/** * This file was automatically generated by generate-json-schema-to-ts.js. * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source file JSON file: jest-runner-options.json, * and run 'npm run generate' from monorepo base directory. */ /** * The type of project you are working on. * * `custom` uses the `config` option. * *`create-react-app` when you are using [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app) * * `react`: DEPRECATED, please use `create-react-app`. */ export type JestProjectType = 'create-react-app' | 'custom'; export interface JestRunnerOptions { jest: JestOptions; [k: string]: unknown; } /** * Configuration for @stryker-mutator/jest-runner */ export interface JestOptions { projectType: JestProjectType; /** * Path to your Jest config file. Please leave it empty if you want jest configuration to be loaded from package.json or a standard jest configuration file. */ configFile?: string; /** * A custom Jest configuration object. You could also use `require` to load it here. */ config?: { [k: string]: unknown; }; /** * Whether to run jest with the `--findRelatedTests` flag. When `true`, Jest will only run tests related to the mutated file per test. (See [_--findRelatedTests_](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#findrelatedtests-spaceseparatedlistofsourcefiles) */ enableFindRelatedTests: boolean; } //# sourceMappingURL=jest-runner-options.d.ts.map