export const __esModule: boolean; /** * Function that creates a PNG data url for a column of SWU * @function swu.columnPng * @param {ColumnData} swuColumn - an array of SWU signs and punctuation with coordinates * @param {ColumnOptions} options - an object of column options * @returns {string} column png data url * @example * swu.columnPng([ * { * "x": 56, * "y": 20, * "minX": 481, * "minY": 471, * "width": 37, * "height": 58, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "sign", * "text": "𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻", * "zoom": 1 * }, * { * "x": 57, * "y": 118, * "minX": 482, * "minY": 468, * "width": 36, * "height": 65, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "sign", * "text": "𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦", * "zoom": 1 * }, * { * "x": 39, * "y": 203, * "minX": 464, * "minY": 496, * "width": 72, * "height": 8, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "symbol", * "text": "񏌁𝣢𝤂", * "zoom": 1 * } * ], * { * "height": 250, * "width": 150, * }) * * return '...' */ export function columnPng(swuColumn: ColumnData, options: ColumnOptions): string; /** * Function that creates an SVG image for a column of SWU * @function swu.columnSvg * @param {ColumnData} swuColumn - an array of objects with information about FSW signs and punctuation * @param {ColumnOptions} options - an object of column options * @returns {string} column svg * @example * swu.columnSvg([ * { * "x": 56, * "y": 20, * "minX": 481, * "minY": 471, * "width": 37, * "height": 58, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "sign", * "text": "𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻", * "zoom": 1 * }, * { * "x": 57, * "y": 118, * "minX": 482, * "minY": 468, * "width": 36, * "height": 65, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "sign", * "text": "𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦", * "zoom": 1 * }, * { * "x": 39, * "y": 203, * "minX": 464, * "minY": 496, * "width": 72, * "height": 8, * "lane": 0, * "padding": 0, * "segment": "symbol", * "text": "񏌁𝣢𝤂", * "zoom": 1 * } * ], * { * "height": 250, * "width": 150, * }) * * return ` * * 𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􁲡 * 󱲡 * * * 􈩧 * 󸩧 * * * * 𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􃊫 * 󳊫 * * * 􃊢 * 󳊢 * * * 􆇡 * 󶇡 * * * 􋛕 * 󻛕 * * * * 񏌁𝣢𝤂-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􏌁 * 󿌁 * * * ` */ export function columnSvg(swuColumn: ColumnData, options: ColumnOptions): string; /** * Function that creates an SVG image for a column of SWU * @function swu.columnsPng * @param {string} swuText - an array of SWU signs and punctuation with coordinates * @param {ColumnOptions} options - an object of column options * @returns {string[]} array of PNG data urls * @example * swu.columnsPng('𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻 𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦 񏌁𝣢𝤂',{ * "height": 250, * "width": 150, * }) * * return ['...'] */ export function columnsPng(swuText: string, options: ColumnOptions): string[]; /** * Function that creates an array of SVG column images for an SWU text * @function swu.columnsSvg * @param {string} swuText - a text of SWU signs and punctuation * @param {ColumnOptions} options - an object of column options * @returns {string[]} array of SVG columns * @example * swu.columnsSvg('𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻 𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦 񏌁𝣢𝤂',{ * "height": 250, * "width": 150, * }) * * return [` * * 𝠀񁲡񈩧𝠃𝤘𝤣񁲡𝣳𝣩񈩧𝤉𝣻-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􁲡 * 󱲡 * * * 􈩧 * 󸩧 * * * * 𝠀񃊢񃊫񋛕񆇡𝠃𝤘𝤧񃊫𝣻𝤕񃊢𝣴𝣼񆇡𝤎𝤂񋛕𝤆𝣦-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􃊫 * 󳊫 * * * 􃊢 * 󳊢 * * * 􆇡 * 󶇡 * * * 􋛕 * 󻛕 * * * * 񏌁𝣢𝤂-D_black,white_Z1 * * 􏌁 * 󿌁 * * * `] */ export function columnsSvg(swuText: string, options: ColumnOptions): string[]; /** * Function that normalizes an SWU sign for a center of 500,500 * @function swu.signNormalize * @param {string} swuSign - an SWU sign with optional style string * @returns {string} normalized SWU sign * @example * swu.signNormalize('𝠀񀀒񀀚񋚥񋛩𝠃𝤟𝤩񋛩𝣵𝤐񀀒𝤇𝣤񋚥𝤐𝤆񀀚𝣮𝣭') * * return '𝠀񀀒񀀚񋚥񋛩𝠃𝤟𝤩񋛩𝣵𝤐񀀒𝤇𝣤񋚥𝤐𝤆񀀚𝣮𝣭' */ export function signNormalize(swuSign: string): string; /** * Function that creates a PNG data url from an SWU sign with an optional style string * @function swu.signPng * @param {string} swuSign - an SWU sign with optional style string * @returns {string} png image for sign as data url * @example * swu.signPng('𝠀񀀒񀀚񋚥񋛩𝠃𝤟𝤩񋛩𝣵𝤐񀀒𝤇𝣤񋚥𝤐𝤆񀀚𝣮𝣭') * * return '...' */ export function signPng(swuSign: string): string; /** * Function that creates an SVG image from an SWU sign with an optional style string * @function swu.signSvg * @param {string} swuSign - an SWU sign with optional style string * @returns {string} SVG for sign * @example * swu.signSvg('M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475') * * return ` * M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475 * * 􋛩 * 󻛩 * * * 􀀒 * 󰀒 * * * 􋚥 * 󻚥 * * * 􀀚 * 󰀚 * * ` */ export function signSvg(swuSign: string): string; /** * Function that creates an SVG image from an SWU sign with an optional style string * @function swu.signSvgBody * @param {string} swuSign - an SWU sign with optional style string * @returns {string} body of SVG for sign * @example * swu.signSvgBody('M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475') * * return `M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475 * * 􋛩 * 󻛩 * * * 􀀒 * 󰀒 * * * 􋚥 * 󻚥 * * * 􀀚 * 󰀚 * ` */ export function signSvgBody(swuSign: string): string; /** * Function that returns a plane 165 character for a symbol fill using an SWU symbol character * @function swu.symbolFill * @param {string} swu - an SWU symbol character * @returns {string} character for symbol fill * @example * swu.symbolFill('񀀁') * * return '􀀁' */ export function symbolFill(swu: string): string; /** * Function that changes the fill of a symbol * @function swu.symbolFlop * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol with optional coordinate and style string * @param {boolean} [positive=true] - increase the symbol fill * @returns {string} SWU symbol with changed fill * @example * swu.symbolFlop('񀀁') * * return '񀀑' */ export function symbolFlop(swuSym: string, positive?: boolean): string; /** * Function that returns a plane 15 character for a symbol line using an SWU symbol character * @function swu.symbolLine * @param {string} swu - an SWU symbol character * @returns {string} character for symbol line * @example * swu.symbolLine('񀀁') * * return '󰀁' */ export function symbolLine(swu: string): string; /** * Function that mirrors a symbol * @function swu.symbolMirror * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol with optional coordinate and style string * @returns {string} mirrored SWU symbol * @example * swu.symbolMirror('񀀁') * * return '񀀉' */ export function symbolMirror(swuSym: string): string; /** * Function that normalizes a symbol with a minimum coordinate for a center of 500,500 * @function swu.symbolNormalize * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol character with optional coordinate and style string * @returns {string} normalized SWU symbol * @example * swu.symbolNormalize('񀀁') * * return '񀀁𝣿𝣷' */ export function symbolNormalize(swuSym: string): string; /** * Function that creates a PNG data url from an SWU symbol character with an optional style string * @function swu.symbolPng * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol character with optional style string * @returns {string} png image for symbol as data url * @example * swu.symbolPng('񀀁-CP10G_green_Z2') * * return '...' */ export function symbolPng(swuSym: string): string; /** * Function that rotates a symbol * @function swu.symbolRotate * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol with optional coordinate and style string * @param {boolean} [clockwise=true] - rotate the symbol clockwise * @returns {string} rotated SWU symbol * @example * swu.symbolRotate('񀀁') * * return '񀀈' */ export function symbolRotate(swuSym: string, clockwise?: boolean): string; /** * Function that changes the base of a symbol * @function swu.symbolScroll * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol with optional coordinate and style string * @param {boolean} [positive=true] - increase the symbol base * @returns {string} SWU symbol with changed base * @example * swu.symbolScroll('񀀁') * * return '񀁡' */ export function symbolScroll(swuSym: string, positive?: boolean): string; /** * Function that returns the size of a symbol using an SWU symbol character * @function swu.symbolSize * @param {string} swu - an SWU symbol character * @returns {number[]} width and height of symbol * @example * swu.symbolSize("񀀁") * * return [15,30] */ export function symbolSize(swu: string): number[]; /** * Function that creates an SVG image from an SWU symbol key with an optional style string * @function swu.symbolSvg * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol key with optional style string * @returns {string} SVG for symbol * @example * swu.symbolSvg('S10000') * * return ` * S10000 * * 􀀁 * 󰀁 * * ` */ export function symbolSvg(swuSym: string): string; /** * Function that creates an SVG image from an SWU symbol key with an optional style string * @function swu.symbolSvgBody * @param {string} swuSym - an SWU symbol key with optional style string * @returns {string} body of SVG for symbol * @example * swu.symbolSvgBody('S10000') * * return `S10000 * * 􀀁 * 󰀁 * ` */ export function symbolSvgBody(swuSym: string): string; /** * Function that creates two text elements for a symbol using an SWU symbol character * @function swu.symbolText * @param {string} swu - an SWU symbol character * @returns {string} svg segment for line and fill * @example * swu.symbolText('񀀁') * * return ` 􀀁 * 󰀁` */ export function symbolText(swu: string): string; /** * Object of query elements with regular expression identification. */ type QueryObject = { /** * - required true for query object */ query: boolean; /** * - an object for prefix elements */ prefix?: { required: boolean; parts?: (string | string[] | (string | string[])[])[]; }; /** * - array of objects for symbols, ranges, and list of symbols or ranges, with optional coordinates */ signbox?: (QuerySignboxSymbol | QuerySignboxRange | QuerySignboxOr)[]; /** * - amount that x or y coordinates can vary and find a match, defaults to 20 */ variance?: number; /** * - boolean value for including style string in matches */ style?: boolean; }; type QuerySignboxSymbol = { /** * - a symbol */ symbol: string; /** * - an optional coordinate */ coord?: number[]; }; type QuerySignboxRange = { /** * - an array of two symbols */ range: string[]; /** * - an optional coordinate */ coord?: number[]; }; type QuerySignboxOr = { /** * - an array of symbol strings and range arrays */ or: (string | string[])[]; /** * - an optional coordinate */ coord?: number[]; }; type ColumnOptions = { /** * - the height of the columns */ height?: number; /** * - the widths of the columns */ width?: number; /** * - the lane offset for left and right lanes */ offset?: number; /** * - amount of padding before and after signs as well as at top, left, and right of columns */ pad?: number; /** * - amount of space at bottom of column that is not available */ margin?: number; /** * - enables variable width columns */ dynamic?: boolean; /** * - background color for columns */ background?: string; /** * - an object of style options */ style?: StyleObject; /** * - an object of punctuation options */ punctuation?: { spacing?: boolean; pad?: number; pull?: boolean; }; }; type ColumnData = ColumnSegment[]; type ColumnSegment = { /** * - the x position in the column */ x: number; /** * - the y position in the column */ y: number; /** * - the min x value within the segment */ minX: number; /** * - the min y value within the segment */ minY: number; /** * - the width of the text segment */ width: number; /** * - the height of the text segment */ height: number; /** * - Left as -1, Middle as 0, Right as 1 */ lane: number; /** * - the padding of the text segment affects colored background */ padding: number; /** * - "sign" or "symbol" */ segment: string; /** * - the text of the sign or symbol with optional style string */ text: string; /** * - the zoom size of the segment */ zoom: number; }; type SegmentInfo = { /** * - the min x value within the segment */ minX: number; /** * - the min y value within the segment */ minY: number; /** * - the width of the text segment */ width: number; /** * - the height of the text segment */ height: number; /** * - Left as -1, Middle as 0, Right as 1 */ lane: number; /** * - the padding of the text segment affects colored background */ padding: number; /** * - "sign" or "symbol" */ segment: string; /** * - the zoom size of the segment */ zoom: number; }; /** * The elements of a style string */ type StyleObject = { /** * - boolean to use standardized colors for symbol groups */ colorize?: boolean; /** * - integer value for padding around symbol or sign */ padding?: number; /** * - css name or hex color for background */ background?: string; /** * - array for css name or hex color for line and optional fill */ detail?: string[]; /** * - decimal value for zoom level */ zoom?: number; /** * - custom colors for individual symbols */ detailsym?: { index: number; detail: string[]; }; /** * - list of class names separated with spaces used for SVG */ classes?: string; /** * - id name used for SVG */ id?: string; }; /** * The elements of a symbol string */ type SymbolObject = { /** * - symbol identifier */ symbol?: string; /** * - x,y coordinate */ coord?: number[]; /** * - style string */ style?: string; }; /** * The elements of a sign string */ type SignObject = { /** * - array of symbols */ sequence?: string[]; /** * - signbox marker or lane */ box?: string; /** * - preprocessed x,y coordinate */ max?: number[]; /** * - array of symbols with coordinates */ spatials?: { symbol: string; coord: number[]; }[]; /** * - style string */ style?: string; };