all: setup lint test build docs setup: npm install hooks: cp .git/hooks/pre-commit lint: npm run lint test: npm test cover: npm run cover build: npm run build .PHONY: build bundle: npm run bundle docs: npm run docs .PHONY: docs commit: npm run commit # Create a demo by running the `` file. # Generates a `demo.cast` file demo: asciinema rec -c "./ -n" --overwrite demo.cast # Play the last recorded demo demo-play: asciinema play demo.cast # Upload the last recorded demo demo-upload: asciinema upload demo.cast # Download the `` script. curl > # Create an animated GIF of the demo. # Note: this can be memory intensive for long demos; you probably only # want to do this for short demos. demo-gif: docker run --rm -v $$PWD:/data asciinema/asciicast2gif demo.cast demo.gif