export declare const fileUtils: { deleteDir: (arg1: string) => Promise; cleanFolder(folderName: string): Promise; exists(fileName: string): Promise; /** * Wrapper around the 'import' expression (for testability) */ importModule(moduleName: string): Promise; /** * Recursively walks the from directory and copy the content to the target directory synchronously * @param from The source directory to move from * @param to The target directory to move to */ moveDirectoryRecursiveSync(from: string, to: string): void; /** * Creates a symlink at `from` that points to `to` * @param to The thing you want to point to * @param from The thing you want to point from */ symlinkJunction(to: string, from: string): Promise; /** * Looks for the node_modules folder from basePath up to root. * returns the first occurrence of the node_modules, or null of none could be found. * @param basePath starting point */ findNodeModulesList(basePath: string, tempDirName?: string): Promise; }; //# sourceMappingURL=file-utils.d.ts.map