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You might want to make console output reachable for users when they need to work with your storybook from mobile browsers - Small screens. You can save your screen space keeping browser console closed - To filter your console output. You can independently configure both action logger and real console output in a wide range. - To associate console messages with a specific components/stories. You can see which story emits which message - To output some data into Action Logger from your deep components without importing `addon-actions` for that. [![storybook-addon-console](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/storybooks/storybook-addon-console/master/docs/storybook-addon-console.png)](#) ### Install ```shell npm i @storybook/addon-console --save-dev ``` ### Quick Start Just import it in your storybook config.js: ```js // config.js import '@storybook/addon-console'; ``` That's all. You'll start to receive all console messages, warnings, errors in your action logger panel. Everything except HMR logs. If you want to enable HMR messages, do the following: ```js // config.js import { setConsoleOptions } from '@storybook/addon-console'; setConsoleOptions({ panelExclude: [], }); ``` You'll receive console outputs as a `console`, `warn` and `error` actions in the panel. You might want to know from what stories they come. In this case, add `withConsole` decorator: ```js // config.js import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react'; import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console'; addDecorator((storyFn, context) => withConsole()(storyFn)(context)); ``` After that your messages in Action Logger will be prefixed with the story path, like `molecules/atoms/electron: ["ComponentDidMount"]` or `molecules/atoms/electron error: ["Warning: Failed prop type..."]`. You can setup addon behavior by passing options to `withConsole` or `setConsoleOptions` methods, both have the same API. ## API ## @storybook/addon-console It handles `console.log`, `console.warn`, and `console.error` methods and not catched errors. By default, it just reflects all console messages in the Action Logger Panel (should be installed as a peerDependency) except [HMR] logs. * [@storybook/addon-console](#module_@storybook/addon-console) * _static_ * [.setConsoleOptions(optionsOrFn)](#module_@storybook/addon-console.setConsoleOptions) ⇒ addonOptions * [.withConsole([optionsOrFn])](#module_@storybook/addon-console.withConsole) ⇒ function * _inner_ * [~addonOptions](#module_@storybook/addon-console..addonOptions) : Object * [~optionsCallback](#module_@storybook/addon-console..optionsCallback) ⇒ addonOptions ### @storybook/addon-console.setConsoleOptions(optionsOrFn) ⇒ addonOptions Set addon options and returns a new one **Kind**: static method of [@storybook/addon-console](#module_@storybook/addon-console) **See** - addonOptions - optionsCallback | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | optionsOrFn | addonOptions \| optionsCallback | **Example** ```js import { setConsoleOptions } from '@storybook/addon-console'; const panelExclude = setConsoleOptions({}).panelExclude; setConsoleOptions({ panelExclude: [...panelExclude, /deprecated/], }); ``` ### @storybook/addon-console.withConsole([optionsOrFn]) ⇒ function Wraps your stories with specified addon options. If you don't pass {`log`, `warn`, `error`} in options argument it'll create them from context for each story individually. Hence you'll see from what exact story you got a log or error. You can log from component's lifecycle methods or within your story. **Kind**: static method of [@storybook/addon-console](#module_@storybook/addon-console) **Returns**: function - wrappedStoryFn **See** - [addonOptions](#storybookaddon-consolesetconsoleoptionsoptionsorfn--addonoptions) - [optionsCallback](#storybookaddon-consoleoptionscallback--addonoptions) | Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [optionsOrFn] | addonOptions \| optionsCallback | **Example** ```js import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'; import { withConsole } from '@storybook/addon-console'; storiesOf('withConsole', module) .addDecorator((storyFn, context) => withConsole()(storyFn)(context)) .add('with Log', () => ) .add('with Warning', () => ) .add('with Error', () => ) .add('with Uncatched Error', () => ) // Action Logger Panel: // withConsole/with Log: ["Data:", 1, 3, 4] // withConsole/with Warning warn: ["Data:", 1, 3, 4] // withConsole/with Error error: ["Test Error"] // withConsole/with Uncatched Error error: ["Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined", "http://localhost:9009/static/preview.bundle.js", 51180, 42, Object] ``` ### @storybook/addon-console~addonOptions : Object This options could be passed to [withConsole](#storybookaddon-consolewithconsoleoptionsorfn--function) or [setConsoleOptions](#module_@storybook/addon-console.setConsoleOptions) **Kind**: inner typedef of [@storybook/addon-console](#module_@storybook/addon-console) **Properties** | Name | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [panelExclude] | Array.<RegExp> | [/[HMR]/] | Optional. Anything matched to at least one of regular expressions will be excluded from output to Action Logger Panel | | [panelInclude] | Array.<RegExp> | [] | Optional. If set, only matched outputs will be shown in Action Logger. Higher priority than `panelExclude`. | | [consoleExclude] | Array.<RegExp> | [] | Optional. Anything matched to at least one of regular expressions will be excluded from DevTool console output | | [consoleInclude] | Array.<RegExp> | [] | Optional. If set, only matched outputs will be shown in console. Higher priority than `consoleExclude`. | | [log] | string | "console" | Optional. The marker to display `console.log` outputs in Action Logger | | [warn] | string | "warn" | Optional. The marker to display warnings in Action Logger | | [error] | string | "error" | Optional. The marker to display errors in Action Logger | ### @storybook/addon-console~optionsCallback ⇒ addonOptions This callback could be passed to [setConsoleOptions](setConsoleOptions) or [withConsole](withConsole) **Kind**: inner typedef of [@storybook/addon-console](#module_@storybook/addon-console) **Returns**: addonOptions - - new [addonOptions](addonOptions) | Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | currentOptions | addonOptions | the current [addonOptions](addonOptions) | **Example** ```js import { withConsole } from `@storybook/addon-console`; const optionsCallback = (options) => ({panelExclude: [...options.panelExclude, /Warning/]}); addDecorator((storyFn, context) => withConsole(optionsCallback)(storyFn)(context)); ``` ## Contributing `npm start` runs example Storybook. Then you can edit source code located in the `src` folder and example storybook in the `stories` folder. ### Run tests Run `npm run test`. It starts jest test in `watch` mode. ### Test coverage After running tests you can explore coverage details in `.coverage/lcov-report/index.html` ### Debugging If you're using VSCode you can debug tests and source by launching `Jest Tests` task from Debug Menu. It allows to set breakpoints in `*.test.js` and `*.js` files. ### Readme editing Please, don't edit this `README.md` directly. Run `npm run dev:docs` and change `docs/readme.hbs` and JSDoc comments withing `src` instead. ## Credits
Created with ❤︎ to React and Storybook by @usulpro [React Theming]