import Doer from './Doer' import { SoftwareEnvironment, SoftwarePackage } from '@stencila/schema' import { join } from 'path' const VERSION = require('../package').version /** * Generates a Dockerfile for a `SoftwareEnvironment` instance */ export default class Generator extends Doer { /** * Generate a Dockerfile for a `SoftwareEnvironment` instance * * @param comments Should a comments be added to the Dockerfile? * @param stencila Should relevant Stencila language packages be installed in the image? */ generate (comments: boolean = true, stencila: boolean = false): string { let dockerfile = '' if (comments) { dockerfile += `# Generated by Dockter ${VERSION} at ${new Date().toISOString()} # To stop Dockter generating this file and start editing it yourself, # rename it to "Dockerfile".\n` } if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This tells Docker which base image to use.\n' const baseIdentifier = this.baseIdentifier() dockerfile += `FROM ${baseIdentifier}\n` if (!this.applies()) return dockerfile const aptRepos = this.aptRepos(baseIdentifier) let aptKeysCommand = this.aptKeysCommand(baseIdentifier) if (aptRepos.length || aptKeysCommand) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section installs system packages needed to add extra system repositories.' dockerfile += ` RUN apt-get update \\ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \\ apt-transport-https \\ ca-certificates \\ curl \\ software-properties-common ` } if (comments && (aptKeysCommand || aptRepos.length)) { dockerfile += '\n# This section adds system repositories required to install extra system packages.' } if (aptKeysCommand) dockerfile += `\nRUN ${aptKeysCommand}` if (aptRepos.length) dockerfile += `\nRUN ${ => `apt-add-repository "${repo}"`).join(' \\\n && ')}\n` // Set env vars after previous section to improve caching const envVars = this.envVars(baseIdentifier) if (envVars.length) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section sets environment variables within the image.' const pairs =[key, value]) => `${key}="${value.replace('"', '\\"')}"`) dockerfile += `\nENV ${pairs.join(' \\\n ')}\n` } let aptPackages: Array = this.aptPackages(baseIdentifier) if (aptPackages.length) { if (comments) { dockerfile += ` # This section installs system packages required for your project # If you need extra system packages add them here.` } dockerfile += ` RUN apt-get update \\ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \\ ${aptPackages.join(' \\\n ')} \\ && apt-get autoremove -y \\ && apt-get clean \\ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ` } if (stencila) { let stencilaInstall = this.stencilaInstall(baseIdentifier) if (stencilaInstall) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section runs commands to install Stencila execution hosts.' dockerfile += `\nRUN ${stencilaInstall}\n` } } // Once everything that needs root permissions is installed, switch the user to non-root for installing the rest of the packages. if (comments) { dockerfile += ` # It's good practice to run Docker images as a non-root user. # This section creates a new user and its home directory as the default working directory.` } dockerfile += ` RUN useradd --create-home --uid 1001 -s /bin/bash dockteruser WORKDIR /home/dockteruser ` const installFiles = this.installFiles(baseIdentifier) const installCommand = this.installCommand(baseIdentifier) const projectFiles = this.projectFiles(baseIdentifier) const runCommand = this.runCommand(baseIdentifier) // Add Dockter special comment for managed installation of language packages if (installCommand) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This is a special comment to tell Dockter to manage the build from here on' dockerfile += `\n# dockter\n` } // Copy files needed for installation of language packages if (installFiles.length) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section copies package requirement files into the image' dockerfile += '\n' +[src, dest]) => `COPY ${src} ${dest}`).join('\n') + '\n' } // Run command to install packages if (installCommand) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section runs commands to install the packages specified in the requirement file/s' dockerfile += `\nRUN ${installCommand}\n` } // Copy files needed to run project if (projectFiles.length) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This section copies your project\'s files into the image' dockerfile += '\n' +[src, dest]) => `COPY ${src} ${dest}`).join('\n') + '\n' } // Now all installation is finished set the user if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This sets the default user when the container is run' dockerfile += '\nUSER dockteruser\n' // Add any CMD if (runCommand) { if (comments) dockerfile += '\n# This tells Docker the default command to run when the container is started' dockerfile += `\nCMD ${runCommand}\n` } // Write `.Dockerfile` for use by Docker this.write('.Dockerfile', dockerfile) return dockerfile } // Methods that are overridden in derived classes /** * Does this generator apply to the package? */ applies (): boolean { return false } /** * Name of the base image */ baseName (): string { return 'ubuntu' } /** * Version of the base image */ baseVersion (): string { return '18.04' } /** * Get the version name for a base image * @param baseIdentifier The base image name e.g. `ubuntu:18.04` */ baseVersionName (baseIdentifier: string): string { let [name, version] = baseIdentifier.split(':') const lookup: { [key: string]: string } = { '14.04': 'trusty', '16.04': 'xenial', '18.04': 'bionic' } return lookup[version] } /** * Generate a base image identifier */ baseIdentifier (): string { const joiner = this.baseVersion() === '' ? '' : ':' return `${this.baseName()}${joiner}${this.baseVersion()}` } /** * A list of environment variables to set in the image * as `name`, `value` pairs * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ envVars (sysVersion: string): Array<[string, string]> { return [] } /** * A Bash command to run to install required apt keys * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ aptKeysCommand (sysVersion: string): string | undefined { return } /** * A list of any required apt repositories * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ aptRepos (sysVersion: string): Array { return [] } /** * A list of any required apt packages * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ aptPackages (sysVersion: string): Array { return [] } /** * A Bash command to run to install Stencila execution host package/s * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ stencilaInstall (sysVersion: string): string | undefined { return } /** * A list of files that need to be be copied * into the image before running `installCommand` * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used * @returns An array of [src, dest] tuples */ installFiles (sysVersion: string): Array<[string, string]> { return [] } /** * The Bash command to run to install required language packages * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ installCommand (sysVersion: string): string | undefined { return } /** * The project's files that should be copied across to the image * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used * @returns An array of [src, dest] tuples */ projectFiles (sysVersion: string): Array<[string, string]> { return [] } /** * The default command to run containers created from this image * * @param sysVersion The Ubuntu system version being used */ runCommand (sysVersion: string): string | undefined { return } }