import { StripeShippingAddressElement, StripeShippingAddressElementOptions, StripePaymentRequestButtonElement, StripePaymentRequestButtonElementOptions, StripePaymentElement, StripePaymentElementOptions, StripeLinkAuthenticationElement, StripeLinkAuthenticationElementOptions, StripeIdealBankElement, StripeIdealBankElementOptions, StripeIbanElement, StripeIbanElementOptions, StripeP24BankElement, StripeP24BankElementOptions, StripeEpsBankElement, StripeEpsBankElementOptions, StripeFpxBankElement, StripeFpxBankElementOptions, StripeCardCvcElement, StripeCardCvcElementOptions, StripeCardExpiryElement, StripeCardExpiryElementOptions, StripeCardNumberElement, StripeCardNumberElementOptions, StripeCardElement, StripeCardElementOptions, StripeAuBankAccountElement, StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElementOptions, StripeAffirmMessageElement, StripeAffirmMessageElementOptions, StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElement, StripeAuBankAccountElementOptions, } from './elements'; export interface StripeElements { /** * Updates the options that `Elements` was initialized with. * Updates are shallowly merged into the existing configuration. */ update(options: StripeElementsUpdateOptions): void; /** * Fetches updates from the associated PaymentIntent or SetupIntent on an existing * instance of Elements, and reflects these updates in the Payment Element. */ fetchUpdates(): Promise<{error?: {message: string; status?: string}}>; ///////////////////////////// /// affirmMessage ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates an `AffirmMessageElement`. */ create( elementType: 'affirmMessage', options: StripeAffirmMessageElementOptions ): StripeAffirmMessageElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'affirmMessage'): StripeAffirmMessageElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// afterpayClearpayMessage ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates an `AfterpayClearpayMessageElement`. */ create( elementType: 'afterpayClearpayMessage', options: StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElementOptions ): StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement( elementType: 'afterpayClearpayMessage' ): StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// auBankAccount ///////////////////////////// /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Creates an `AuBankAccountElement`. */ create( elementType: 'auBankAccount', options?: StripeAuBankAccountElementOptions ): StripeAuBankAccountElement; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'auBankAccount'): StripeAuBankAccountElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// card ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `CardElement`. */ create( elementType: 'card', options?: StripeCardElementOptions ): StripeCardElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'card'): StripeCardElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// cardNumber ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `CardNumberElement`. */ create( elementType: 'cardNumber', options?: StripeCardNumberElementOptions ): StripeCardNumberElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'cardNumber'): StripeCardNumberElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// cardExpiry ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `CardExpiryElement`. */ create( elementType: 'cardExpiry', options?: StripeCardExpiryElementOptions ): StripeCardExpiryElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'cardExpiry'): StripeCardExpiryElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// cardCvc ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `CardCvcElement`. */ create( elementType: 'cardCvc', options?: StripeCardCvcElementOptions ): StripeCardCvcElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'cardCvc'): StripeCardCvcElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// fpxBank ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates an `FpxBankElement`. */ create( elementType: 'fpxBank', options: StripeFpxBankElementOptions ): StripeFpxBankElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'fpxBank'): StripeFpxBankElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// epsBank ///////////////////////////// /** * * Creates an `EpsBankElement`. */ create( elementType: 'epsBank', options: StripeEpsBankElementOptions ): StripeEpsBankElement; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'epsBank'): StripeEpsBankElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// p24Bank ///////////////////////////// /** * * Creates an `P24BankElement`. */ create( elementType: 'p24Bank', options: StripeP24BankElementOptions ): StripeP24BankElement; /** * * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'p24Bank'): StripeP24BankElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// iban ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates an `IbanElement`. */ create( elementType: 'iban', options?: StripeIbanElementOptions ): StripeIbanElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'iban'): StripeIbanElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// idealBank ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates an `IdealBankElement`. */ create( elementType: 'idealBank', options?: StripeIdealBankElementOptions ): StripeIdealBankElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'idealBank'): StripeIdealBankElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// linkAuthentication ///////////////////////////// /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Creates a `LinkAuthenticationElement`. */ create( elementType: 'linkAuthentication', options?: StripeLinkAuthenticationElementOptions ): StripeLinkAuthenticationElement; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement( elementType: 'linkAuthentication' ): StripeLinkAuthenticationElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// payment ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `PaymentElement`. * * @docs */ create( elementType: 'payment', options?: StripePaymentElementOptions ): StripePaymentElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement(elementType: 'payment'): StripePaymentElement | null; ///////////////////////////// /// paymentRequestButton ///////////////////////////// /** * Creates a `PaymentRequestButtonElement`. * * @docs */ create( elementType: 'paymentRequestButton', options: StripePaymentRequestButtonElementOptions ): StripePaymentRequestButtonElement; /** * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement( elementType: 'paymentRequestButton' ): StripePaymentRequestButtonElement | null; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Creates a `ShippingAddressElement`. */ create( elementType: 'shippingAddress', options?: StripeShippingAddressElementOptions ): StripeShippingAddressElement; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Looks up a previously created `Element` by its type. */ getElement( elementType: 'shippingAddress' ): StripeShippingAddressElement | null; } export type StripeElementType = | 'affirmMessage' | 'afterpayClearpayMessage' | 'auBankAccount' | 'card' | 'cardNumber' | 'cardExpiry' | 'cardCvc' | 'epsBank' | 'fpxBank' | 'iban' | 'idealBank' | 'p24Bank' | 'payment' | 'paymentRequestButton' | 'linkAuthentication' | 'shippingAddress'; export type StripeElement = | StripeAffirmMessageElement | StripeAfterpayClearpayMessageElement | StripeAuBankAccountElement | StripeCardElement | StripeCardNumberElement | StripeCardExpiryElement | StripeCardCvcElement | StripeEpsBankElement | StripeFpxBankElement | StripeIbanElement | StripeIdealBankElement | StripeP24BankElement | StripePaymentElement | StripePaymentRequestButtonElement; export type StripeElementLocale = | 'auto' | 'ar' | 'bg' | 'cs' | 'da' | 'de' | 'el' | 'en' | 'en-AU' | 'en-CA' | 'en-NZ' | 'en-GB' | 'es' | 'es-ES' | 'es-419' | 'et' | 'fi' | 'fr' | 'fr-FR' | 'he' | 'hu' | 'id' | 'it' | 'it-IT' | 'ja' | 'ko' | 'lt' | 'lv' | 'ms' | 'mt' | 'nb' | 'nl' | 'no' | 'pl' | 'pt' | 'pt-BR' | 'ro' | 'ru' | 'sk' | 'sl' | 'sv' | 'th' | 'tr' | 'vi' | 'zh' | 'zh-HK' | 'zh-TW'; /** * Options to create an `Elements` instance with. */ export interface StripeElementsOptions { /** * An array of custom fonts, which elements created from the `Elements` object can use. */ fonts?: Array; /** * The [IETF language tag]( of the locale to display placeholders and error strings in. * Default is `auto` (Stripe detects the locale of the browser). * Setting the locale does not affect the behavior of postal code validation—a valid postal code for the billing country of the card is still required. */ locale?: StripeElementLocale; /** * Match the Payment Element with the design of your site with the appearance option. * The layout of the Payment Element