import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { PartialStrykerOptions, StrykerOptions } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging'; import { commonTokens, tokens } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin'; import { childProcessAsPromised } from '@stryker-mutator/util'; import { fileUtils } from '../utils/file-utils.js'; import { CommandTestRunner } from '../test-runner/command-test-runner.js'; import { SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_BASE_NAMES, SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_EXTENSIONS } from '../config/index.js'; import { PresetConfiguration } from './presets/preset-configuration.js'; import { PromptOption } from './prompt-option.js'; import { initializerTokens } from './index.js'; export class StrykerConfigWriter { public static inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, initializerTokens.out); constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly out: typeof console.log) {} public async guardForExistingConfig(): Promise { for (const file of SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_BASE_NAMES) { for (const ext of SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_EXTENSIONS) { await this.checkIfConfigFileExists(`${file}${ext}`); } } } private async checkIfConfigFileExists(file: string) { if (await fileUtils.exists(file)) { const msg = `Stryker config file "${file}" already exists in the current directory. Please remove it and try again.`; this.log.error(msg); throw new Error(msg); } } /** * Create config based on the chosen framework and test runner * @function */ public write( selectedTestRunner: PromptOption, buildCommand: PromptOption, selectedReporters: PromptOption[], selectedPackageManager: PromptOption, requiredPlugins: string[], additionalPiecesOfConfig: Array>, homepageOfSelectedTestRunner: string, exportAsJson: boolean ): Promise { const configObject: Partial & { _comment: string } = { _comment: "This config was generated using 'stryker init'. Please take a look at: for more information.", packageManager: as 'npm' | 'pnpm' | 'yarn', reporters: =>, testRunner:, testRunner_comment: `Take a look at ${homepageOfSelectedTestRunner} for information about the ${} plugin.`, coverageAnalysis: ? 'off' : 'perTest', }; // Only write buildCommand to config file if non-empty if ( configObject.buildCommand =; // Automatic plugin discovery doesn't work with pnpm, so explicitly specify the required plugins in the config file if ( === 'pnpm') configObject.plugins = requiredPlugins; Object.assign(configObject, ...additionalPiecesOfConfig); return this.writeStrykerConfig(configObject, exportAsJson); } /** * Create config based on the chosen preset * @function */ public async writePreset(presetConfig: PresetConfiguration, exportAsJson: boolean): Promise { const config = { _comment: `This config was generated using 'stryker init'. Please see the guide for more information: ${presetConfig.guideUrl}`, ...presetConfig.config, }; return this.writeStrykerConfig(config, exportAsJson); } private writeStrykerConfig(config: PartialStrykerOptions, exportAsJson: boolean) { if (exportAsJson) { return this.writeJsonConfig(config); } else { return this.writeJsConfig(config); } } private async writeJsConfig(commentedConfig: PartialStrykerOptions) { const configFileName = `${SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_BASE_NAMES[0]}.mjs`; this.out(`Writing & formatting ${configFileName} ...`); const rawConfig = this.stringify(commentedConfig); const formattedConfig = `// @ts-check /** @type {import('@stryker-mutator/api/core').PartialStrykerOptions} */ const config = ${rawConfig}; export default config;`; await fs.writeFile(configFileName, formattedConfig); try { await childProcessAsPromised.exec(`npx prettier --write ${configFileName}`); } catch (error) { this.log.debug('Prettier exited with error', error); this.out('Unable to format stryker.conf.js file for you. This is not a big problem, but it might look a bit messy 🙈.'); } return configFileName; } private async writeJsonConfig(commentedConfig: PartialStrykerOptions) { const configFileName = `${SUPPORTED_CONFIG_FILE_BASE_NAMES[0]}.json`; this.out(`Writing & formatting ${configFileName}...`); const typedConfig = { $schema: './node_modules/@stryker-mutator/core/schema/stryker-schema.json', ...commentedConfig, }; const formattedConfig = this.stringify(typedConfig); await fs.writeFile(configFileName, formattedConfig); return configFileName; } private stringify(input: Record): string { return JSON.stringify(input, undefined, 2); } }