import { dirname, basename } from 'path' import { ComputerLanguage, Person, SoftwarePackage, SoftwareSourceCode } from '@stencila/schema' import OperatingSystem from '@stencila/schema/dist/OperatingSystem' import Parser from './Parser' import { default as pythonSystemModules } from './PythonBuiltins' const REQUIREMENTS_COMMENT_REGEX = /^\s*#/ const REQUIREMENTS_EDITABLE_SOURCE_REGEX = /^\s*-e\s*([^\s]+)\s*/ const REQUIREMENTS_INCLUDE_PATH_REGEX = /^\s*-r\s+([^\s]+)\s*/ const REQUIREMENTS_STANDARD_REGEX = /^\s*([^\s]+)/ /** * Return true if the passed in line is a requirements.txt comment (starts with "#" which might be preceded by spaces). */ function lineIsComment (line: string): boolean { return REQUIREMENTS_COMMENT_REGEX.exec(line) !== null } /** * Execute the given `regex` against the line and return the first match. If there is no match, return `null`. */ function applyRegex (line: string, regex: RegExp): string | null { const result = regex.exec(line) if (result === null) { return null } return result[1] } /** * Execute the `REQUIREMENTS_EDITABLE_SOURCE_REGEX` against a line and return the first result (or null if no match). * This is used to find a requirements.txt line of a URL source (e.g. including a package from github). */ function extractEditableSource (line: string): string | null { return applyRegex(line, REQUIREMENTS_EDITABLE_SOURCE_REGEX) } /** * Execute the `REQUIREMENTS_INCLUDE_PATH_REGEX` against a line and return the first result (or null if no match). * This is used to find a requirements.txt line that includes another requirements file. */ function extractIncludedRequirementsPath (line: string): string | null { return applyRegex(line, REQUIREMENTS_INCLUDE_PATH_REGEX) } /** * Execute the `REQUIREMENTS_STANDARD_REGEX` against a line and return the first result (or null if no match). * This is used to find "standard" requirements.txt lines. */ function extractStandardRequirements (line: string): string | null { return applyRegex(line, REQUIREMENTS_STANDARD_REGEX) } /** * Split a requirement line into name and then version. For example "package==1.0.1" => ["package", "==1.0.1"] * The version specifier can be `==`, `<=`, `>=`, `~=`, `<` or `>`. */ function splitStandardRequirementVersion (requirement: string): [string, string | null] { let firstSplitterIndex = -1 for (let splitter of ['==', '<=', '>=', '~=', '<', '>']) { let splitterIndex = requirement.indexOf(splitter) if (splitterIndex > -1 && (firstSplitterIndex === -1 || splitterIndex < firstSplitterIndex)) { firstSplitterIndex = splitterIndex } } if (firstSplitterIndex !== -1) { return [requirement.substring(0, firstSplitterIndex), requirement.substring(firstSplitterIndex)] } return [requirement, null] } /** * Convert a list of classifiers to a Map between main classification and sub classification(s). * e.g: ['A :: B', 'A :: C', 'D :: E'] => {'A': ['B', 'C'], 'D': ['E']} */ function buildClassifierMap (classifiers: Array): Map> { const classifierMap = new Map>() for (let classifier of classifiers) { let doubleColonPosition = classifier.indexOf('::') let classifierKey = classifier.substring(0, doubleColonPosition).trim() let classifierValue = classifier.substring(doubleColonPosition + 2).trim() if (!classifierMap.has(classifierKey)) { classifierMap.set(classifierKey, []) } classifierMap.get(classifierKey)!.push(classifierValue) } return classifierMap } /** * Each PyPI "Topic" might contain multiple levels of categorisation separated by "::". E.g. * "Topic :: Category :: Secondary Category :: Tertiary Category". This will split into an array of strings of the same * length as the number of categories, i.e. ["Category", "Secondary Category", "Tertiary Category"] */ function splitTopic (topics: string): Array { return topics.split('::').map(topic => topic.trim()) } /** * Parse an array of PyPI formatted topics into unique lists, returns a tuple of top level and optionally second level * topics. This is because PyPI will repeat top level Topics in sub topics, e.g. the list might contain: * ["Topic :: Game", "Topic :: Game :: Arcade"] hence "Game" is defined twice. */ function parseTopics (topicsList: Array): [Array, Array] { let primaryTopics: Array = [] let secondaryTopics: Array = [] for (let topics of topicsList) { let splitTopics = splitTopic(topics) if (splitTopics.length) { if (!primaryTopics.includes(splitTopics[0])) primaryTopics.push(splitTopics[0]) if (splitTopics.length > 1) { if (!secondaryTopics.includes(splitTopics[1])) secondaryTopics.push(splitTopics[1]) } } } return [primaryTopics, secondaryTopics] } /** * Convert a string containing an operating system name into an array of `OperatingSystem`s. In some instances the * description may map to multiple `OperatingSystems`, e.g. "Unix" => Linux and macOS. */ function parseOperatingSystem (operatingSystem: string): Array { if (operatingSystem.match(/windows/i)) { return [] } if (operatingSystem.match(/unix/i)) { return [OperatingSystem.linux, OperatingSystem.macos, OperatingSystem.unix] } if (operatingSystem.match(/linux/i)) { return [OperatingSystem.linux] } if (operatingSystem.match(/macos/i) || operatingSystem.match(/mac