import type { OutputTargetReact, PackageJSON } from './types'; import type { CompilerCtx, ComponentCompilerMeta, Config } from '@stencil/core/internal'; /** * Generate and write the Stencil-React bindings to disc * @param config the Stencil configuration associated with the project * @param compilerCtx the compiler context of the current Stencil build * @param outputTarget the output target configuration for generating the React wrapper * @param components the components to generate the bindings for */ export declare function reactProxyOutput(config: Config, compilerCtx: CompilerCtx, outputTarget: OutputTargetReact, components: ReadonlyArray): Promise; /** * Generate the code that will be responsible for creating the Stencil-React bindings * @param config the Stencil configuration associated with the project * @param components the Stencil components to generate wrappers for * @param pkgData `package.json` data for the Stencil project * @param outputTarget the output target configuration used to generate the Stencil-React bindings * @param rootDir the directory of the Stencil project * @returns the generated code to create the Stencil-React bindings */ export declare function generateProxies(config: Config, components: ReadonlyArray, pkgData: PackageJSON, outputTarget: OutputTargetReact, rootDir: string): string; /** * Defines the React component that developers will import to use in their applications. * @param cmpMeta Meta data for a single Web Component * @param includeCustomElement If `true`, the Web Component instance will be passed in to createReactComponent to be * registered with the Custom Elements Registry. * @returns An array where each entry is a string version of the React component definition. */ export declare function createComponentDefinition(cmpMeta: ComponentCompilerMeta, includeCustomElement?: boolean): ReadonlyArray; /** * Derive the path to the loader * @param config the Stencil configuration for the project * @param outputTarget the output target used for generating the Stencil-React bindings * @returns the derived loader path */ export declare function getPathToCorePackageLoader(config: Config, outputTarget: OutputTargetReact): string; export declare const GENERATED_DTS = "components.d.ts";