including `render()` */ isPlain: boolean; /** * A collection of tag names of web components that a component references in its JSX/h() function */ potentialCmpRefs: string[]; } /** * Metadata about a given component * * Note: must be serializable to JSON! */ export interface ComponentCompilerMeta extends ComponentCompilerFeatures { assetsDirs: CompilerAssetDir[]; /** * The name to which an `ElementInternals` object (the return value of * `HTMLElement.attachInternals`) should be attached at runtime. If this is * `null` then `attachInternals` should not be called. */ attachInternalsMemberName: string | null; componentClassName: string; /** * A list of web component tag names that are either: * - directly referenced in a Stencil component's JSX/h() function * - are referenced by a web component that is directly referenced in a Stencil component's JSX/h() function */ dependencies: string[]; /** * A list of web component tag names that either: * - directly reference the current component directly in their JSX/h() function * - indirectly/transitively reference the current component directly in their JSX/h() function */ dependents: string[]; /** * A list of web component tag names that are directly referenced in a Stencil component's JSX/h() function */ directDependencies: string[]; /** * A list of web component tag names that the current component directly in their JSX/h() function */ directDependents: string[]; docs: CompilerJsDoc; elementRef: string; encapsulation: Encapsulation; events: ComponentCompilerEvent[]; excludeFromCollection: boolean; /** * Whether or not the component is form-associated */ formAssociated: boolean; internal: boolean; isCollectionDependency: boolean; jsFilePath: string; listeners: ComponentCompilerListener[]; methods: ComponentCompilerMethod[]; properties: ComponentCompilerProperty[]; shadowDelegatesFocus: boolean; sourceFilePath: string; sourceMapPath: string; states: ComponentCompilerState[]; styleDocs: CompilerStyleDoc[]; styles: StyleCompiler[]; tagName: string; virtualProperties: ComponentCompilerVirtualProperty[]; watchers: ComponentCompilerWatch[]; } /** * The supported style encapsulation modes on a Stencil component: * 1. 'shadow' - native Shadow DOM * 2. 'scoped' - encapsulated styles and polyfilled slots * 3. 'none' - a basic HTML element */ export type Encapsulation = 'shadow' | 'scoped' | 'none'; /** * Intermediate Representation (IR) of a static property on a Stencil component */ export interface ComponentCompilerStaticProperty { mutable: boolean; optional: boolean; required: boolean; type: ComponentCompilerPropertyType; complexType: ComponentCompilerPropertyComplexType; attribute?: string; reflect?: boolean; docs: CompilerJsDoc; defaultValue?: string; } /** * Intermediate Representation (IR) of a property on a Stencil component */ export interface ComponentCompilerProperty extends ComponentCompilerStaticProperty { name: string; internal: boolean; } export interface ComponentCompilerVirtualProperty { name: string; type: string; docs: string; } export type ComponentCompilerPropertyType = 'any' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'number' | 'unknown'; /** * Information about a type used in a Stencil component or exported * from a Stencil project. */ export interface ComponentCompilerPropertyComplexType { /** * The string of the original type annotation in the Stencil source code */ original: string; /** * A 'resolved' type, where e.g. imported types have been resolved and inlined * * For instance, an annotation like `(foo: Foo) => string;` will be * converted to `(foo: { foo: string }) => string;`. */ resolved: string; /** * A record of the types which were referenced in the assorted type * annotation in the original source file. */ references: ComponentCompilerTypeReferences; } /** * A record of `ComponentCompilerTypeReference` entities. * * Each key in this record is intended to be the names of the types used by a component. However, this is not enforced * by the type system (I.E. any string can be used as a key). * * Note any key can be a user defined type or a TypeScript standard type. */ export type ComponentCompilerTypeReferences = Record; /** * Describes a reference to a type used by a component. */ export interface ComponentCompilerTypeReference { /** * A type may be defined: * - locally (in the same file as the component that uses it) * - globally * - by importing it into a file (and is defined elsewhere) */ location: 'local' | 'global' | 'import'; /** * The path to the type reference, if applicable (global types should not need a path associated with them) */ path?: string; /** * An ID for this type which is unique within a Stencil project. */ id: string; } /** * Information about a type which is referenced by another type on a Stencil * component, for instance a {@link ComponentCompilerPropertyComplexType} or a * {@link ComponentCompilerEventComplexType}. */ export interface ComponentCompilerReferencedType { /** * The path to the module where the type is declared. */ path: string; /** * The string of the original type annotation in the Stencil source code */ declaration: string; /** * An extracted docstring */ docstring: string; } export interface ComponentCompilerStaticEvent { name: string; method: string; bubbles: boolean; cancelable: boolean; composed: boolean; docs: CompilerJsDoc; complexType: ComponentCompilerEventComplexType; } export interface ComponentCompilerEvent extends ComponentCompilerStaticEvent { internal: boolean; } export interface ComponentCompilerEventComplexType { original: string; resolved: string; references: ComponentCompilerTypeReferences; } export interface ComponentCompilerListener { name: string; method: string; capture: boolean; passive: boolean; target: ListenTargetOptions | undefined; } export interface ComponentCompilerStaticMethod { docs: CompilerJsDoc; complexType: ComponentCompilerMethodComplexType; } export interface ComponentCompilerMethodComplexType { signature: string; parameters: JsonDocMethodParameter[]; references: ComponentCompilerTypeReferences; return: string; } export interface ComponentCompilerWatch { propName: string; methodName: string; } export interface ComponentCompilerMethod extends ComponentCompilerStaticMethod { name: