import childProcess from 'child_process'; import os from 'os'; import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url'; import { FileDescriptions, StrykerOptions } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import { isErrnoException, Task, ExpirableTask, StrykerError } from '@stryker-mutator/util'; import log4js from 'log4js'; import { Disposable, InjectableClass, InjectionToken } from 'typed-inject'; import { LoggingClientContext } from '../logging/index.js'; import { objectUtils } from '../utils/object-utils.js'; import { StringBuilder } from '../utils/string-builder.js'; import { deserialize, padLeft, serialize } from '../utils/string-utils.js'; import { ChildProcessCrashedError } from './child-process-crashed-error.js'; import { InitMessage, ParentMessage, ParentMessageKind, WorkerMessage, WorkerMessageKind } from './message-protocol.js'; import { OutOfMemoryError } from './out-of-memory-error.js'; import { ChildProcessContext } from './child-process-proxy-worker.js'; import { IdGenerator } from './id-generator.js'; type Func = (...args: TS) => R; type PromisifiedFunc = (...args: TS) => Promise; export type Promisified = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends PromisifiedFunc ? T[K] : T[K] extends Func ? PromisifiedFunc : () => Promise; }; const BROKEN_PIPE_ERROR_CODE = 'EPIPE'; const IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED_ERROR_CODE = 'ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED'; const TIMEOUT_FOR_DISPOSE = 2000; export class ChildProcessProxy implements Disposable { public readonly proxy: Promisified; private readonly worker: childProcess.ChildProcess; private readonly initTask: Task; private disposeTask: ExpirableTask | undefined; private fatalError: StrykerError | undefined; private readonly workerTasks: Task[] = []; private readonly log = log4js.getLogger(; private readonly stdoutBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private readonly stderrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); private isDisposed = false; private readonly initMessage: InitMessage; private constructor( modulePath: string, namedExport: string, loggingContext: LoggingClientContext, options: StrykerOptions, fileDescriptions: FileDescriptions, pluginModulePaths: readonly string[], workingDirectory: string, execArgv: string[], idGenerator: IdGenerator ) { const workerId =; this.worker = childProcess.fork(fileURLToPath(new URL('./child-process-proxy-worker.js', import.meta.url)), { silent: true, execArgv, env: { STRYKER_MUTATOR_WORKER: workerId, ...process.env }, }); this.initTask = new Task(); this.log.debug( 'Started %s in worker process %s with pid %s %s', namedExport, workerId,, execArgv.length ? ` (using args ${execArgv.join(' ')})` : '' ); // Listen to `close`, not `exit`, see this.worker.on('close', this.handleUnexpectedExit); this.worker.on('error', this.handleError); this.initMessage = { kind: WorkerMessageKind.Init, loggingContext, options, fileDescriptions, pluginModulePaths, namedExport: namedExport, modulePath: modulePath, workingDirectory, }; this.listenForMessages(); this.listenToStdoutAndStderr(); this.proxy = this.initProxy(); } /** * @description Creates a proxy where each function of the object created using the constructorFunction arg is ran inside of a child process */ public static create>>( modulePath: string, loggingContext: LoggingClientContext, options: StrykerOptions, fileDescriptions: FileDescriptions, pluginModulePaths: readonly string[], workingDirectory: string, injectableClass: InjectableClass, execArgv: string[], idGenerator: IdGenerator ): ChildProcessProxy { return new ChildProcessProxy( modulePath,, loggingContext, options, fileDescriptions, pluginModulePaths, workingDirectory, execArgv, idGenerator ); } private send(message: WorkerMessage) { this.worker.send(serialize(message)); } private initProxy(): Promisified { // This proxy is a genuine javascript `Proxy` class // More info: const self = this; return new Proxy({} as Promisified, { get(_, propertyKey) { if (typeof propertyKey === 'string') { return self.forward(propertyKey); } else { return undefined; } }, }); } private forward(methodName: string) { return async (...args: any[]) => { if (this.fatalError) { return Promise.reject(this.fatalError); } else { const workerTask = new Task(); const