/** * Sutton SignWriting Core Module v1.1.0 * https://github.com/Slevinski/SignWriting * Copyright (c) 2007-2019, Steve Slevinski * convert.cjs is released under the MIT License. */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /** * Object of regular expressions for FSW strings * * { symbol, coord, sort, box, prefix, spatial, signbox, sign, term } * @alias fsw.re * @type {object} */ let re = { 'symbol': 'S[123][0-9a-f]{2}[0-5][0-9a-f]', 'coord': '[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3}', 'sort': 'A', 'box': '[BLMR]' }; re.prefix = `(?:${re.sort}(?:${re.symbol})+)`; re.spatial = `${re.symbol}${re.coord}`; re.signbox = `${re.box}${re.coord}(?:${re.spatial})*`; re.sign = `${re.prefix}?${re.signbox}`; re.term = `${re.prefix}${re.signbox}`; /** * Object of regular expressions for FSW strings * * { symbol, coord, sort, box, prefix, spatial, signbox, sign, term } * @alias swu.re * @type {object} */ let re$1 = { 'symbol': '(?:(?:\uD8C0[\uDC01-\uDFFF])|(?:[\uD8C1-\uD8FC][\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:\uD8FD[\uDC00-\uDC80]))', 'coord': '(?:\uD836[\uDC0C-\uDDFF]){2}', 'sort': '\uD836\uDC00', 'box': '\uD836[\uDC01-\uDC04]' }; re$1.prefix = `(?:${re$1.sort}(?:${re$1.symbol})+)`; re$1.spatial = `${re$1.symbol}${re$1.coord}`; re$1.signbox = `${re$1.box}${re$1.coord}(?:${re$1.spatial})*`; re$1.sign = `${re$1.prefix}?${re$1.signbox}`; re$1.term = `${re$1.prefix}${re$1.signbox}`; /** The convert module contains functions to convert between Formal SignWriitng in ASCII (FSW) and SignWriting in Unicode (SWU) characters, along with other types of data. * [Characters set definitions](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-slevinski-formal-signwriting-07.html#rfc.section.2.2) * @module convert */ /** * Function to convert an SWU structural marker to FSW equivalent * @function convert.swu2mark * @param {string} swuMark - character for SWU structural marker * @returns {string} FSW structural marker * @example * convert.swu2mark('𝠀') * * return 'A' */ const swu2mark = swuMark => { return { '𝠀': 'A', '𝠁': 'B', '𝠂': 'L', '𝠃': 'M', '𝠄': 'R' }[swuMark]; }; /** * Function to convert an FSW structural marker to SWU equivalent * @function convert.mark2swu * @param {string} fswMark - character for FSW structural marker * @returns {string} SWU structural marker * @example * convert.mark2swu('A') * * return '𝠀' */ const mark2swu = fswMark => { return { 'A': '𝠀', 'B': '𝠁', 'L': '𝠂', 'M': '𝠃', 'R': '𝠄' }[fswMark]; }; /** * Function to convert an SWU number character to an integer * @function convert.swu2num * @param {string} swuNum - SWU number character * @returns {number} Integer value for number * @example * convert.swu2num('ðĪ†') * * return 500 */ const swu2num = swuNum => parseInt(swuNum.codePointAt(0)) - 0x1D80C + 250; /** * Function to convert a number to an SWU number character * @function convert.num2swu * @param {number} num - Integer value for number * @returns {string} SWU number character * @example * convert.num2swu(500) * * return 'ðĪ†' */ const num2swu = num => String.fromCodePoint(0x1D80C + parseInt(num) - 250); /** * Function to convert two SWU number characters to an array of x,y integers * @function convert.swu2coord * @param {string} swuCoord - Two SWU number character * @returns {number[]} Array of x,y integers * @example * convert.swu2coord('ðĪ†ðĪ†') * * return [500, 500] */ const swu2coord = swuCoord => [swu2num(swuCoord.slice(0, 2)), swu2num(swuCoord.slice(2, 4))]; /** * Function to convert an array of x,y integers to two SWU number characters * @function convert.coord2swu * @param {number[]} coord - Array of x,y integers * @returns {string} Two SWU number character * @example * convert.coord2swu([500, 500]) * * return 'ðĪ†ðĪ†' */ const coord2swu = coord => coord.map(num => num2swu(num)).join(''); /** * Function to convert an FSW coordinate string to an array of x,y integers * @function convert.fsw2coord * @param {string} fswCoord - An FSW coordinate string * @returns {number[]} Array of x,y integers * @example * convert.fsw2coord('500x500') * * return [500, 500] */ const fsw2coord = fswCoord => fswCoord.split('x').map(num => parseInt(num)); /** * Function to convert an array of x,y integers to an FSW coordinate string * @function convert.coord2fsw * @param {number[]} coord - Array of x,y integers * @returns {string} An FSW coordinate string * @example * convert.coord2fsw([500, 500]) * * return '500x500' */ const coord2fsw = coord => coord.join('x'); /** * Function to convert an SWU symbol character to a code point on plane 4 * @function convert.swu2code * @param {string} swuSym - SWU symbol character * @returns {number} Code point on plane 4 * @example * convert.swu2code('ņ€€') * * return 0x40001 */ const swu2code = swuSym => parseInt(swuSym.codePointAt(0)); /** * Function to convert a code point on plane 4 to an SWU symbol character * @function convert.code2swu * @param {number} code - Code point on plane 