string; internal: boolean; } export interface ComponentCompilerState { name: string; } /** * Representation of JSDoc that is pulled off a node in the AST */ export interface CompilerJsDoc { /** * The text associated with the JSDoc */ text: string; /** * Tags included in the JSDoc */ tags: CompilerJsDocTagInfo[]; } /** * Representation of a tag that exists in a JSDoc */ export interface CompilerJsDocTagInfo { /** * The name of the tag - e.g. `@deprecated` */ name: string; /** * Additional text that is associated with the tag - e.g. `@deprecated use v2 of this API` */ text?: string; } /** * The (internal) representation of a CSS block comment in a CSS, Sass, etc. file. This data structure is used during * the initial compilation phases of Stencil, as a piece of {@link ComponentCompilerMeta}. */ export interface CompilerStyleDoc { /** * The name of the CSS property */ name: string; /** * The user-defined description of the CSS property */ docs: string; /** * The JSDoc-style annotation (e.g. `@prop`) that was used in the block comment to detect the comment. * Used to inform Stencil where the start of a new property's description starts (and where the previous description * ends). */ annotation: 'prop'; /** * The Stencil style-mode that is associated with this property. */ mode: string; } export interface CompilerAssetDir { absolutePath?: string; cmpRelativePath?: string; originalComponentPath?: string; } export interface ComponentCompilerData { exportLine: string; filePath: string; cmp: ComponentCompilerMeta; uniqueComponentClassName?: string; importLine?: string; } export interface ComponentConstructor { is?: string; properties?: ComponentConstructorProperties; watchers?: ComponentConstructorWatchers; events?: ComponentConstructorEvent[]; listeners?: ComponentConstructorListener[]; style?: string; styleId?: string; encapsulation?: ComponentConstructorEncapsulation; observedAttributes?: string[]; cmpMeta?: ComponentRuntimeMeta; isProxied?: boolean; isStyleRegistered?: boolean; } /** * A mapping from class member names to a list of methods which are watching * them. */ export interface ComponentConstructorWatchers { [propName: string]: string[]; } export interface ComponentTestingConstructor extends ComponentConstructor { COMPILER_META: ComponentCompilerMeta; prototype?: { componentWillLoad?: Function; componentWillUpdate?: Function; componentWillRender?: Function; __componentWillLoad?: Function | null; __componentWillUpdate?: Function | null; __componentWillRender?: Function | null; }; } export interface ComponentNativeConstructor extends ComponentConstructor { cmpMeta: ComponentRuntimeMeta; } export type ComponentConstructorEncapsulation = 'shadow' | 'scoped' | 'none'; export interface ComponentConstructorProperties { [propName: string]: ComponentConstructorProperty; } export interface ComponentConstructorProperty { attribute?: string; elementRef?: boolean; method?: boolean; mutable?: boolean; reflect?: boolean; state?: boolean; type?: ComponentConstructorPropertyType; watchCallbacks?: string[]; } export type ComponentConstructorPropertyType = StringConstructor | BooleanConstructor | NumberConstructor | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'number'; export interface ComponentConstructorEvent { name: string; method: string; bubbles: boolean; cancelable: boolean; composed: boolean; } export interface ComponentConstructorListener { name: string; method: string; capture?: boolean; passive?: boolean; } export interface DevClientWindow extends Window { ['s-dev-server']: boolean; ['s-initial-load']: boolean; ['s-build-id']: number; WebSocket: new (socketUrl: string, protos: string[]) => WebSocket; devServerConfig?: DevClientConfig; } export interface DevClientConfig { basePath: string; editors: DevServerEditor[]; reloadStrategy: PageReloadStrategy; socketUrl?: string; } export interface HttpRequest { method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'OPTIONS'; acceptHeader: string; url: URL; searchParams: URLSearchParams; pathname?: string; filePath?: string; stats?: CompilerFsStats; headers?: { [name: string]: string; }; host?: string; } export interface DevServerMessage { startServer?: DevServerConfig; closeServer?: boolean; serverStarted?: DevServerConfig; serverClosed?: boolean; buildStart?: boolean; buildLog?: BuildLog; buildResults?: CompilerBuildResults; requestBuildResults?: boolean; error?: { message?: string; type?: string; stack?: any; }; isActivelyBuilding?: boolean; compilerRequestPath?: string; compilerRequestResults?: CompilerRequestResponse; requestLog?: { method: string; url: string; status: number; }; } export type DevServerSendMessage = (msg: DevServerMessage) => void; export interface DevServerContext { connectorHtml: string; dirTemplate: string; getBuildResults: () => Promise; getCompilerRequest: (path: string) => Promise; isServerListening: boolean; logRequest: (req: HttpRequest, status: number) => void; prerenderConfig: PrerenderConfig; serve302: (req: any, res: any, pathname?: string) => void; serve404: (req: any, res: any, xSource: string, content?: string) => void; serve500: (req: any, res: any, error: any, xSource: string) => void; sys: CompilerSystem; } export type InitServerProcess = (sendMsg: (msg: DevServerMessage) => void) => (msg: DevServerMessage) => void; export interface DevResponseHeaders { 'cache-control'?: string; expires?: string; 'content-type'?: string; 'content-length'?: number; date?: string; 'access-control-allow-origin'?: string; 'access-control-expose-headers'?: string; 'content-encoding'?: 'gzip'; vary?: 'Accept-Encoding'; server?: string; 'x-directory-index'?: string; 'x-source'?: string; } export interface OpenInEditorData { file?: string; line?: number; column?: number; open?: string; editor?: string; exists?: boolean; error?: string; } export interface EntryModule { entryKey: string; cmps: ComponentCompilerMeta[]; } /** * An interface extending `HTMLElement` which describes the fields added onto * host HTML elements by the Stencil runtime. */ export interface HostElement extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback?: () => void; attributeChangedCallback?: (attribName: string, oldVal: string, newVal: string, namespace: string) => void; disconnectedCallback?: () => void; host?: Element; forceUpdate?: () => void; /** * Unique stencil id for this element */ ['s-id']?: string; /** * Content Reference: * Reference to the HTML Comment that's placed inside of the * host element's original content. This comment is used to * always represent where host element's light dom is. */ ['s-cr']?: RenderNode; /** * Lifecycle ready */ ['s-lr']?: boolean; /** * A reference to the `ElementInternals` object for the current host * * This is used for maintaining a reference to the object between HMR * refreshes in the lazy build. * * "stencil-element-internals" */ ['s-ei']?: ElementInternals; /** * On Render Callbacks: * Array of callbacks to fire off after it has rendered. */ ['s-rc']?: (() => void)[]; /** * Scope Id * The scope id of this component when using scoped css encapsulation * or using shadow dom but the browser doesn't support it */ ['s-sc']?: string; /** * Scope Ids * All the possible scope ids of this component when using scoped css encapsulation * or using shadow dom but the browser doesn't support it */ ['s-scs']?: string[]; /** * Hot Module Replacement, dev mode only * * This function should be defined by the HMR-supporting runtime and should * do the work of actually updating the component in-place. */ ['s-hmr']?: (versionId: string) => void; ['s-p']?: Promise[]; componentOnReady?: () => Promise; } export interface HydrateResults { buildId: string; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; url: string; host: string | null; hostname: string | null; href: string | null; port: string | null; pathname: string | null; search: string | null; hash: string | null; html: string | null; components: HydrateComponent[]; anchors: HydrateAnchorElement[]; imgs: HydrateImgElement[]; scripts: HydrateScriptElement[]; styles: HydrateStyleElement[]; staticData: HydrateStaticData[]; title: string | null; hydratedCount: number; httpStatus: number | null; } export interface HydrateComponent { tag: string; mode: string; count: number; depth: number; } export interface HydrateElement { [attrName: string]: string | undefined; } export interface HydrateAnchorElement extends HydrateElement { href?: string; target?: string; } export interface HydrateImgElement extends HydrateElement { src?: string; } export interface HydrateScriptElement extends HydrateElement { src?: string; type?: string; } export interface HydrateStyleElement extends HydrateElement { href?: string; } export interface HydrateStaticData { id: string; type: string; content: string; } export interface JsDoc { name: string; documentation: string; type: string; tags: JSDocTagInfo[]; default?: string; parameters?: JsDoc[]; returns?: { type: string; documentation: string; }; } export interface JSDocTagInfo { name: string; text?: string; } /** * A mapping from a TypeScript or JavaScript source file path on disk, to a Stencil {@link Module}. * * It is advised that the key (path) be normalized before storing/retrieving the `Module` to avoid unnecessary lookup * failures. */ export type ModuleMap = Map; /** * Stencil's Intermediate Representation (IR) of a module, bundling together * various pieces of information like the classes declared within it, the path * to the original source file, HTML tag names defined in the file, and so on. * * Note that this gets serialized/parsed as JSON and therefore cannot contain a * `Map` or a `Set`. */ export interface Module { cmps: ComponentCompilerMeta[]; /** * A collection of modules that a component will need. The modules in this list must have import statements generated * in order for the component to function. */ coreRuntimeApis: string[]; /** * A collection of modules that a component will need for a specific output target. The modules in this list must * have import statements generated in order for the component to function, but only for a specific output target. */ outputTargetCoreRuntimeApis: Partial>; collectionName: string; dtsFilePath: string; excludeFromCollection: boolean; externalImports: string[]; htmlAttrNames: string[]; htmlTagNames: string[]; htmlParts: string[]; isCollectionDependency: boolean; isLegacy: boolean; jsFilePath: string; localImports: string[]; originalImports: string[]; originalCollectionComponentPath: string; potentialCmpRefs: string[]; sourceFilePath: string; staticSourceFile: any; staticSourceFileText: string; sourceMapPath: string; sourceMapFileText: string; hasVdomAttribute: boolean; hasVdomClass: boolean; hasVdomFunctional: boolean; hasVdomKey: boolean; hasVdomListener: boolean; hasVdomPropOrAttr: boolean; hasVdomRef: boolean; hasVdomRender: boolean; hasVdomStyle: boolean; hasVdomText: boolean; hasVdomXlink: boolean; } export interface Plugin { name?: string; pluginType?: string; load?: (id: string, context: PluginCtx) => Promise | string; resolveId?: (importee: string, importer: string, context: PluginCtx) => Promise | string; transform?: (sourceText: string, id: string, context: PluginCtx) => Promise | PluginTransformResults | string; } export interface PluginTransformResults { code?: string; map?: string; id?: string; diagnostics?: Diagnostic[]; dependencies?: string[]; } export interface PluginCtx { config: Config; sys: CompilerSystem; fs: InMemoryFileSystem; cache: Cache; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } export interface PrerenderUrlResults { anchorUrls: string[]; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; filePath: string; } export interface PrerenderUrlRequest { appDir: string; buildId: string; baseUrl: string; componentGraphPath: string; devServerHostUrl: string; hydrateAppFilePath: string; isDebug: boolean; prerenderConfigPath: string; staticSite: boolean; templateId: string; url: string; writeToFilePath: string; } export interface PrerenderManager { config: Config; prerenderUrlWorker: (prerenderRequest: PrerenderUrlRequest) => Promise; devServerHostUrl: string; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; hydrateAppFilePath: string; isDebug: boolean; logCount: number; outputTarget: OutputTargetWww; prerenderConfig: PrerenderConfig; prerenderConfigPath: string; progressLogger?: LoggerLineUpdater; resolve: Function; staticSite: boolean; templateId: string; componentGraphPath: string; urlsProcessing: Set; urlsPending: Set; urlsCompleted: