import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import glob from 'glob'; import Ajv, { ValidateFunction } from 'ajv'; import { StrykerOptions, strykerCoreSchema } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import { tokens, commonTokens } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin'; import { noopLogger, findUnserializables, Immutable, deepFreeze } from '@stryker-mutator/util'; import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging'; import type { JSONSchema7 } from 'json-schema'; import { coreTokens } from '../di/index.js'; import { ConfigError } from '../errors.js'; import { objectUtils, optionsPath } from '../utils/index.js'; import { CommandTestRunner } from '../test-runner/command-test-runner.js'; import { IGNORE_PATTERN_CHARACTER, MUTATION_RANGE_REGEX } from '../fs/index.js'; import { describeErrors } from './validation-errors.js'; const ajv = new Ajv({ useDefaults: true, allErrors: true, jsPropertySyntax: true, verbose: true, logger: false, strict: false }); export class OptionsValidator { private readonly validateFn: ValidateFunction; public static readonly inject = tokens(coreTokens.validationSchema, commonTokens.logger); constructor(private readonly schema: JSONSchema7, private readonly log: Logger) { this.validateFn = ajv.compile(schema); } /** * Validates the provided options, throwing an error if something is wrong. * Optionally also warns about excess or unserializable options. * @param options The stryker options to validate * @param mark Wether or not to log warnings on unknown properties or unserializable properties */ public validate(options: Record, mark = false): asserts options is StrykerOptions { this.removeDeprecatedOptions(options); this.schemaValidate(options); this.customValidation(options); if (mark) { this.markOptions(options); } } private removeDeprecatedOptions(rawOptions: Record) { if (typeof rawOptions.mutator === 'string') { this.log.warn( 'DEPRECATED. Use of "mutator" as string is no longer needed. You can remove it from your configuration. Stryker now supports mutating of JavaScript and friend files out of the box.' ); delete rawOptions.mutator; } // @ts-expect-error if (typeof rawOptions.mutator === 'object' && { this.log.warn( 'DEPRECATED. Use of "" is no longer needed. You can remove "" from your configuration. Stryker now supports mutating of JavaScript and friend files out of the box.' ); // @ts-expect-error delete; } if (Object.keys(rawOptions).includes('testFramework')) { this.log.warn( 'DEPRECATED. Use of "testFramework" is no longer needed. You can remove it from your configuration. Your test runner plugin now handles its own test framework integration.' ); delete rawOptions.testFramework; } if (Array.isArray(rawOptions.transpilers)) { const example = rawOptions.transpilers.includes('babel') ? 'babel src --out-dir lib' : rawOptions.transpilers.includes('typescript') ? 'tsc -b' : rawOptions.transpilers.includes('webpack') ? 'webpack --config webpack.config.js' : 'npm run build'; this.log.warn( `DEPRECATED. Support for "transpilers" is removed. You can now configure your own "${optionsPath('buildCommand')}". For example, ${example}.` ); delete rawOptions.transpilers; } if (Array.isArray(rawOptions.files)) { const ignorePatternsName = optionsPath('ignorePatterns'); const isString = (uncertain: unknown): uncertain is string => typeof uncertain === 'string'; const files = rawOptions.files.filter(isString); const newIgnorePatterns: string[] = [ '**', => filePattern.startsWith(IGNORE_PATTERN_CHARACTER) ? filePattern.substr(1) : `${IGNORE_PATTERN_CHARACTER}${filePattern}` ), ]; delete rawOptions.files; this.log.warn( `DEPRECATED. Use of "files" is deprecated, please use "${ignorePatternsName}" instead (or remove "files" altogether will probably work as well). For now, rewriting them as ${JSON.stringify( newIgnorePatterns )}. See` ); const existingIgnorePatterns = Array.isArray(rawOptions[ignorePatternsName]) ? (rawOptions[ignorePatternsName] as unknown[]) : []; rawOptions[ignorePatternsName] = [...newIgnorePatterns, ...existingIgnorePatterns]; } // @ts-expect-error jest.enableBail if (rawOptions.jest?.enableBail !== undefined) { this.log.warn( 'DEPRECATED. Use of "jest.enableBail" is deprecated, please use "disableBail" instead. See' ); // @ts-expect-error jest.enableBail rawOptions.disableBail = !rawOptions.jest?.enableBail; // @ts-expect-error jest.enableBail delete rawOptions.jest.enableBail; } // @ts-expect-error htmlReporter.baseDir if (rawOptions.htmlReporter?.baseDir) { this.log.warn( `DEPRECATED. Use of "htmlReporter.baseDir" is deprecated, please use "${optionsPath( 'htmlReporter', 'fileName' )}" instead. See` ); // @ts-expect-error htmlReporter.baseDir if (!rawOptions.htmlReporter.fileName) { // @ts-expect-error htmlReporter.baseDir rawOptions.htmlReporter.fileName = path.join(String(rawOptions.htmlReporter.baseDir), 'index.html'); } // @ts-expect-error htmlReporter.baseDir delete rawOptions.htmlReporter.baseDir; } } private customValidation(options: StrykerOptions) { const additionalErrors: string[] = []; if (options.thresholds.high < options.thresholds.low) { additionalErrors.push('Config option "thresholds.high" should be higher than "thresholds.low".'); } if (options.maxConcurrentTestRunners !== Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { this.log.warn('DEPRECATED. Use of "maxConcurrentTestRunners" is deprecated. Please use "concurrency" instead.'); if (!options.concurrency && options.maxConcurrentTestRunners < os.cpus().length - 1) { options.concurrency = options.maxConcurrentTestRunners; } } if ( { if (options.testRunnerNodeArgs.length) { this.log.warn( 'Using "testRunnerNodeArgs" together with the "command" test runner is not supported, these arguments will be ignored. You can add your custom arguments by setting the "commandRunner.command" option.' ); } } if (options.ignoreStatic && options.coverageAnalysis !== 'perTest') { additionalErrors.push( `Config option "${optionsPath('ignoreStatic')}" is not supported with coverage analysis "${ options.coverageAnalysis }". Either turn off "${optionsPath('ignoreStatic')}", or configure "${optionsPath('coverageAnalysis')}" to be "perTest".` ); } options.mutate.forEach((mutateString, index) => { const match = MUTATION_RANGE_REGEX.exec(mutateString); if (match) { if (glob.hasMagic(mutateString)) { additionalErrors.push( `Config option "mutate[${index}]" is invalid. Cannot combine a glob expression with a mutation range in "${mutateString}".` ); } else { const [_, _fileName, mutationRange, startLine, _startColumn, endLine, _endColumn] = match; const start = parseInt(startLine, 10); const end = parseInt(endLine, 10); if (start < 1) { additionalErrors.push( `Config option "mutate[${index}]" is invalid. Mutation range "${mutationRange}" is invalid, line ${start} does not exist (lines start at 1).` ); } if (start > end) { additionalErrors.push( `Config option "mutate[${index}]" is invalid. Mutation range "${mutationRange}" is invalid. The "from" line number (${start}) should be less then the "to" line number (${end}).` ); } } } }); additionalErrors.forEach((error) => this.log.error(error)); this.throwErrorIfNeeded(additionalErrors); } private schemaValidate(options: unknown): asserts options is StrykerOptions { if (!this.validateFn(options)) { const describedErrors = describeErrors(this.validateFn.errors!); describedErrors.forEach((error) => this.log.error(error)); this.throwErrorIfNeeded(describedErrors); } } private throwErrorIfNeeded(errors: string[]) { if (errors.length > 0) { throw new ConfigError( errors.length === 1 ? 'Please correct this configuration error and try again.' : 'Please correct these configuration errors and try again.' ); } } private markOptions(options: StrykerOptions): void { this.markExcessOptions(options); this.markUnserializableOptions(options); } private markExcessOptions(options: StrykerOptions) { const OPTIONS_ADDED_BY_STRYKER = ['set', 'configFile', '$schema']; if (objectUtils.isWarningEnabled('unknownOptions', options.warnings)) { const schemaKeys = Object.keys(!); const excessPropertyNames = Object.keys(options) .filter((key) => !key.endsWith('_comment')) .filter((key) => !OPTIONS_ADDED_BY_STRYKER.includes(key)) .filter((key) => !schemaKeys.includes(key)); if (excessPropertyNames.length) { excessPropertyNames.forEach((excessPropertyName) => { this.log.warn(`Unknown stryker config option "${excessPropertyName}".`); }); this.log.warn(`Possible causes: * Is it a typo on your end? * Did you only write this property as a comment? If so, please postfix it with "_comment". * You might be missing a plugin that is supposed to use it. Stryker loaded plugins from: ${JSON.stringify(options.plugins)} * The plugin that is using it did not contribute explicit validation. (disable "${optionsPath('warnings', 'unknownOptions')}" to ignore this warning)`); } } } private markUnserializableOptions(options: StrykerOptions) { if (objectUtils.isWarningEnabled('unserializableOptions', options.warnings)) { const unserializables = findUnserializables(options); if (unserializables) { unserializables.forEach((unserializable) => this.log.warn( `Config option "${unserializable.path.join('.')}" is not (fully) serializable. ${ unserializable.reason }. Any test runner or checker worker processes might not receive this value as intended.` ) ); this.log.warn(`(disable ${optionsPath('warnings', 'unserializableOptions')} to ignore this warning)`); } } } } export function createDefaultOptions(): StrykerOptions { const options: Record = {}; const validator: OptionsValidator = new OptionsValidator(strykerCoreSchema, noopLogger); validator.validate(options); return options; } export const defaultOptions: Immutable = deepFreeze(createDefaultOptions());