import fs from 'fs' import DockerCompiler from '../src/DockerCompiler' import { fixture } from './test-functions' import { SoftwareEnvironment, Person } from '@stencila/schema' import MockUrlFetcher from './MockUrlFetcher' const urlFetcher = new MockUrlFetcher() jest.setTimeout(30 * 60 * 1000) /** * Tests of compiling Dockerfile * * To avoid actual building of the Docker image these tests * set the build flag to false */ test('compile:empty', async () => { const compiler = new DockerCompiler(urlFetcher) let environ = await compiler.compile('file://' + fixture('empty'), false) let expected = new SoftwareEnvironment() = 'empty' expect(environ).toEqual(expected) }) test('compile:dockerfile-date', async () => { const compiler = new DockerCompiler(urlFetcher) let environ = await compiler.compile('file://' + fixture('dockerfile-date'), false) expect(environ && environ.description && environ.description.substring(0, 23)).toEqual('Prints the current date') expect(environ && environ.authors && (environ.authors[0] as Person).name).toEqual('Nokome Bentley') }) test('compile:multi-lang', async () => { const compiler = new DockerCompiler(urlFetcher) let environ = await compiler.compile('file://' + fixture('multi-lang'), false, false) // Remove the date from the MRAN line to allow for changing date of test v expected const aptAddMRAN = /(apt-add-repository "deb https:\/\/\/snapshot)\/([\d-]+)\/(bin\/linux\/ubuntu bionic-cran35\/)"/ const actual = fs.readFileSync(fixture('multi-lang/.Dockerfile'), 'utf8').replace(aptAddMRAN, '$1/YYYY-MM-DD/$3') const expected = fs.readFileSync(fixture('multi-lang/Dockerfile.expected'), 'utf8').replace(aptAddMRAN, '$1/YYYY-MM-DD/$3') expect(actual).toEqual(expected) }) test('who:r-gsl', async () => { const compiler = new DockerCompiler(urlFetcher) let people = await compiler.who('file://' + fixture('r-gsl')) expect(people).toEqual({"Robin K.": ["gsl"]}) })