import { Addon_ClientStoryApi, Addon_Loadable, Args, ComponentAnnotations, AnnotatedStoryFn, ArgsStoryFn, StoryAnnotations, ArgsFromMeta, StrictArgs, DecoratorFunction, LoaderFunction, StoryContext as StoryContext$1, ProjectAnnotations } from '@storybook/types'; export { ArgTypes, Args, Parameters, StrictArgs } from '@storybook/types'; import { V as VueRenderer } from './types-317e5359.js'; import { Simplify, SetOptional } from 'type-fest'; import { Component } from 'vue'; import { ExtendedVue } from 'vue/types/vue'; interface ClientApi extends Addon_ClientStoryApi { configure(loader: Addon_Loadable, module: NodeModule): void; forceReRender(): void; raw: () => any; load: (...args: any[]) => void; } declare const storiesOf: ClientApi['storiesOf']; declare const configure: ClientApi['configure']; declare const forceReRender: ClientApi['forceReRender']; declare const raw: ClientApi['raw']; /** * Metadata to configure the stories for a component. * * @see [Default export]( */ type Meta = ComponentAnnotations>; /** * Story function that represents a CSFv2 component example. * * @see [Named Story exports]( */ type StoryFn = AnnotatedStoryFn>; /** * Story function that represents a CSFv3 component example. * * @see [Named Story exports]( */ type StoryObj = TMetaOrCmpOrArgs extends { render?: ArgsStoryFn; component?: infer C; args?: infer DefaultArgs; } ? TMetaOrCmpOrArgs extends Component ? StoryAnnotations> : Simplify & ArgsFromMeta> extends infer TArgs ? StoryAnnotations>> : never : StoryAnnotations>; type ComponentProps = C extends ExtendedVue ? P : C extends Component ? P : unknown; type ComponentPropsOrProps = TCmpOrArgs extends Component ? unknown extends ComponentProps ? TCmpOrArgs : ComponentProps : TCmpOrArgs; /** * @deprecated Use `StoryFn` instead. * Use `StoryObj` if you want to migrate to CSF3, which uses objects instead of functions to represent stories. * You can read more about the CSF3 format here: * * Story function that represents a CSFv2 component example. * * @see [Named Story exports]( */ type Story = StoryFn; type Decorator = DecoratorFunction; type Loader = LoaderFunction; type StoryContext = StoryContext$1; type Preview = ProjectAnnotations; export { Decorator, Loader, Meta, Preview, Story, StoryContext, StoryFn, StoryObj, VueRenderer, configure, forceReRender, raw, storiesOf };