import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'url'; import { LogLevel } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import log4js from 'log4js'; import { netUtils } from '../utils/net-utils.js'; import { LoggingClientContext } from './logging-client-context.js'; import { minLevel } from './log-utils.js'; const enum AppenderName { File = 'file', FilterLevelFile = 'filterLevelFile', FilterLog4jsCategoryFile = 'filterLog4jsCategoryFile', Console = 'console', FilterLevelConsole = 'filterLevelConsole', StripAnsi = 'stripAnsi', FilterLog4jsCategoryConsole = 'filterLog4jsCategoryConsole', All = 'all', Server = 'server', } const layouts: { color: log4js.PatternLayout; noColor: log4js.PatternLayout } = { color: { pattern: '%[%r (%z) %p %c%] %m', type: 'pattern', }, noColor: { pattern: '%r (%z) %p %c %m', type: 'pattern', }, }; type AppendersConfiguration = Partial>; const LOG_FILE_NAME = 'stryker.log'; export class LogConfigurator { private static createMainProcessAppenders(consoleLogLevel: LogLevel, fileLogLevel: LogLevel, allowConsoleColors: boolean): AppendersConfiguration { // Add the custom "multiAppender": const multiAppender = { type: fileURLToPath(new URL('../cjs/logging/multi-appender.js', import.meta.url)), appenders: [AppenderName.FilterLevelConsole], }; const consoleLayout = allowConsoleColors ? layouts.color : layouts.noColor; let allAppenders: AppendersConfiguration = { [AppenderName.Console]: { type: 'stdout', layout: consoleLayout }, // Exclude messages like: "ERROR log4js A worker log process hung up unexpectedly" #1245 [AppenderName.FilterLog4jsCategoryConsole]: { type: 'categoryFilter', appender: AppenderName.Console, exclude: 'log4js' }, [AppenderName.FilterLevelConsole]: { type: 'logLevelFilter', appender: AppenderName.FilterLog4jsCategoryConsole, level: consoleLogLevel }, [AppenderName.All]: multiAppender, }; // only add file if it is needed. Otherwise log4js will create the file directly, pretty annoying. if (fileLogLevel.toUpperCase() !== LogLevel.Off.toUpperCase()) { // Add the custom "multiAppender": const stripAnsiAppender = { type: fileURLToPath(new URL('../cjs/logging/strip-ansi-appender.js', import.meta.url)), appender: AppenderName.File, }; const fileAppender: log4js.FileAppender = { type: 'file', filename: LOG_FILE_NAME, layout: layouts.noColor }; const filterLog4sCategory: log4js.CategoryFilterAppender = { type: 'categoryFilter', appender: AppenderName.StripAnsi, exclude: 'log4js' }; const filterFileAppender: log4js.LogLevelFilterAppender = { type: 'logLevelFilter', appender: AppenderName.FilterLog4jsCategoryFile, level: fileLogLevel, }; // Don't simply add the appenders, instead actually make sure they are ordinal "before" the others. // See allAppenders = { ...allAppenders, [AppenderName.File]: fileAppender, [AppenderName.StripAnsi]: stripAnsiAppender, [AppenderName.FilterLog4jsCategoryFile]: filterLog4sCategory, [AppenderName.FilterLevelFile]: filterFileAppender, }; multiAppender.appenders.push(AppenderName.FilterLevelFile); } return allAppenders; } private static createLog4jsConfig(defaultLogLevel: LogLevel, appenders: AppendersConfiguration): log4js.Configuration { return { appenders, categories: { default: { appenders: [AppenderName.All], level: defaultLogLevel, }, }, }; } /** * Configure logging for the master process. Either call this method or `configureChildProcess` before any `getLogger` calls. * @param consoleLogLevel The log level to configure for the console * @param fileLogLevel The log level to configure for the "stryker.log" file */ public static configureMainProcess( consoleLogLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Information, fileLogLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Off, allowConsoleColors = true ): void { const appenders = this.createMainProcessAppenders(consoleLogLevel, fileLogLevel, allowConsoleColors); log4js.configure(this.createLog4jsConfig(minLevel(consoleLogLevel, fileLogLevel), appenders)); } /** * Configure the logging for the server. Includes the master configuration. * This method should only be called ONCE, as it starts the log4js server to listen for log events. * It returns the logging client context that should be used to configure the child processes. * * @param consoleLogLevel the console log level * @param fileLogLevel the file log level * @returns the context */ public static async configureLoggingServer( consoleLogLevel: LogLevel, fileLogLevel: LogLevel, allowConsoleColors: boolean ): Promise { const loggerPort = await netUtils.getFreePort(); // Include the appenders for the main Stryker process, as log4js has only one single `configure` method. const appenders = this.createMainProcessAppenders(consoleLogLevel, fileLogLevel, allowConsoleColors); const multiProcessAppender: log4js.MultiprocessAppender = { appender: AppenderName.All, loggerPort, mode: 'master', type: 'multiprocess', }; appenders[AppenderName.Server] = multiProcessAppender; const defaultLogLevel = minLevel(consoleLogLevel, fileLogLevel); log4js.configure(this.createLog4jsConfig(defaultLogLevel, appenders)); const context: LoggingClientContext = { level: defaultLogLevel, port: loggerPort, }; return context; } /** * Configures the logging for a worker process. Sends all logging to the master process. * Either call this method or `configureMainProcess` before any `getLogger` calls. * @param context the logging client context used to configure the logging client */ public static configureChildProcess(context: LoggingClientContext): void { const clientAppender: log4js.MultiprocessAppender = { type: 'multiprocess', mode: 'worker', loggerPort: context.port }; const appenders: AppendersConfiguration = { [AppenderName.All]: clientAppender }; log4js.configure(this.createLog4jsConfig(context.level, appenders)); } public static shutdown(): Promise { return new Promise((res, rej) => { log4js.shutdown((err) => { if (err) { rej(err); } else { res(); } }); }); } }