correlationId = this.workerTasks.push(workerTask) - 1; this.initTask.promise .then(() => { this.send({ args, correlationId, kind: WorkerMessageKind.Call, methodName, }); }) .catch((error) => { workerTask.reject(error); }); return workerTask.promise; } }; } private listenForMessages() { this.worker.on('message', (serializedMessage: string) => { const message = deserialize(serializedMessage); switch (message.kind) { case ParentMessageKind.Ready: // Workaround, because of a race condition more prominent in native ESM node modules // Fix has landed in v17.4.0 🎉, but we need this workaround for now. // See this.send(this.initMessage); break; case ParentMessageKind.Initialized: this.initTask.resolve(undefined); break; case ParentMessageKind.CallResult: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument this.workerTasks[message.correlationId].resolve(message.result); delete this.workerTasks[message.correlationId]; break; case ParentMessageKind.CallRejection: this.workerTasks[message.correlationId].reject(new StrykerError(message.error)); delete this.workerTasks[message.correlationId]; break; case ParentMessageKind.DisposeCompleted: if (this.disposeTask) { this.disposeTask.resolve(undefined); } break; case ParentMessageKind.InitError: this.fatalError = new StrykerError(message.error); this.reportError(this.fatalError); void this.dispose(); break; default: this.logUnidentifiedMessage(message); break; } }); } private listenToStdoutAndStderr() { const handleData = (builder: StringBuilder) => (data: Buffer | string) => { const output = data.toString(); builder.append(output); if (this.log.isTraceEnabled()) { this.log.trace(output); } }; if (this.worker.stdout) { this.worker.stdout.on('data', handleData(this.stdoutBuilder)); } if (this.worker.stderr) { this.worker.stderr.on('data', handleData(this.stderrBuilder)); } } public get stdout(): string { return this.stdoutBuilder.toString(); } public get stderr(): string { return this.stderrBuilder.toString(); } private reportError(error: Error) { const onGoingWorkerTasks = this.workerTasks.filter((task) => !task.isCompleted); if (!this.initTask.isCompleted) { onGoingWorkerTasks.push(this.initTask); } if (onGoingWorkerTasks.length) { onGoingWorkerTasks.forEach((task) => task.reject(error)); } } private readonly handleUnexpectedExit = (code: number, signal: string) => { this.isDisposed = true; const output = StringBuilder.concat(this.stderrBuilder, this.stdoutBuilder); if (processOutOfMemory()) { const oom = new OutOfMemoryError(, code); this.fatalError = oom; this.log.warn(`Child process [pid ${}] ran out of memory. Stdout and stderr are logged on debug level.`); this.log.debug(stdoutAndStderr()); } else { this.fatalError = new ChildProcessCrashedError(, `Child process [pid ${}] exited unexpectedly with exit code ${code} (${signal || 'without signal'}). ${stdoutAndStderr()}`, code, signal ); this.log.warn(this.fatalError.message, this.fatalError); } this.reportError(this.fatalError); function processOutOfMemory() { return output.includes('JavaScript heap out of memory') || output.includes('FatalProcessOutOfMemory'); } function stdoutAndStderr() { if (output.length) { return `Last part of stdout and stderr was:${os.EOL}${padLeft(output)}`; } else { return 'Stdout and stderr were empty.'; } } }; private readonly handleError = (error: Error) => { if (this.innerProcessIsCrashed(error)) { this.log.warn(`Child process [pid ${}] has crashed. See other warning messages for more info.`, error); this.reportError( new ChildProcessCrashedError(, `Child process [pid ${}] has crashed`, undefined, undefined, error) ); } else { this.reportError(error); } }; private innerProcessIsCrashed(error: Error) { return isErrnoException(error) && (error.code === BROKEN_PIPE_ERROR_CODE || error.code === IPC_CHANNEL_CLOSED_ERROR_CODE); } public async dispose(): Promise { if (!this.isDisposed) { this.worker.removeListener('close', this.handleUnexpectedExit); this.isDisposed = true; this.log.debug('Disposing of worker process %s',; this.disposeTask = new ExpirableTask(TIMEOUT_FOR_DISPOSE); this.send({ kind: WorkerMessageKind.Dispose }); try { await this.disposeTask.promise; } finally { this.log.debug('Kill %s',; await objectUtils.kill(; } } } private logUnidentifiedMessage(message: never) { this.log.error(`Received unidentified message ${message}`); } }