import { IRawFrameType } from './types.js'; /** * This is an evented, rec descent parser. * A stream of Octets can be passed and whenever it recognizes * a complete Frame or an incoming ping it will invoke the registered callbacks. * * All incoming Octets are fed into _onByte function. * Depending on current state the _onByte function keeps changing. * Depending on the state it keeps accumulating into _token and _results. * State is indicated by current value of _onByte, all states are named as _collect. * * STOMP standards * imply that all lengths are considered in bytes (instead of string lengths). * So, before actual parsing, if the incoming data is String it is converted to Octets. * This allows faithful implementation of the protocol and allows NULL Octets to be present in the body. * * There is no peek function on the incoming data. * When a state change occurs based on an Octet without consuming the Octet, * the Octet, after state change, is fed again (_reinjectByte). * This became possible as the state change can be determined by inspecting just one Octet. * * There are two modes to collect the body, if content-length header is there then it by counting Octets * otherwise it is determined by NULL terminator. * * Following the standards, the command and headers are converted to Strings * and the body is returned as Octets. * Headers are returned as an array and not as Hash - to allow multiple occurrence of an header. * * This parser does not use Regular Expressions as that can only operate on Strings. * * It handles if multiple STOMP frames are given as one chunk, a frame is split into multiple chunks, or * any combination there of. The parser remembers its state (any partial frame) and continues when a new chunk * is pushed. * * Typically the higher level function will convert headers to Hash, handle unescaping of header values * (which is protocol version specific), and convert body to text. * * Check the parser.spec.js to understand cases that this parser is supposed to handle. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. * * @internal */ export declare class Parser { onFrame: (rawFrame: IRawFrameType) => void; onIncomingPing: () => void; private readonly _encoder; private readonly _decoder; private _results; private _token; private _headerKey; private _bodyBytesRemaining; private _onByte; constructor(onFrame: (rawFrame: IRawFrameType) => void, onIncomingPing: () => void); parseChunk(segment: string | ArrayBuffer, appendMissingNULLonIncoming?: boolean): void; private _collectFrame; private _collectCommand; private _collectHeaders; private _reinjectByte; private _collectHeaderKey; private _collectHeaderValue; private _setupCollectBody; private _collectBodyNullTerminated; private _collectBodyFixedSize; private _retrievedBody; private _consumeByte; private _consumeTokenAsUTF8; private _consumeTokenAsRaw; private _initState; }