import CachingUrlFetcher from '../src/CachingUrlFetcher' import fs from 'fs' import { fixture } from './test-functions' export default class MockUrlFetcher extends CachingUrlFetcher { async fetchUrl (url: string, options: any = { json: true }): Promise { if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return this.getRSysReqs(url) } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return this.getCranDb(url) } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return this.getPyPi(url) } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return this.getNpmRegistry(url) } console.warn(`Unhandled URL in Mock fetcher: ${url}`) return super.fetchUrl(url, options) } getRSysReqs (url: string): any { if (url === '') { return [{ 'libxml2': { 'sysreqs': 'libxml2', 'platforms': { 'DEB': 'libxml2-dev', 'OSX/brew': null, 'RPM': 'libxml2-devel' } } }] } if (url === '') { return [{ 'gnumake': { 'sysreqs': ['GNU make', 'GNU Make'], 'platforms': { 'DEB': 'make', 'OSX/brew': null, 'RPM': 'make' } } }] } if (url === '') { return [{ 'libcurl': { 'sysreqs': 'libcurl', 'platforms': { 'DEB': 'libcurl4-openssl-dev', 'OSX/brew': null, 'RPM': 'libcurl-devel' } } }, { 'openssl': { 'sysreqs': 'OpenSSL', 'platforms': { 'DEB': 'libssl-dev', 'OSX/brew': 'openssl@1.1', 'RPM': 'openssl-devel' } } }] } if (url === '') { return [ { "libgsl": { "sysreqs": [ "/Gnu Scientific Library/i", "/\\bgsl\\b/" ], "platforms": { "DEB": [ { "distribution": "Ubuntu", "releases": [ "precise", "trusty", "vivid", "wily" ], "runtime": "libgsl0ldbl", "buildtime": "libgsl0-dev" }, { "distribution": "Ubuntu", "runtime": "libgsl2", "buildtime": "libgsl-dev" }, { "distribution": "Debian", "releases": [ "squeeze", "wheezy", "jessie" ], "runtime": "libgsl0ldbl", "buildtime": "libgsl0-dev" }, { "distribution": "Debian", "runtime": "libgsl2", "buildtime": "libgsl-dev" } ], "OSX/brew": "gsl", "RPM": { "runtime": "gsl", "buildtime": "gsl-devel" } } } } ] } return [] } getCranDb (url: string): any { if (url === '') { return { Package: 'curl', Version: '3.2', SystemRequirements: 'libcurl: libcurl-devel (rpm) or\nlibcurl4-openssl-dev (deb).' } } if (url === '') { return { Package: 'haven', Version: '1.1.2', SystemRequirements: 'GNU make' } } if (url === '') { return { Package: 'rio', Version: '0.5.10', Imports: { tools: '*', stats: '*', utils: '*', foreign: '*', haven: '>= 1.1.0', curl: '>= 0.6', 'data.table': '>= 1.9.8', readxl: '>= 0.1.1', openxlsx: '*', tibble: '*' } } } if (url === '') { return { Package: 'rio', Version: '0.5.10', Imports: { abind: '*', MASS: '*', mgcv: '*', nnet: '*', pbkrtest: '>= 0.4-4', quantreg: '*', grDevices: '*', utils: '*', stats: '*', graphics: '*', maptools: '*', rio: '*', lme4: '*', nlme: '*' } } } if (url === '') { return { "Author": "Robin K. S. Hankin; qrng functions by Duncan Murdoch and\nmultimin by Andrew Clausen", "Date": "2016-12-14", "Date/Publication": "2017-01-05 11:13:10", "Depends": { "R": ">= 2.10.0" }, "Description": "\nAn R wrapper for the special functions and quasi random number\ngenerators of the Gnu Scientific Library\n( See gsl-package.Rd for details of\noverall package organization, and Misc.Rd for some functions that are\nwidely used in the package, and some tips on installation.", "License": "GPL (>= 2)", "Maintainer": "Robin K. S. Hankin ", "NeedsCompilation": "yes", "Package": "gsl", "Packaged": "2017-01-05 07:48:21 UTC; rksh", "Repository": "CRAN", "SystemRequirements": "Gnu Scientific Library version >= 1.12", "Title": "Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library", "Version": "1.9-10.3", "crandb_file_date": "2017-01-05 10:14:53", "date": "2017-01-05T10:13:10+00:00", "releases": [] } } return {} } getPyPi (url: string): any { if (url === '') { return { info: { author: 'Joe Bloggs', author_email: '', project_url: '', classifiers: [ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: Unix', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython', 'Programming Language :: SQL', 'Topic :: Database', 'Topic :: Database :: Front-Ends', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules' ], keywords: 'test keywords list', license: 'Free Software License', long_description: 'This is the long description that will be used in priority over description', description: 'This probably won\'t be used' } } } return {} } getNpmRegistry (url: string): any { if (url === '') { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fixture('is-sorted.json'), 'utf8')) } if (url === '') { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fixture('array-swap.json'), 'utf8')) } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return { name: 'mkdirp', version: '0.5.1' } } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return { name: 'is-array', version: '1.0.1' } } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return { name: 'rimraf', version: '2.6.2' } } if (url.indexOf('') !== -1) { return { name: 'array-swap', version: '0.0.2' } } return null } }