4 * @returns {string} SWU symbol character * @example * convert.code2swu(0x40001) * * return 'ņ€€' */ const code2swu = code => String.fromCodePoint(code); /** * Function to convert an SWU symbol character to a 16-bit ID * @function convert.swu2id * @param {string} swuSym - SWU symbol character * @returns {number} 16-bit ID * @example * convert.swu2id('ņ€€') * * return 1 */ const swu2id = swuSym => swu2code(swuSym) - 0x40000; /** * Function to convert a 16-bit ID to an SWU symbol character * @function convert.id2swu * @param {number} id - 16-bit ID * @returns {string} SWU symbol character * @example * convert.id2swu(1) * * return 'ņ€€' */ const id2swu = id => code2swu(id + 0x40000); /** * Function to convert an FSW symbol key to a 16-bit ID * @function convert.key2id * @param {string} key - FSW symbol key * @returns {number} 16-bit ID * @example * convert.swu2id('S10000') * * return 1 */ const key2id = key => 1 + (parseInt(key.slice(1, 4), 16) - 256) * 96 + parseInt(key.slice(4, 5), 16) * 16 + parseInt(key.slice(5, 6), 16); /** * Function to convert a 16-bit ID to an FSW symbol key * @function convert.id2key * @param {number} id - 16-bit ID * @returns {string} FSW symbol key * @example * convert.id2fsw(1) * * return 'S10000' */ const id2key = id => { const symcode = id - 1; const base = parseInt(symcode / 96); const fill = parseInt((symcode - base * 96) / 16); const rotation = parseInt(symcode - base * 96 - fill * 16); return 'S' + (base + 0x100).toString(16) + fill.toString(16) + rotation.toString(16); }; /** * Function to convert an SWU symbol character to an FSW symbol key * @function convert.swu2key * @param {string} swuSym - SWU symbol character * @returns {string} FSW symbol key * @example * convert.swu2key('ņ€€') * * return 'S10000' */ const swu2key = swuSym => { const symcode = swu2code(swuSym) - 0x40001; const base = parseInt(symcode / 96); const fill = parseInt((symcode - base * 96) / 16); const rotation = parseInt(symcode - base * 96 - fill * 16); return 'S' + (base + 0x100).toString(16) + fill.toString(16) + rotation.toString(16); }; /** * Function to convert an FSW symbol key to an SWU symbol character * @function convert.key2swu * @param {string} key - FSW symbol key * @returns {string} SWU symbol character * @example * convert.key2swu('S10000') * * return 'ņ€€' */ const key2swu = key => code2swu(0x40001 + (parseInt(key.slice(1, 4), 16) - 256) * 96 + parseInt(key.slice(4, 5), 16) * 16 + parseInt(key.slice(5, 6), 16)); /** * Function to convert SWU text to FSW text * @function convert.swu2fsw * @param {string} swuText - SWU text * @returns {string} FSW text * @example * convert.swu2fsw('𝠀ņ€€’ņ€€šņ‹šĨņ‹›Đ𝠃ðĪŸðĪĐņ‹›ĐðĢĩðĪņ€€’ðĪ‡ðĢĪņ‹šĨðĪðĪ†ņ€€šðĢŪðĢ­') * * return 'AS10011S10019S2e704S2e748M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475' */ const swu2fsw = swuText => { if (!swuText) return ''; let fsw = swuText.replace(/𝠀/g, "A").replace(/𝠁/g, "B").replace(/𝠂/g, "L").replace(/𝠃/g, "M").replace(/𝠄/g, "R"); const syms = fsw.match(new RegExp(re$1.symbol, 'g')); if (syms) { syms.forEach(function (sym) { fsw = fsw.replace(sym, swu2key(sym)); }); } const coords = fsw.match(new RegExp(re$1.coord, 'g')); if (coords) { coords.forEach(function (coord) { fsw = fsw.replace(coord, swu2coord(coord).join('x')); }); } return fsw; }; /** * Function to convert FSW text to SWU text * @function convert.fsw2swu * @param {string} fswText - FSW text * @returns {string} SWU text * @example * convert.fsw2swu('AS10011S10019S2e704S2e748M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475') * * return '𝠀ņ€€’ņ€€šņ‹šĨņ‹›Đ𝠃ðĪŸðĪĐņ‹›ĐðĢĩðĪņ€€’ðĪ‡ðĢĪņ‹šĨðĪðĪ†ņ€€šðĢŪðĢ­' */ const fsw2swu = fswText => { if (!fswText) return ''; const prefixes = fswText.match(new RegExp(re.prefix, 'g')); if (prefixes) { prefixes.forEach(function (prefix) { fswText = fswText.replace(prefix, '𝠀' + prefix.slice(1).match(/.{6}/g).map(key => key2swu(key)).join('')); }); } const boxes = fswText.match(new RegExp(re.box + re.coord, 'g')); if (boxes) { boxes.forEach(function (boxes) { fswText = fswText.replace(boxes, mark2swu(boxes.slice(0, 1)) + coord2swu(fsw2coord(boxes.slice(1, 8)))); }); } const spatials = fswText.match(new RegExp(re.spatial, 'g')); if (spatials) { spatials.forEach(function (spatial) { fswText = fswText.replace(spatial, key2swu(spatial.slice(0, 6)) + coord2swu(fsw2coord(spatial.slice(6, 13)))); }); } return fswText; }; exports.code2swu = code2swu; exports.coord2fsw = coord2fsw; exports.coord2swu = coord2swu; exports.fsw2coord = fsw2coord; exports.fsw2swu = fsw2swu; exports.id2key = id2key; exports.id2swu = id2swu; exports.key2id = key2id; exports.key2swu = key2swu; exports.mark2swu = mark2swu; exports.num2swu = num2swu; exports.swu2code = swu2code; exports.swu2coord = swu2coord; exports.swu2fsw = swu2fsw; exports.swu2id = swu2id; exports.swu2key = swu2key; exports.swu2mark = swu2mark; exports.swu2num = swu2num; /* help fund development on https://patreon.com/signwriting */