Set; maxConcurrency: number; } /** * Generic node that represents all of the * different types of nodes we'd see when rendering */ export interface RenderNode extends HostElement { /** * Shadow root's host */ host?: Element; /** * On Ref Function: * Callback function to be called when the slotted node ref is ready. */ ['s-rf']?: (elm: Element) => unknown; /** * Is initially hidden * Whether this node was originally rendered with the `hidden` attribute. * * Used to reset the `hidden` state of a node during slot relocation. */ ['s-ih']?: boolean; /** * Is Content Reference Node: * This node is a content reference node. */ ['s-cn']?: boolean; /** * Is a slot reference node: * This is a node that represents where a slot * was originally located. */ ['s-sr']?: boolean; /** * Slot name */ ['s-sn']?: string; /** * Host element tag name: * The tag name of the host element that this * node was created in. */ ['s-hn']?: string; /** * Slot host tag name: * This is the tag name of the element where this node * has been moved to during slot relocation. * * This allows us to check if the node has been moved and prevent * us from thinking a node _should_ be moved when it may already be in * its final destination. * * This value is set to `undefined` whenever the node is put back into its original location. */ ['s-sh']?: string; /** * Original Location Reference: * A reference pointing to the comment * which represents the original location * before it was moved to its slot. */ ['s-ol']?: RenderNode; /** * Node reference: * This is a reference for a original location node * back to the node that's been moved around. */ ['s-nr']?: RenderNode; /** * Scope Id */ ['s-si']?: string; /** * Host Id (hydrate only) */ ['s-host-id']?: number; /** * Node Id (hydrate only) */ ['s-node-id']?: number; /** * Used to know the components encapsulation. * empty "" for shadow, "c" from scoped */ ['s-en']?: '' | /*shadow*/ 'c'; } export type LazyBundlesRuntimeData = LazyBundleRuntimeData[]; export type LazyBundleRuntimeData = [ /** bundleIds */ string, ComponentRuntimeMetaCompact[] ]; export type ComponentRuntimeMetaCompact = [ /** flags */ number, /** tagname */ string, /** members */ { [memberName: string]: ComponentRuntimeMember; }?, /** listeners */ ComponentRuntimeHostListener[]?, /** watchers */ ComponentConstructorWatchers? ]; /** * Runtime metadata for a Stencil component */ export interface ComponentRuntimeMeta { /** * This number is used to hold a series of bitflags for various features we * support on components. The flags which this value is intended to store are * documented in the `CMP_FLAGS` enum. */ $flags$: number; /** * Just what it says on the tin - the tag name for the component, as set in * the `@Component` decorator. */ $tagName$: string; /** * A map of the component's members, which could include fields decorated * with `@Prop`, `@State`, etc as well as methods. */ $members$?: ComponentRuntimeMembers; /** * Information about listeners on the component. */ $listeners$?: ComponentRuntimeHostListener[]; /** * Tuples containing information about `@Prop` fields on the component which * are set to be reflected (i.e. kept in sync) as HTML attributes when * updated. */ $attrsToReflect$?: ComponentRuntimeReflectingAttr[]; /** * Information about which class members have watchers attached on the component. */ $watchers$?: ComponentConstructorWatchers; /** * A bundle ID used for lazy loading. */ $lazyBundleId$?: string; } /** * A mapping of the names of members on the component to some runtime-specific * information about them. */ export interface ComponentRuntimeMembers { [memberName: string]: ComponentRuntimeMember; } /** * A tuple with information about a class member that's relevant at runtime. * The fields are: * * 1. A number used to hold bitflags for component members. The bit flags which * this is intended to store are documented in the `MEMBER_FLAGS` enum. * 2. The attribute name to observe. */ export type ComponentRuntimeMember = [number, string?]; /** * A tuple holding information about a host listener which is relevant at * runtime. The field are: * * 1. A number used to hold bitflags for listeners. The bit flags which this is * intended to store are documented in the `LISTENER_FLAGS` enum. * 2. The event name. * 3. The method name. */ export type ComponentRuntimeHostListener = [number, string, string]; /** * A tuple containing information about props which are "reflected" at runtime, * meaning that HTML attributes on the component instance are kept in sync with * the prop value. * * The fields are: * * 1. the prop name * 2. the prop attribute. */ export type ComponentRuntimeReflectingAttr = [string, string | undefined]; /** * A runtime component reference, consistent of either a host element _or_ an * empty object. This is used in particular in a few different places as the * keys in a `WeakMap` which maps {@link HostElement} instances to their * associated {@link HostRef} instance. */ export type RuntimeRef = HostElement | {}; /** * Interface used to track an Element, it's virtual Node (`VNode`), and other data */ export interface HostRef { $ancestorComponent$?: HostElement; $flags$: number; $cmpMeta$: ComponentRuntimeMeta; $hostElement$: HostElement; $instanceValues$?: Map; $lazyInstance$?: ComponentInterface; /** * A promise that gets resolved if `BUILD.asyncLoading` is enabled and after the `componentDidLoad` * and before the `componentDidUpdate` lifecycle events are triggered. */ $onReadyPromise$?: Promise; /** * A callback which resolves {@link HostRef.$onReadyPromise$} * @param elm host element */ $onReadyResolve$?: (elm: HostElement) => void; /** * A promise which resolves with the host component once it has finished rendering * for the first time. This is primarily used to wait for the first `update` to be * called on a component. */ $onInstancePromise$?: Promise; /** * A callback which resolves {@link HostRef.$onInstancePromise$} * @param elm host element */ $onInstanceResolve$?: (elm: HostElement) => void; /** * A promise which resolves when the component has finished rendering for the first time. * It is called after {@link HostRef.