export interface Plugin { (module: Program): Program; } export declare type ParseOptions = ParserConfig & { comments?: boolean; script?: boolean; /** * Defaults to es3. */ target?: JscTarget; }; /** * Programmatic options. */ export interface Options extends Config { /** * If true, a file is parsed as a script instead of module. */ script?: boolean; /** * The working directory that all paths in the programmatic * options will be resolved relative to. * * Defaults to `process.cwd()`. */ cwd?: string; caller?: CallerOptions; /** The filename associated with the code currently being compiled, * if there is one. The filename is optional, but not all of Swc's * functionality is available when the filename is unknown, because a * subset of options rely on the filename for their functionality. * * The three primary cases users could run into are: * * - The filename is exposed to plugins. Some plugins may require the * presence of the filename. * - Options like "test", "exclude", and "ignore" require the filename * for string/RegExp matching. * - .swcrc files are loaded relative to the file being compiled. * If this option is omitted, Swc will behave as if swcrc: false has been set. */ filename?: string; /** * The initial path that will be processed based on the "rootMode" to * determine the conceptual root folder for the current Swc project. * This is used in two primary cases: * * - The base directory when checking for the default "configFile" value * - The default value for "swcrcRoots". * * Defaults to `opts.cwd` */ root?: string; /** * This option, combined with the "root" value, defines how Swc chooses * its project root. The different modes define different ways that Swc * can process the "root" value to get the final project root. * * "root" - Passes the "root" value through as unchanged. * "upward" - Walks upward from the "root" directory, looking for a directory * containinga swc.config.js file, and throws an error if a swc.config.js * is not found. * "upward-optional" - Walk upward from the "root" directory, looking for * a directory containing a swc.config.js file, and falls back to "root" * if a swc.config.js is not found. * * * "root" is the default mode because it avoids the risk that Swc * will accidentally load a swc.config.js that is entirely outside * of the current project folder. If you use "upward-optional", * be aware that it will walk up the directory structure all the * way to the filesystem root, and it is always possible that someone * will have a forgotten swc.config.js in their home directory, * which could cause unexpected errors in your builds. * * * Users with monorepo project structures that run builds/tests on a * per-package basis may well want to use "upward" since monorepos * often have a swc.config.js in the project root. Running Swc * in a monorepo subdirectory without "upward", will cause Swc * to skip loading any swc.config.js files in the project root, * which can lead to unexpected errors and compilation failure. */ rootMode?: "root" | "upward" | "upward-optional"; /** * The current active environment used during configuration loading. * This value is used as the key when resolving "env" configs, * and is also available inside configuration functions, plugins, * and presets, via the api.env() function. * * Defaults to `process.env.SWC_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV || "development"` */ envName?: string; /** * Defaults to searching for a default `.swcrc` file, but can * be passed the path of any JS or JSON5 config file. * * * NOTE: This option does not affect loading of .swcrc files, * so while it may be tempting to do configFile: "./foo/.swcrc", * it is not recommended. If the given .swcrc is loaded via the * standard file-relative logic, you'll end up loading the same * config file twice, merging it with itself. If you are linking * a specific config file, it is recommended to stick with a * naming scheme that is independent of the "swcrc" name. * * Defaults to `path.resolve(opts.root, ".swcrc")` */ configFile?: string | boolean; /** * true will enable searching for configuration files relative to the "filename" provided to Swc. * * A swcrc value passed in the programmatic options will override one set within a configuration file. * * Note: .swcrc files are only loaded if the current "filename" is inside of * a package that matches one of the "swcrcRoots" packages. * * * Defaults to true as long as the filename option has been specificed */ swcrc?: boolean; /** * By default, Babel will only search for .babelrc files within the "root" package * because otherwise Babel cannot know if a given .babelrc is meant to be loaded, * or if it's "plugins" and "presets" have even been installed, since the file * being compiled could be inside node_modules, or have been symlinked into the project. * * * This option allows users to provide a list of other packages that should be * considered "root" packages when considering whether to load .babelrc files. * * * For example, a monorepo setup that wishes to allow individual packages * to have their own