os/i)) { return [OperatingSystem.macos] } return [] } export enum RequirementType { Named, URL } interface PythonRequirement { /** * Type of requirement specified (name or URL) */ type: RequirementType /** * Name or URL value of the requirement */ value: string /** * Version of the requirement */ version?: string | null } /** * Parser to be used on a directory with Python source code and (optionally) a `requirements.txt` file. * If no `requirements.txt` file exists then the Parser will attempt to read requirements from the Python source code. */ export default class PythonParser extends Parser { async parse (): Promise { const files = this.glob(['**/*.py']) if (!files.length) { // no .py files so don't parse this directory return null } const pkg = new SoftwarePackage() pkg.runtimePlatform = 'Python' if (this.folder) { = basename(this.folder) } let requirements if (this.exists('requirements.txt')) { requirements = await this.parseRequirementsFile('requirements.txt') } else { requirements = this.generateRequirementsFromSource() } for (let rawRequirement of requirements) { if (rawRequirement.type === RequirementType.Named) { pkg.softwareRequirements.push(await this.createPackage(rawRequirement)) } else if (rawRequirement.type === RequirementType.URL) { let sourceRequirement = new SoftwareSourceCode() sourceRequirement.runtimePlatform = 'Python' sourceRequirement.codeRepository = rawRequirement.value } } return pkg } /** * Convert a `PythonRequirement` into a `SoftwarePackage` by augmenting with metadata from PyPI */ private async createPackage (requirement: PythonRequirement): Promise { const softwarePackage = new SoftwarePackage() = requirement.value softwarePackage.runtimePlatform = 'Python' softwarePackage.programmingLanguages = [] if (requirement.version) { softwarePackage.version = requirement.version } const pyPiMetadata = await this.fetch(`${}/json`) if ( { if ( { softwarePackage.authors.push(Person.fromText(`${} <${}>`)) } if ( { softwarePackage.codeRepository = } if ( { const classifiers = buildClassifierMap( if (classifiers.has('Topic')) { let [topics, subTopics] = parseTopics(classifiers.get('Topic')!) if (topics.length) softwarePackage.applicationCategories = topics if (subTopics.length) softwarePackage.applicationSubCategories = subTopics } if (classifiers.has('Operating System')) { const operatingSystems: Array = [] for (let operatingSystemDescription of classifiers.get('Operating System')!) { for (let operatingSystem of parseOperatingSystem(operatingSystemDescription)) { if (!operatingSystems.includes(operatingSystem)) operatingSystems.push(operatingSystem) } } softwarePackage.operatingSystems = operatingSystems } } if ( softwarePackage.keywords = if ( softwarePackage.license = if ( { softwarePackage.description = } else if ( { softwarePackage.description = } } return softwarePackage } /** * Parse a `requirements.txt` file at `path` and return a list of `PythonRequirement`s */ async parseRequirementsFile (path: string): Promise> { const requirementsContent = const allRequirementLines = requirementsContent.split('\n') let requirements: Array = [] for (let line of allRequirementLines) { if (lineIsComment(line)) { continue } let editableSource = extractEditableSource(line) if (editableSource !== null) { requirements.push({ value: editableSource, type: RequirementType.URL }) continue } let includePath = extractIncludedRequirementsPath(line) if (includePath !== null) { let includedRequirements = await this.parseRequirementsFile(includePath) requirements = requirements.concat(includedRequirements) continue } let standardRequirement = extractStandardRequirements(line) if (standardRequirement !== null) { let [requirementName, version] = splitStandardRequirementVersion(standardRequirement) requirements.push({ value: requirementName, type: RequirementType.Named, version: version }) } } return requirements } /** * Parse Python source files are find any non-system imports, return this as an array of `PythonRequirement`s. */ generateRequirementsFromSource (): Array { const nonSystemImports = this.findImports().filter(pythonImport => !pythonSystemModules.includes(pythonImport)) return => { return { value: nonSystemImport, type: RequirementType.Named, version: '' } }) } /** * Parse Python source files are find all imports (including system imports). */ findImports (): Array { const files = this.glob(['**/*.py']) const imports: Array = [] if (files.length) { for (let file of files) { for (let importName of this.readImportsInFile(file)) { if (!imports.includes(importName)) imports.push(importName) } } } return imports } /** * Parse Python a single Python source file for imports. */ readImportsInFile (path: string): Array { const fileContent = const importRegex = /^\s*from ([\w_]+)|^\s*import ([\w_]+)/gm const imports: Array = [] const fileDirectory = dirname(path) while (true) { let match = importRegex.exec(fileContent) if (!match) break const pkg = match[1] || match[2] if (this.glob([fileDirectory + '/' + pkg + '.py', fileDirectory + '/' + pkg + '/']).length) { continue } if (!imports.includes(pkg)) imports.push(pkg) } return imports } }