$onInstancePromise$} resolves. */ $onRenderResolve$?: () => void; $vnode$?: VNode; $queuedListeners$?: [string, any][]; $rmListeners$?: (() => void)[]; $modeName$?: string; $renderCount$?: number; } export interface PlatformRuntime { /** * This number is used to hold a series of bitflags for various features we * support within the runtime. The flags which this value is intended to store are * documented in the {@link PLATFORM_FLAGS} enum. */ $flags$: number; /** * Holds a map of nodes to be hydrated. */ $orgLocNodes$?: Map; /** * Holds the resource url for given platform environment. */ $resourcesUrl$: string; /** * The nonce value to be applied to all script/style tags at runtime. * If `null`, the nonce attribute will not be applied. */ $nonce$?: string | null; /** * A utility function that executes a given function and returns the result. * @param c The callback function to execute */ jmp: (c: Function) => any; /** * A wrapper for {@link `requestAnimationFrame`} */ raf: (c: FrameRequestCallback) => number; /** * A wrapper for {@link `addEventListener`} */ ael: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void; /** * A wrapper for {@link `removeEventListener`} */ rel: (el: EventTarget, eventName: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject, options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void; /** * A wrapper for creating a {@link `CustomEvent`} */ ce: (eventName: string, opts?: any) => CustomEvent; } export type StyleMap = Map; export type RootAppliedStyleMap = WeakMap>; export interface ScreenshotConnector { initBuild(opts: ScreenshotConnectorOptions): Promise; completeBuild(masterBuild: ScreenshotBuild): Promise; getMasterBuild(): Promise; pullMasterBuild(): Promise; publishBuild(buildResults: ScreenshotBuildResults): Promise; getScreenshotCache(): Promise; updateScreenshotCache(screenshotCache: ScreenshotCache, buildResults: ScreenshotBuildResults): Promise; generateJsonpDataUris(build: ScreenshotBuild): Promise; sortScreenshots(screenshots: Screenshot[]): Screenshot[]; toJson(masterBuild: ScreenshotBuild, screenshotCache: ScreenshotCache): string; } export interface ScreenshotBuildResults { appNamespace: string; masterBuild: ScreenshotBuild; currentBuild: ScreenshotBuild; compare: ScreenshotCompareResults; } export interface ScreenshotCompareResults { id: string; a: { id: string; message: string; author: string; url: string; previewUrl: string; }; b: { id: string; message: string; author: string; url: string; previewUrl: string; }; timestamp: number; url: string; appNamespace: string; diffs: ScreenshotDiff[]; } export interface ScreenshotConnectorOptions { buildId: string; buildMessage: string; buildAuthor?: string; buildUrl?: string; previewUrl?: string; appNamespace: string; buildTimestamp: number; logger: Logger; rootDir: string; cacheDir: string; packageDir: string; screenshotDirName?: string; imagesDirName?: string; buildsDirName?: string; currentBuildDir?: string; updateMaster?: boolean; allowableMismatchedPixels?: number; allowableMismatchedRatio?: number; pixelmatchThreshold?: number; waitBeforeScreenshot?: number; pixelmatchModulePath?: string; } export interface ScreenshotBuildData { buildId: string; rootDir: string; screenshotDir: string; imagesDir: string; buildsDir: string; currentBuildDir: string; updateMaster: boolean; allowableMismatchedPixels: number; allowableMismatchedRatio: number; pixelmatchThreshold: number; masterScreenshots: { [screenshotId: string]: string; }; cache: { [cacheKey: string]: number; }; timeoutBeforeScreenshot: number; pixelmatchModulePath: string; } export interface PixelMatchInput { imageAPath: string; imageBPath: string; width: number; height: number; pixelmatchThreshold: number; } export interface ScreenshotBuild { id: string; message: string; author?: string; url?: string; previewUrl?: string; appNamespace: string; timestamp: number; screenshots: Screenshot[]; } export interface ScreenshotCache { timestamp?: number; lastBuildId?: string; size?: number; items?: { /** * Cache key */ key: string; /** * Timestamp used to remove the oldest data */ ts: number; /** * Mismatched pixels */ mp: number; }[]; } export interface Screenshot { id: string; desc?: string; image: string; device?: string; userAgent?: string; width: number; height: number; deviceScaleFactor?: number; hasTouch?: boolean; isLandscape?: boolean; isMobile?: boolean; testPath?: string; diff?: ScreenshotDiff; } export interface ScreenshotDiff { mismatchedPixels: number; id: string; desc?: string; imageA?: string; imageB?: string; device?: string; userAgent?: string; width: number; height: number; deviceScaleFactor?: number; hasTouch?: boolean; isLandscape?: boolean; isMobile?: boolean; allowableMismatchedPixels: number; allowableMismatchedRatio: number; testPath?: string; cacheKey?: string; } export interface ScreenshotOptions { /** * When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page. * Default: `false` */ fullPage?: boolean; /** * An object which specifies clipping region of the page. */ clip?: ScreenshotBoundingBox; /** * Hides default white background and allows capturing screenshots with transparency. * Default: `false` */ omitBackground?: boolean; /** * Matching threshold, ranges from `0` to 1. Smaller values make the comparison * more sensitive. Defaults to the testing config `pixelmatchThreshold` value; */ pixelmatchThreshold?: number; /** * Capture the screenshot beyond the viewport. * * @defaultValue `false` if there is no `clip`. `true` otherwise. */ captureBeyondViewport?: boolean; } export interface ScreenshotBoundingBox { /** * The x-coordinate of top-left corner. */ x: number; /** * The y-coordinate of top-left corner. */ y: number; /** * The width in pixels. */ width: number; /** * The height in pixels. */ height: number; } export interface StyleCompiler { modeName: string; styleId: string; styleStr: string; styleIdentifier: string; externalStyles: ExternalStyleCompiler[]; } export interface ExternalStyleCompiler { absolutePath: string; relativePath: string; originalComponentPath: string; } export interface CompilerModeStyles { [modeName: string]: string[]; } export interface CssImportData { srcImport: string; updatedImport?: string; url: string; filePath: string; altFilePath?: string; styleText?: string | null; } export interface CssToEsmImportData { srcImportText: string; varName: string; url: string; filePath: string; } /** * Input CSS to be transformed into ESM */ export interface TransformCssToEsmInput { input: string; module?: 'cjs' | 'esm' | string; file?: string; tag?: string; encapsulation?: string; /** * The mode under which the CSS will be applied. * * Corresponds to a key used when `@Component`'s `styleUrls` field is an object: * ```ts * @Component({ * tag: 'todo-list', * styleUrls: { * ios: 'todo-list.ios.scss', * md: '', * } * }) * ``` * In the example above, two `TransformCssToEsmInput`s should be created, one for 'ios' and one for 'md' (this field * is not shared by multiple fields, nor is it a composite of multiple modes). */ mode?: string; sourceMap?: boolean; minify?: boolean; docs?: boolean; autoprefixer?: any; styleImportData?: string; } export interface TransformCssToEsmOutput { styleText: string; output: string; map: any; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; defaultVarName: string; styleDocs: StyleDoc[]; imports: { varName: string; importPath: string; }[]; } export interface PackageJsonData { name?: string; version?: string; main?: string; exports?: { [key: string]: string | { [key: string]: string; }; }; description?: string; bin?: { [key: string]: string; }; browser?: string; module?: string; 'jsnext:main'?: string; 'collection:main'?: string; unpkg?: string; collection?: string; types?: string; files?: string[]; ['dist-tags']?: { latest: string; }; dependencies?: { [moduleId: string]: string; }; devDependencies?: { [moduleId: string]: string; }; repository?: { type?: string; url?: string; }; private?: boolean; scripts?: { [runName: string]: string; }; license?: string; keywords?: string[]; } export interface Workbox { generateSW(swConfig: any): Promise; generateFileManifest(): Promise; getFileManifestEntries(): Promise; injectManifest(swConfig: any): Promise; copyWorkboxLibraries(wwwDir: string): Promise; } declare global { namespace jest { interface Matchers { /** * Compares HTML, but first normalizes the HTML so all * whitespace, attribute order and css class order are * the same. When given an element, it will compare * the element's `outerHTML`. When given a Document Fragment, * such as a Shadow Root, it'll compare its `innerHTML`. * Otherwise it'll compare two strings representing HTML. */ toEqualHtml(expectHtml: string): void; /** * Compares HTML light DOM only, but first normalizes the HTML so all * whitespace, attribute order and css class order are * the same. When given an element, it will compare * the element's `outerHTML`. When given a Document Fragment, * such as a Shadow Root, it'll compare its `innerHTML`. * Otherwise it'll compare two strings representing HTML. */ toEqualLightHtml(expectLightHtml: string): void; /** * When given an element, it'll compare the element's * `textContent`. Otherwise it'll compare two strings. This * matcher will also `trim()` each string before comparing. */ toEqualText(expectTextContent: string): void; /** * Checks if an element simply has the attribute. It does * not check any values of the attribute */ toHaveAttribute(expectAttrName: string): void; /** * Checks if an element's attribute value equals the expect value. */ toEqualAttribute(expectAttrName: string, expectAttrValue: any): void; /** * Checks if an element's has each of the expected attribute * names and values. */ toEqualAttributes(expectAttrs: { [attrName: string]: any; }): void; /** * Checks if an element has the expected css class. */ toHaveClass(expectClassName: string): void; /** * Checks if an element has each of the expected css classes * in the array. */ toHaveClasses(expectClassNames: string[]): void; /** * Checks if an element has the exact same css classes * as the expected array of css classes. */ toMatchClasses(expectClassNames: string[]): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks if the event has been * received or not. */ toHaveReceivedEvent(): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks how many times the * event has been received. */ toHaveReceivedEventTimes(count: number): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks the event has * received the correct custom event `detail` data. */ toHaveReceivedEventDetail(eventDetail: any): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks the first event has * received the correct custom event `detail` data. */ toHaveFirstReceivedEventDetail(eventDetail: any): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks the last event has * received the correct custom event `detail` data. */ toHaveLastReceivedEventDetail(eventDetail: any): void; /** * When given an EventSpy, checks the event at an index * has received the correct custom event `detail` data. */ toHaveNthReceivedEventDetail(index: number, eventDetail: any): void; /** * Used to evaluate the results of `compareScreenshot()`, such as * `expect(compare).toMatchScreenshot()`. The `allowableMismatchedRatio` * value from the testing config is used by default if * `MatchScreenshotOptions` were not provided. */ toMatchScreenshot(opts?: MatchScreenshotOptions): void; } } } export interface MatchScreenshotOptions { /** * The `allowableMismatchedPixels` value is the total number of pixels * that can be mismatched until the test fails. For example, if the value * is `100`, and if there were `101` pixels that were mismatched then the * test would fail. If the `allowableMismatchedRatio` is provided it will * take precedence, otherwise `allowableMismatchedPixels` will be used. */ allowableMismatchedPixels?: number; /** * The `allowableMismatchedRatio` ranges from `0` to `1` and is used to * determine an acceptable ratio of pixels that can be mismatched before * the image is considered to have changes. Realistically, two screenshots * representing the same content may have a small number of pixels that * are not identical due to anti-aliasing, which is perfectly normal. The * `allowableMismatchedRatio` is the number of pixels that were mismatched, * divided by the total number of pixels in the screenshot. For example, * a ratio value of `0.06` means 6% of the pixels can be mismatched before * the image is considered to have changes. If the `allowableMismatchedRatio` * is provided it will take precedence, otherwise `allowableMismatchedPixels` * will be used. */ allowableMismatchedRatio?: number; } export interface EventSpy { events: SerializedEvent[]; eventName: string; firstEvent: SerializedEvent; lastEvent: SerializedEvent; length: number; next(): Promise<{ done: boolean; value: SerializedEvent; }>; } export interface SerializedEvent { bubbles: boolean; cancelBubble: boolean; cancelable: boolean; composed: boolean; currentTarget: any; defaultPrevented: boolean; detail: any; eventPhase: any; isTrusted: boolean; returnValue: any; srcElement: any; target: any; timeStamp: number; type: string; isSerializedEvent: boolean; } export interface EventInitDict { bubbles?: boolean; cancelable?: boolean; composed?: boolean; detail?: any; } export interface JestEnvironmentGlobal { __NEW_TEST_PAGE__: () => Promise; __CLOSE_OPEN_PAGES__: () => Promise; loadTestWindow: (testWindow: any) => Promise; h: any; resourcesUrl: string; currentSpec?: { id?: string; description: string; fullName: string; testPath: string | null; }; env: { [prop: string]: string; }; screenshotDescriptions: Set; } export interface E2EProcessEnv { STENCIL_COMMIT_ID?: string; STENCIL_COMMIT_MESSAGE?: string; STENCIL_REPO_URL?: string; STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_CONNECTOR?: string; STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_SERVER?: string; __STENCIL_EMULATE_CONFIGS__?: string; __STENCIL_ENV__?: string; __STENCIL_EMULATE__?: string; __STENCIL_BROWSER_URL__?: string; __STENCIL_APP_SCRIPT_URL__?: string; __STENCIL_APP_STYLE_URL__?: string; __STENCIL_BROWSER_WS_ENDPOINT__?: string; __STENCIL_BROWSER_WAIT_UNTIL?: string; __STENCIL_SCREENSHOT__?: 'true'; __STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_BUILD__?: string; __STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_TIMEOUT_MS__?: string; __STENCIL_E2E_TESTS__?: 'true'; __STENCIL_E2E_DEVTOOLS__?: 'true'; __STENCIL_SPEC_TESTS__?: 'true'; __STENCIL_PUPPETEER_MODULE__?: string; __STENCIL_PUPPETEER_VERSION__?: number; __STENCIL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT__?: string; /** * Property for injecting transformAliasedImportPaths into the Jest context */ __STENCIL_TRANSPILE_PATHS__?: 'true' | 'false'; } export interface AnyHTMLElement extends HTMLElement { [key: string]: any; } export interface SpecPage { /** * Mocked testing `document.body`. */ body: HTMLBodyElement; /** * Mocked testing `document`. */ doc: HTMLDocument; /** * The first component found within the mocked `document.body`. If a component isn't found, then it'll return `document.body.firstElementChild`. */ root?: AnyHTMLElement; /** * Similar to `root`, except returns the component instance. If a root component was not found it'll return `null`. */ rootInstance?: any; /** * Convenience function to set `document.body.innerHTML` and `waitForChanges()`. Function argument should be a HTML string. */ setContent: (html: string) => Promise; /** * After changes have been made to a component, such as a update to a property or attribute, the test page does not automatically apply the changes. In order to wait for, and apply the update, call `await page.waitForChanges()`. */ waitForChanges: () => Promise; /** * Mocked testing `window`. */ win: Window; build: BuildConditionals; flushLoadModule: (bundleId?: string) => Promise; flushQueue: () => Promise; styles: Map; } /** * Options pertaining to the creation and functionality of a {@link SpecPage} */ export interface NewSpecPageOptions { /** * An array of components to test. Component classes can be imported into the spec file, then their reference should be added to the `component` array in order to be used throughout the test. */ components: any[]; /** * Sets the mocked `document.cookie`. */ cookie?: string; /** * Sets the mocked `dir` attribute on ``. */ direction?: string; /** * If `false`, do not flush the render queue on initial test setup. */ flushQueue?: boolean; /** * The initial HTML used to generate the test. This can be useful to construct a collection of components working together, and assign HTML attributes. This value sets the mocked `document.body.innerHTML`. */ html?: string; /** * The initial JSX used to generate the test. * Use `template` when you want to initialize a component using their properties, instead of their HTML attributes. * It will render the specified template (JSX) into `document.body`. */ template?: () => any; /** * Sets the mocked `lang` attribute on ``. */ language?: string; /** * Useful for debugging hydrating components client-side. Sets that the `html` option already includes annotated prerender attributes and comments. */ hydrateClientSide?: boolean; /** * Useful for debugging hydrating components server-side. The output HTML will also include prerender annotations. */ hydrateServerSide?: boolean; /** * Sets the mocked `document.referrer`. */ referrer?: string; /** * Manually set if the mocked document supports Shadow DOM or not. Default is `true`. */ supportsShadowDom?: boolean; /** * When a component is pre-rendered it includes HTML annotations, such as `s-id` attributes and `` comments. This information is used by client-side hydrating. Default is `false`. */ includeAnnotations?: boolean; /** * Sets the mocked browser's `location.href`. */ url?: string; /** * Sets the mocked browser's `navigator.userAgent`. */ userAgent?: string; /** * By default, any changes to component properties and attributes must `page.waitForChanges()` in order to test the updates. As an option, `autoApplyChanges` continuously flushes the queue on the background. Default is `false`. */ autoApplyChanges?: boolean; /** * By default, styles are not attached to the DOM and they are not reflected in the serialized HTML. * Setting this option to `true` will include the component's styles in the serializable output. */ attachStyles?: boolean; /** * Set {@link BuildConditionals} for testing based off the metadata of the component under test. * When `true` all `BuildConditionals` will be assigned to the global testing `BUILD` object, regardless of their * value. When `false`, only `BuildConditionals` with a value of `true` will be assigned to the `BUILD` object. */ strictBuild?: boolean; /** * Default values to be set on the platform runtime object {@see