stays consistent, but you can modify colors, fonts, borders, padding, and more. * * @docs */ appearance?: Appearance; /** * The client secret for a PaymentIntent or SetupIntent used by the Payment Element. * * @docs */ clientSecret?: string; /** * Display skeleton loader UI while waiting for Elements to be fully loaded, after they are mounted. * Supported for the `payment`, `shippingAddress`, and `linkAuthentication` Elements. * Default is `'auto'` (Stripe determines if a loader UI should be shown). */ loader?: 'auto' | 'always' | 'never'; /** * Requires beta access: * Contact [Stripe support]( for more information. * * Display saved PaymentMethods and Customer information. * Supported for the `payment`, `shippingAddress`, and `linkAuthentication` Elements. */ customerOptions?: CustomerOptions; } /* * Updatable options for an `Elements` instance */ export interface StripeElementsUpdateOptions { /** * The [IETF language tag]( of the locale to display placeholders and error strings in. * Default is `auto` (Stripe detects the locale of the browser). * Setting the locale does not affect the behavior of postal code validation—a valid postal code for the billing country of the card is still required. */ locale?: StripeElementLocale; /** * Match the design of your site with the appearance option. * The layout of each Element stays consistent, but you can modify colors, fonts, borders, padding, and more. * * @docs */ appearance?: Appearance; } /* * Use a `CssFontSource` to pass custom fonts via a stylesheet URL when creating an `Elements` object. */ export interface CssFontSource { /** * A relative or absolute URL pointing to a CSS file with [@font-face]( definitions, for example: * * * * Note that if you are using a [content security policy]( (CSP), [additional directives]( may be necessary. */ cssSrc: string; } /* * Use a `CustomFontSource` to pass custom fonts when creating an `Elements` object. */ export interface CustomFontSource { /** * The name to give the font */ family: string; /** * A valid [src]( value pointing to your custom font file. * This is usually (though not always) a link to a file with a `.woff` , `.otf`, or `.svg` suffix. */ src: string; /** * A valid [font-display]( value. */ display?: string; /** * Defaults to `normal`. */ style?: 'normal' | 'italic' | 'oblique'; /** * A valid [unicode-range]( value. */ unicodeRange?: string; /** * A valid [font-weight](, as a string. */ weight?: string; } /* * @docs */ export interface Appearance { disableAnimations?: boolean; theme?: 'stripe' | 'night' | 'flat' | 'none'; variables?: { // General font styles fontFamily?: string; fontSmooth?: string; fontVariantLigatures?: string; fontVariationSettings?: string; fontLineHeight?: string; // Font sizes fontSizeBase?: string; fontSizeSm?: string; fontSizeXs?: string; fontSize2Xs?: string; fontSize3Xs?: string; fontSizeLg?: string; fontSizeXl?: string; // Font weights fontWeightLight?: string; fontWeightNormal?: string; fontWeightMedium?: string; fontWeightBold?: string; // Spacing spacingUnit?: string; spacingGridRow?: string; spacingGridColumn?: string; spacingTab?: string; // Colors colorPrimary?: string; colorPrimaryText?: string; colorBackground?: string; colorBackgroundText?: string; colorText?: string; colorSuccess?: string; colorSuccessText?: string; colorDanger?: string; colorDangerText?: string; colorWarning?: string; colorWarningText?: string; // Text variations colorTextSecondary?: string; colorTextPlaceholder?: string; // Icons colorIcon?: string; colorIconHover?: string; colorIconCardError?: string; colorIconCardCvc?: string; colorIconCardCvcError?: string; colorIconCheckmark?: string; colorIconChevronDown?: string; colorIconChevronDownHover?: string; colorIconRedirect?: string; colorIconTab?: string; colorIconTabHover?: string; colorIconTabSelected?: string; colorIconTabMore?: string; colorIconTabMoreHover?: string; // Logos colorLogo?: string; colorLogoTab?: string; colorLogoTabSelected?: string; colorLogoBlock?: string; // Focus focusBoxShadow?: string; focusOutline?: string; // Radius borderRadius?: string; }; rules?: { [selector: string]: { [cssPropertyName: string]: string; }; }; labels?: 'above' | 'floating'; } export interface CustomerOptions { /** * The Customer id. */ customer: string; /** * The ephemeral key for a Customer that grants temporary access to Customer data. */ ephemeralKey: string; }