import { E as EmotionCache, I as Interpolation, C as CSSInterpolation, S as SerializedStyles, K as Keyframes, a as ComponentSelector, b as StorybookTheme, T as Typography, c as Color, B as Background, d as ThemeVars, F as FunctionInterpolation } from './create-e8afafc2.js'; export { A as Animation, l as Brand, e as CSSObject, j as Easing, k as TextSize, i as ThemeVarsColors, h as ThemeVarsPartial, g as background, f as color, n as create, m as themes, t as typography } from './create-e8afafc2.js'; import * as React$1 from 'react'; import { Provider, ReactElement, createElement, ReactNode } from 'react'; // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 2.2 interface StylisElement { type: string value: string props: Array | string root: StylisElement | null parent: StylisElement | null children: Array | string line: number column: number length: number return: string } type StylisPluginCallback = ( element: StylisElement, index: number, children: Array, callback: StylisPluginCallback ) => string | void type StylisPlugin = ( element: StylisElement, index: number, children: Array, callback: StylisPluginCallback ) => string | void interface Options { nonce?: string stylisPlugins?: Array key: string container?: Node speedy?: boolean /** @deprecate use `insertionPoint` instead */ prepend?: boolean insertionPoint?: HTMLElement } declare function createCache(options: Options): EmotionCache type WithConditionalCSSProp

= 'className' extends keyof P ? string extends P['className' & keyof P] ? { css?: Interpolation } : {} : {} // unpack all here to avoid infinite self-referencing when defining our own JSX namespace type ReactJSXElement = JSX.Element type ReactJSXElementClass = JSX.ElementClass type ReactJSXElementAttributesProperty = JSX.ElementAttributesProperty type ReactJSXElementChildrenAttribute = JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute type ReactJSXLibraryManagedAttributes = JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes type ReactJSXIntrinsicAttributes = JSX.IntrinsicAttributes type ReactJSXIntrinsicClassAttributes = JSX.IntrinsicClassAttributes type ReactJSXIntrinsicElements = JSX.IntrinsicElements // based on the code from @types/react@18.2.8 // type ReactJSXElementType = string | React.JSXElementConstructor declare namespace EmotionJSX { type ElementType = ReactJSXElementType interface Element extends ReactJSXElement {} interface ElementClass extends ReactJSXElementClass {} interface ElementAttributesProperty extends ReactJSXElementAttributesProperty {} interface ElementChildrenAttribute extends ReactJSXElementChildrenAttribute {} type LibraryManagedAttributes = WithConditionalCSSProp

& ReactJSXLibraryManagedAttributes interface IntrinsicAttributes extends ReactJSXIntrinsicAttributes {} interface IntrinsicClassAttributes extends ReactJSXIntrinsicClassAttributes {} type IntrinsicElements = { [K in keyof ReactJSXIntrinsicElements]: ReactJSXIntrinsicElements[K] & { css?: Interpolation } } } /** * @desc Utility type for getting props type of React component. * It takes `defaultProps` into an account - making props with defaults optional. */ type PropsOf< C extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React$1.JSXElementConstructor > = JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes> // We need to use this version of Omit as it's distributive (Will preserve unions) type DistributiveOmit = T extends any ? Pick> : never // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 3.1 interface ThemeProviderProps { theme: Partial | ((outerTheme: Theme) => Theme) children: React$1.ReactNode } declare function useTheme(): Theme interface ThemeProvider { (props: ThemeProviderProps): React$1.ReactElement } declare const ThemeProvider: ThemeProvider type withTheme = < C extends React$1.ComponentType> >( component: C ) => React$1.FC, 'theme'> & { theme?: Theme }> declare const withTheme: withTheme // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 3.4 // tslint:disable-next-line: no-empty-interface interface Theme {} declare const CacheProvider: Provider declare function css( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: Array ): SerializedStyles declare function css(...args: Array): SerializedStyles interface GlobalProps { styles: Interpolation } /** * @desc * JSX generic are supported only after TS@2.9 */ declare function Global(props: GlobalProps): ReactElement declare function keyframes( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: Array ): Keyframes declare function keyframes(...args: Array): Keyframes interface ArrayClassNamesArg extends Array {} type ClassNamesArg = | undefined | null | string | boolean | { [className: string]: boolean | null | undefined } | ArrayClassNamesArg interface ClassNamesContent { css(template: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: Array): string css(...args: Array): string cx(...args: Array): string theme: Theme } interface ClassNamesProps { children(content: ClassNamesContent): ReactNode } /** * @desc * JSX generic are supported only after TS@2.9 */ declare function ClassNames(props: ClassNamesProps): ReactElement declare const jsx: typeof createElement declare namespace jsx { namespace JSX { type ElementType = EmotionJSX.ElementType interface Element extends EmotionJSX.Element {} interface ElementClass extends EmotionJSX.ElementClass {} interface ElementAttributesProperty extends EmotionJSX.ElementAttributesProperty {} interface ElementChildrenAttribute extends EmotionJSX.ElementChildrenAttribute {} type LibraryManagedAttributes = EmotionJSX.LibraryManagedAttributes< C, P > interface IntrinsicAttributes extends EmotionJSX.IntrinsicAttributes {} interface IntrinsicClassAttributes extends EmotionJSX.IntrinsicClassAttributes {} type IntrinsicElements = EmotionJSX.IntrinsicElements } } // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 3.2 /** Same as StyledOptions but shouldForwardProp must be a type guard */ interface FilteringStyledOptions< Props = Record, ForwardedProps extends keyof Props & string = keyof Props & string > { label?: string shouldForwardProp?: (propName: string) => propName is ForwardedProps target?: string } interface StyledOptions> { label?: string shouldForwardProp?: (propName: string) => boolean target?: string } /** * @typeparam ComponentProps Props which will be included when withComponent is called * @typeparam SpecificComponentProps Props which will *not* be included when withComponent is called */ interface StyledComponent< ComponentProps extends {}, SpecificComponentProps extends {} = {}, JSXProps extends {} = {} > extends React$1.FC, ComponentSelector { withComponent>>( component: C ): StyledComponent< ComponentProps & PropsOf, {}, { ref?: React$1.Ref> } > withComponent>>( component: C ): StyledComponent> withComponent( tag: Tag ): StyledComponent } /** * @typeparam ComponentProps Props which will be included when withComponent is called * @typeparam SpecificComponentProps Props which will *not* be included when withComponent is called */ interface CreateStyledComponent< ComponentProps extends {}, SpecificComponentProps extends {} = {}, JSXProps extends {} = {} > { /** * @typeparam AdditionalProps Additional props to add to your styled component */ ( ...styles: Array< Interpolation< ComponentProps & SpecificComponentProps & AdditionalProps & { theme: Theme } > > ): StyledComponent< ComponentProps & AdditionalProps, SpecificComponentProps, JSXProps > ( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...styles: Array< Interpolation > ): StyledComponent /** * @typeparam AdditionalProps Additional props to add to your styled component */ ( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...styles: Array< Interpolation< ComponentProps & SpecificComponentProps & AdditionalProps & { theme: Theme } > > ): StyledComponent< ComponentProps & AdditionalProps, SpecificComponentProps, JSXProps > } /** * @desc * This function accepts a React component or tag ('div', 'a' etc). * * @example styled(MyComponent)({ width: 100 }) * @example styled(MyComponent)(myComponentProps => ({ width: myComponentProps.width }) * @example styled('div')({ width: 100 }) * @example styled('div')(props => ({ width: props.width }) */ interface CreateStyled$1 { < C extends React$1.ComponentClass>, ForwardedProps extends keyof React$1.ComponentProps & string = keyof React$1.ComponentProps & string >( component: C, options: FilteringStyledOptions, ForwardedProps> ): CreateStyledComponent< Pick, ForwardedProps> & { theme?: Theme }, {}, { ref?: React$1.Ref> } > >>( component: C, options?: StyledOptions> ): CreateStyledComponent< PropsOf & { theme?: Theme }, {}, { ref?: React$1.Ref> } > < C extends React$1.ComponentType>, ForwardedProps extends keyof React$1.ComponentProps & string = keyof React$1.ComponentProps & string >( component: C, options: FilteringStyledOptions, ForwardedProps> ): CreateStyledComponent< Pick, ForwardedProps> & { theme?: Theme } > >>( component: C, options?: StyledOptions> ): CreateStyledComponent< PropsOf & { theme?: Theme } > < Tag extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements, ForwardedProps extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] & string = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] & string >( tag: Tag, options: FilteringStyledOptions ): CreateStyledComponent< { theme?: Theme; as?: React$1.ElementType }, Pick > ( tag: Tag, options?: StyledOptions ): CreateStyledComponent< { theme?: Theme; as?: React$1.ElementType }, JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] > } // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 3.2 type StyledTags = { [Tag in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: CreateStyledComponent< { theme?: Theme as?: React.ElementType }, JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] > } interface CreateStyled extends CreateStyled$1, StyledTags {} declare const styled: CreateStyled declare module '@emotion/react' { type StorybookTheme = StorybookTheme; export interface Theme extends StorybookTheme {} } // Definitions by: Junyoung Clare Jang // TypeScript Version: 2.1 declare function isPropValid(prop: string): boolean type Value = string | number; interface Return { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Value; }; } declare const createReset: ({ typography }: { typography: Typography; }) => Return; declare const createGlobal: ({ color, background, typography, }: { color: Color; background: Background; typography: Typography; }) => Return; declare const convert: (inherit?: ThemeVars) => StorybookTheme; declare const ensure: (input: ThemeVars) => StorybookTheme; declare const lightenColor: (color: string) => string; declare const darkenColor: (color: string) => string; type FunctionInterpolationEnhanced = FunctionInterpolation; type InterpolationEnhanced = Interpolation; declare const ignoreSsrWarning = "/* emotion-disable-server-rendering-unsafe-selector-warning-please-do-not-use-this-the-warning-exists-for-a-reason */"; export { Background, CacheProvider, ClassNames, Color, FunctionInterpolationEnhanced as FunctionInterpolation, Global, InterpolationEnhanced as Interpolation, Keyframes, StorybookTheme, StyledComponent, ThemeProvider, ThemeVars, Typography, convert, createCache, createGlobal, createReset, css, darkenColor as darken, ensure, ignoreSsrWarning, isPropValid, jsx, keyframes, lightenColor as lighten, styled, useTheme, withTheme }; interface Theme extends StorybookTheme {} export type { Theme };