import path from 'path'; import { StrykerOptions } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import { tokens, commonTokens } from '@stryker-mutator/api/plugin'; import { Logger } from '@stryker-mutator/api/logging'; import { Project } from '../fs/project.js'; import { FilePreprocessor } from './file-preprocessor.js'; export interface TSConfig { references?: Array<{ path: string }>; extends?: string; files?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; include?: string[]; compilerOptions?: Record; } /** * A helper class that rewrites `references` and `extends` file paths if they end up falling outside of the sandbox. * @example * { * "extends": "../../tsconfig.settings.json", * "references": { * "path": "../model" * } * } * becomes: * { * "extends": "../../../../tsconfig.settings.json", * "references": { * "path": "../../../model" * } * } */ export class TSConfigPreprocessor implements FilePreprocessor { private readonly touched = new Set(); public static readonly inject = tokens(commonTokens.logger, commonTokens.options); constructor(private readonly log: Logger, private readonly options: StrykerOptions) {} public async preprocess(project: Project): Promise { if (this.options.inPlace) { // If stryker is running 'inPlace', we don't have to change the tsconfig file return; } else { this.touched.clear(); await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(project, path.resolve(this.options.tsconfigFile)); } } private async rewriteTSConfigFile(project: Project, tsconfigFileName: string): Promise { if (!this.touched.has(tsconfigFileName)) { this.touched.add(tsconfigFileName); const tsconfigFile = project.files.get(tsconfigFileName); if (tsconfigFile) { this.log.debug('Rewriting file %s', tsconfigFile); const { default: ts } = await import('typescript'); const { config }: { config?: TSConfig } = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(tsconfigFileName, await tsconfigFile.readContent()); if (config) { await this.rewriteExtends(project, config, tsconfigFileName); await this.rewriteProjectReferences(project, config, tsconfigFileName); this.rewriteFileArrayProperty(config, tsconfigFileName, 'include'); this.rewriteFileArrayProperty(config, tsconfigFileName, 'exclude'); this.rewriteFileArrayProperty(config, tsconfigFileName, 'files'); tsconfigFile.setContent(JSON.stringify(config, null, 2)); } } } } private async rewriteExtends(project: Project, config: TSConfig, tsconfigFileName: string): Promise { const extend = config.extends; if (typeof extend === 'string') { const rewritten = this.tryRewriteReference(extend, tsconfigFileName); if (rewritten) { config.extends = rewritten; } else { await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(project, path.resolve(path.dirname(tsconfigFileName), extend)); } } } private rewriteFileArrayProperty(config: TSConfig, tsconfigFileName: string, prop: 'exclude' | 'files' | 'include'): void { const fileArray = config[prop]; if (Array.isArray(fileArray)) { config[prop] = => { const rewritten = this.tryRewriteReference(pattern, tsconfigFileName); if (rewritten) { return rewritten; } else { return pattern; } }); } } private async rewriteProjectReferences(project: Project, config: TSConfig, originTSConfigFileName: string): Promise { const { default: ts } = await import('typescript'); if (Array.isArray(config.references)) { for (const reference of config.references) { const referencePath = ts.resolveProjectReferencePath(reference); const rewritten = this.tryRewriteReference(referencePath, originTSConfigFileName); if (rewritten) { reference.path = rewritten; } else { await this.rewriteTSConfigFile(project, path.resolve(path.dirname(originTSConfigFileName), referencePath)); } } } } private tryRewriteReference(reference: string, originTSConfigFileName: string): string | false { const dirName = path.dirname(originTSConfigFileName); const fileName = path.resolve(dirName, reference); const relativeToSandbox = path.relative(process.cwd(), fileName); if (relativeToSandbox.startsWith('..')) { return this.join('..', '..', reference); } return false; } private join(...pathSegments: string[]) { return => segment.replace(/\\/g, '/')).join('/'); } }