import { IFrame } from './i-frame.js'; import { IMessage } from './i-message.js'; import { StompHeaders } from './stomp-headers.js'; import { Versions } from './versions.js'; /** * This callback will receive a `string` as a parameter. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export declare type debugFnType = (msg: string) => void; /** * This callback will receive a {@link IMessage} as parameter. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export declare type messageCallbackType = (message: IMessage) => void; /** * This callback will receive a {@link IFrame} as parameter. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export declare type frameCallbackType = ((frame: IFrame) => void) | (() => void); /** * This callback will receive a [CloseEvent]{@link} * as parameter. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export declare type closeEventCallbackType = (evt: T) => void; /** * This callback will receive an [Event]{@link} * as parameter. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export declare type wsErrorCallbackType = (evt: T) => void; /** * Parameters for [Client#publish]{@link Client#publish}. * Aliased as publishParams as well. * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. */ export interface IPublishParams { /** * destination end point */ destination: string; /** * headers (optional) */ headers?: StompHeaders; /** * body (optional) */ body?: string; /** * binary body (optional) */ binaryBody?: Uint8Array; /** * By default, a `content-length` header will be added in the Frame to the broker. * Set it to `true` for the header to be skipped. */ skipContentLengthHeader?: boolean; } /** * Backward compatibility, switch to {@link IPublishParams}. */ export declare type publishParams = IPublishParams; /** * Used in {@link IRawFrameType} * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. * * @internal */ export declare type RawHeaderType = [string, string]; /** * The parser yield frames in this structure * * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`. * * @internal */ export interface IRawFrameType { command: string | undefined; headers: RawHeaderType[]; binaryBody: Uint8Array | undefined; } /** * @internal */ export interface IStompSocketMessageEvent { data?: string | ArrayBuffer; } /** * Copied from Websocket interface to avoid dom typelib dependency. * * @internal */ export interface IStompSocket { url: string; onclose: ((ev?: any) => any) | undefined | null; onerror: ((ev: any) => any) | undefined | null; onmessage: ((ev: IStompSocketMessageEvent) => any) | undefined | null; onopen: ((ev?: any) => any) | undefined | null; terminate?: (() => any) | undefined | null; /** * Returns a string that indicates how binary data from the socket is exposed to scripts: * We support only 'arraybuffer'. */ binaryType?: string; /** * Returns the state of the socket connection. It can have the values of StompSocketState. */ readonly readyState: number; /** * Closes the connection. */ close(): void; /** * Transmits data using the connection. data can be a string or an ArrayBuffer. */ send(data: string | ArrayBuffer): void; } /** * Possible states for the IStompSocket */ export declare enum StompSocketState { CONNECTING = 0, OPEN = 1, CLOSING = 2, CLOSED = 3 } /** * Possible activation state */ export declare enum ActivationState { ACTIVE = 0, DEACTIVATING = 1, INACTIVE = 2 } /** * @internal */ export interface IStomptHandlerConfig { debug: debugFnType; stompVersions: Versions; connectHeaders: StompHeaders; disconnectHeaders: StompHeaders; heartbeatIncoming: number; heartbeatOutgoing: number; splitLargeFrames: boolean; maxWebSocketChunkSize: number; forceBinaryWSFrames: boolean; logRawCommunication: boolean; appendMissingNULLonIncoming: boolean; discardWebsocketOnCommFailure: boolean; onConnect: frameCallbackType; onDisconnect: frameCallbackType; onStompError: frameCallbackType; onWebSocketClose: closeEventCallbackType; onWebSocketError: wsErrorCallbackType; onUnhandledMessage: messageCallbackType; onUnhandledReceipt: frameCallbackType; onUnhandledFrame: frameCallbackType; }