configs might want to do * * * * Defaults to `opts.root` */ swcrcRoots?: boolean | MatchPattern | MatchPattern[]; /** * `true` will attempt to load an input sourcemap from the file itself, if it * contains a //# sourceMappingURL=... comment. If no map is found, or the * map fails to load and parse, it will be silently discarded. * * If an object is provided, it will be treated as the source map object itself. * * Defaults to `true`. */ inputSourceMap?: boolean | string; /** * The name to use for the file inside the source map object. * * Defaults to `path.basename(opts.filenameRelative)` when available, or `"unknown"`. */ sourceFileName?: string; /** * The sourceRoot fields to set in the generated source map, if one is desired. */ sourceRoot?: string; plugin?: Plugin; isModule?: boolean; } export interface CallerOptions { name: string; [key: string]: any; } export declare type Swcrc = Config | Config[]; /** * .swcrc */ export interface Config { /** * Note: The type is string beacuse it follow rust's regex syntax. */ test?: string | string[]; /** * Note: The type is string beacuse it follow rust's regex syntax. */ exclude?: string | string[]; env?: EnvConfig; jsc?: JscConfig; module?: ModuleConfig; minify?: boolean; /** * - true to generate a sourcemap for the code and include it in the result object. * - "inline" to generate a sourcemap and append it as a data URL to the end of the code, but not include it in the result object. * - "both" is the same as inline, but will include the map in the result object. * * `swc-cli` overloads some of these to also affect how maps are written to disk: * * - true will write the map to a .map file on disk * - "inline" will write the file directly, so it will have a data: containing the map * - "both" will write the file with a data: URL and also a .map. * - Note: These options are bit weird, so it may make the most sense to just use true * and handle the rest in your own code, depending on your use case. */ sourceMaps?: boolean | "inline" | "both"; } /** * Configuration ported from babel-preset-env */ export interface EnvConfig { mode?: "usage" | "entry"; debug?: boolean; dynamicImport?: boolean; loose?: boolean; skip?: string[]; include?: string[]; exclude?: string[]; /** * The version of the used core js. * */ coreJs?: string; targets?: any; path?: string; shippedProposals?: boolean; /** * Enable all trnasforms */ forceAllTransforms?: boolean; } export interface JscConfig { loose?: boolean; /** * Defaults to EsParserConfig */ parser?: ParserConfig; transform?: TransformConfig; /** * Use `@swc/helpers` instead of inline helpers. */ externalHelpers?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `es3` (which enableds **all** pass). */ target?: JscTarget; } export declare type JscTarget = "es3" | "es5" | "es2015" | "es2016" | "es2017" | "es2018" | "es2019" | "es2020"; export declare type ParserConfig = TsParserConfig | EsParserConfig; export interface TsParserConfig { syntax: "typescript"; /** * Defaults to `false`. */ tsx?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false`. */ decorators?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ dynamicImport?: boolean; } export interface EsParserConfig { syntax: "ecmascript"; /** * Defaults to false. */ jsx?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false`. * * @deprecated Always true because it's in ecmascript spec. */ numericSeparator?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ classPrivateProperty?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` * * @deprecated Always true because it's in ecmascript spec. */ privateMethod?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ classProperty?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ functionBind?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ decorators?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ decoratorsBeforeExport?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ dynamicImport?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` * * @deprecated Always true because it's in ecmascript spec. */ nullishCoalescing?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ exportDefaultFrom?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ exportNamespaceFrom?: boolean; /** * Defaults to `false` */ importMeta?: boolean; } /** * Options for trasnform. */ export interface TransformConfig { /** * Effective only if `syntax` supports ƒ. */ react?: ReactConfig; constModules?: ConstModulesConfig; /** * Defaults to null, which skips optimizer pass. */ optimizer?: OptimizerConfig; /** * https://swc.rs/docs/configuring-swc.html#jsctransformlegacydecorator */ legacyDecorator?: boolean; /** * https://swc.rs/docs/configuring-swc.html#jsctransformdecoratormetadata */ decoratorMetadata?: boolean; } export interface ReactConfig { /** * Replace the function used when compiling JSX expressions. * * Defaults to `React.createElement`. */ pragma: String; /** * Replace the component used when compiling JSX fragments. * * Defaults to `React.Fragment` */ pragmaFrag: String; /** * Toggles whether or not to throw an