PlatformRuntime} when creating * the spec page. */ platform?: Partial; } /** * A record of `TypesMemberNameData` entities. * * Each key in this record is intended to be the path to a file that declares one or more types used by a component. * However, this is not enforced by the type system - users of this interface should not make any assumptions regarding * the format of the path used as a key (relative vs. absolute) */ export interface TypesImportData { [key: string]: TypesMemberNameData[]; } /** * A type describing how Stencil may alias an imported type to avoid naming collisions when performing operations such * as generating `components.d.ts` files. */ export interface TypesMemberNameData { /** * The original name of the import before any aliasing was applied. * * i.e. if a component imports a type as follows: * `import { MyType as MyCoolType } from './my-type';` * * the `originalName` would be 'MyType'. If the import is not aliased, then `originalName` and `localName` will be the same. */ originalName: string; /** * The name of the type as it's used within a file. */ localName: string; /** * An alias that Stencil may apply to the `localName` to avoid naming collisions. This name does not appear in the * file that is using `localName`. */ importName?: string; } export interface TypesModule { isDep: boolean; tagName: string; tagNameAsPascal: string; htmlElementName: string; component: string; jsx: string; element: string; } export type TypeInfo = { name: string; type: string; optional: boolean; required: boolean; internal: boolean; jsdoc?: string; }[]; export type ChildType = VNode | number | string; export type PropsType = VNodeProdData | number | string | null; export interface VNodeProdData { key?: string | number; class?: { [className: string]: boolean; } | string; className?: { [className: string]: boolean; } | string; style?: any; [key: string]: any; } /** * An abstraction to bundle up four methods which _may_ be handled by * dispatching work to workers running in other OS threads or may be called * synchronously. Environment and `CompilerSystem` related setup code will * determine which one, but in either case the call sites for these methods can * dispatch to this shared interface. */ export interface CompilerWorkerContext { optimizeCss(inputOpts: OptimizeCssInput): Promise; prepareModule(input: string, minifyOpts: any, transpile: boolean, inlineHelpers: boolean): Promise<{ output: string; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; sourceMap?: SourceMap; }>; prerenderWorker(prerenderRequest: PrerenderUrlRequest): Promise; transformCssToEsm(input: TransformCssToEsmInput): Promise; } /** * The methods that are supported on a {@link CompilerWorkerContext} */ export type WorkerContextMethod = keyof CompilerWorkerContext; /** * A little type guard which will cause a type error if the parameter `T` does * not satisfy {@link CPSerializable} (i.e. if it's not possible to cleanly * serialize it for message passing via an IPC channel). */ type IPCSerializable = T; /** * A manifest for a job that a worker thread should carry out, as determined by * and dispatched from the main thread. This includes the name of the task to do * and any arguments necessary to carry it out properly. * * This message must satisfy {@link CPSerializable} so it can be sent from the * main thread to a worker thread via an IPC channel */ export type MsgToWorker = IPCSerializable<{ stencilId: number; method: T; args: Parameters; }>; /** * A manifest for a job that a worker thread should carry out, as determined by * and dispatched from the main thread. This includes the name of the task to do * and any arguments necessary to carry it out properly. * * This message must satisfy {@link CPSerializable} so it can be sent from the * main thread to a worker thread via an IPC channel */ export type MsgFromWorker = IPCSerializable<{ stencilId?: number; stencilRtnValue: ReturnType; stencilRtnError: string | null; }>; /** * A description of a task which should be passed to a worker in another * thread. This interface differs from {@link MsgToWorker} in that it doesn't * have to be serializable for transmission through an IPC channel, so we can * hold things like a `resolve` and `reject` callback to use when the task * completes. */ export interface CompilerWorkerTask { stencilId: number; inputArgs: any[]; resolve: (val: any) => any; reject: (msg: string) => any; retries: number; } /** * A handler for IPC messages from the main thread to a worker thread. This * involves dispatching an action specified by a {@link MsgToWorker} object to a * {@link CompilerWorkerContext}. * * @param msgToWorker the message to handle * @returns the return value of the specified function */ export type WorkerMsgHandler = (msgToWorker: MsgToWorker) => ReturnType; export interface TranspileModuleResults { sourceFilePath: string; code: string; map: any; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; moduleFile: Module; } export interface ValidateTypesResults { diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; dirPaths: string[]; filePaths: string[]; } export interface TerminalInfo { /** * Whether this is in CI or not. */ readonly ci: boolean; /** * Whether the terminal is an interactive TTY or not. */ readonly tty: boolean; } /** * The task to run in order to collect the duration data point. */ export type TelemetryCallback = (...args: any[]) => void | Promise; /** * The model for the data that's tracked. */ export interface TrackableData { arguments: string[]; build: string; component_count?: number; config: Config; cpu_model: string | undefined; duration_ms: number | undefined; has_app_pwa_config: boolean; os_name: string | undefined; os_version: string | undefined; packages: string[]; packages_no_versions?: string[]; rollup: string; stencil: string; system: string; system_major?: string; targets: string[]; task: TaskCommand | null; typescript: string; yarn: boolean; } /** * Used as the object sent to the server. Value is the data tracked. */ export interface Metric { name: string; timestamp: string; source: 'stencil_cli'; value: TrackableData; session_id: string; } export interface TelemetryConfig { 'telemetry.stencil'?: boolean; 'tokens.telemetry'?: string; } export {};