import { exec } from 'child_process'; import os from 'os'; import { StrykerOptions, CommandRunnerOptions, INSTRUMENTER_CONSTANTS } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core'; import { TestRunner, TestStatus, MutantRunOptions, DryRunResult, MutantRunResult, DryRunStatus, ErrorDryRunResult, CompleteDryRunResult, toMutantRunResult, TestRunnerCapabilities, } from '@stryker-mutator/api/test-runner'; import { errorToString } from '@stryker-mutator/util'; import { objectUtils } from '../utils/object-utils.js'; import { Timer } from '../utils/timer.js'; /** * A test runner that uses a (bash or cmd) command to execute the tests. * Does not know hom many tests are executed or any code coverage results, * instead, it mimics a simple test result based on the exit code. * The command can be configured, but defaults to `npm test`. */ export class CommandTestRunner implements TestRunner { /** * "command" */ public static readonly runnerName ='TestRunner', '').toLowerCase(); /** * Determines whether a given name is "command" (ignore case) * @param name Maybe "command", maybe not */ public static is(name: string): name is 'command' { return this.runnerName === name.toLowerCase(); } private readonly settings: CommandRunnerOptions; private timeoutHandler: (() => Promise) | undefined; constructor(private readonly workingDir: string, options: StrykerOptions) { this.settings = options.commandRunner; } public capabilities(): TestRunnerCapabilities { // Can reload, because each call is a new process. return { reloadEnvironment: true }; } public async dryRun(): Promise { return{}); } public async mutantRun({ activeMutant }: Pick): Promise { const result = await{ activeMutantId: }); return toMutantRunResult(result); } private run({ activeMutantId }: { activeMutantId?: string }): Promise { const timerInstance = new Timer(); return new Promise((res, rej) => { const output: Array = []; const env = activeMutantId === undefined ? process.env : { ...process.env, [INSTRUMENTER_CONSTANTS.ACTIVE_MUTANT_ENV_VARIABLE]: activeMutantId }; const childProcess = exec(this.settings.command, { cwd: this.workingDir, env }); childProcess.on('error', (error) => { objectUtils .kill( .then(() => handleResolve(errorResult(error))) .catch(rej); }); childProcess.on('exit', (code) => { const result = completeResult(code, timerInstance); handleResolve(result); }); childProcess.stdout!.on('data', (chunk) => { output.push(chunk as Buffer); }); childProcess.stderr!.on('data', (chunk) => { output.push(chunk as Buffer); }); this.timeoutHandler = async () => { handleResolve({ status: DryRunStatus.Timeout }); await objectUtils.kill(; }; const handleResolve = (runResult: DryRunResult) => { removeAllListeners(); this.timeoutHandler = undefined; res(runResult); }; function removeAllListeners() { childProcess.stderr!.removeAllListeners(); childProcess.stdout!.removeAllListeners(); childProcess.removeAllListeners(); } function errorResult(error: Error): ErrorDryRunResult { return { errorMessage: errorToString(error), status: DryRunStatus.Error, }; } function completeResult(exitCode: number | null, timer: Timer): CompleteDryRunResult { const duration = timer.elapsedMs(); if (exitCode === 0) { return { status: DryRunStatus.Complete, tests: [ { id: 'all', name: 'All tests', status: TestStatus.Success, timeSpentMs: duration, }, ], }; } else { return { status: DryRunStatus.Complete, tests: [ { id: 'all', failureMessage: => buf.toString()).join(os.EOL), name: 'All tests', status: TestStatus.Failed, timeSpentMs: duration, }, ], }; } } }); } public async dispose(): Promise { if (this.timeoutHandler) { await this.timeoutHandler(); } } }