error if a XML namespaced tag name is used. For example: * `` * * Though the JSX spec allows this, it is disabled by default since React's * JSX does not currently have support for it. * */ throwIfNamespace: boolean; /** * Toggles plugins that aid in development, such as @swc/plugin-transform-react-jsx-self * and @swc/plugin-transform-react-jsx-source. * * Defaults to `false`, * */ development: boolean; /** * Use `Object.assign()` instead of `_extends`. Defaults to false. */ useBuiltins: boolean; } /** * - `import { DEBUG } from '@ember/env-flags';` * - `import { FEATURE_A, FEATURE_B } from '@ember/features';` * * See: https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/18#issuecomment-466272558 */ export interface ConstModulesConfig { globals?: { [module: string]: { [name: string]: string; }; }; } export interface OptimizerConfig { globals?: GlobalPassOption; jsonify?: { minCost: number; }; } /** * Options for inline-global pass. */ export interface GlobalPassOption { /** * Global variables. * * e.g. `{ __DEBUG__: true }` */ vars?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * Name of environment variables to inline. * * Defaults to `["NODE_ENV", "SWC_ENV"]` */ envs?: string[]; } export declare type ModuleConfig = CommonJsConfig | UmdConfig | AmdConfig; export interface BaseModuleConfig { /** * By default, when using exports with babel a non-enumerable `__esModule` * property is exported. In some cases this property is used to determine * if the import is the default export or if it contains the default export. * * In order to prevent the __esModule property from being exported, you * can set the strict option to true. * * Defaults to `false`. */ strict?: boolean; /** * Emits 'use strict' directive. * * Defaults to `true`. */ strict_mode?: boolean; /** * Changes Babel's compiled import statements to be lazily evaluated when their imported bindings are used for the first time. * * This can improve initial load time of your module because evaluating dependencies up * front is sometimes entirely un-necessary. This is especially the case when implementing * a library module. * * * The value of `lazy` has a few possible effects: * * - `false` - No lazy initialization of any imported module. * - `true` - Do not lazy-initialize local `./foo` imports, but lazy-init `foo` dependencies. * * Local paths are much more likely to have circular dependencies, which may break if loaded lazily, * so they are not lazy by default, whereas dependencies between independent modules are rarely cyclical. * * - `Array` - Lazy-initialize all imports with source matching one of the given strings. * * ----- * * The two cases where imports can never be lazy are: * * - `import "foo";` * * Side-effect imports are automatically non-lazy since their very existence means * that there is no binding to later kick off initialization. * * - `export * from "foo"` * * Re-exporting all names requires up-front execution because otherwise there is no * way to know what names need to be exported. * * Defaults to `false`. */ lazy?: boolean | string[]; /** * By default, when using exports with swc a non-enumerable __esModule property is exported. * This property is then used to determine if the import is the default export or if * it contains the default export. * * In cases where the auto-unwrapping of default is not needed, you can set the noInterop option * to true to avoid the usage of the interopRequireDefault helper (shown in inline form above). * * Defaults to `false`. */ noInterop?: boolean; } export interface CommonJsConfig extends BaseModuleConfig { type: "commonjs"; } export interface UmdConfig extends BaseModuleConfig { type: "umd"; globals?: { [key: string]: string; }; } export interface AmdConfig extends BaseModuleConfig { type: "amd"; moduleId: string; } export interface Output { /** * Transformed code */ code: string; /** * Sourcemap (**not** base64 encoded) */ map?: string; } export interface MatchPattern { } export interface Span { start: number; end: number; ctxt: number; } export interface Node { type: string; } export interface HasSpan { span: Span; } export interface HasDecorator { decorators?: Decorator[]; } export interface Class extends HasSpan, HasDecorator { body: ClassMember[]; superClass?: Expression; is_abstract: boolean; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; superTypeParams?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; implements: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[]; } export declare type ClassMember = Constructor | ClassMethod | PrivateMethod | ClassProperty | PrivateProperty | TsIndexSignature; export interface ClassPropertyBase extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator { value?: Expression; typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation; is_static: boolean; computed: boolean; accessibility?: Accessibility; is_abstract: boolean; is_optional: boolean; readonly: boolean; definite: boolean; } export interface ClassProperty extends ClassPropertyBase { type: "ClassProperty"; key: Expression; } export interface PrivateProperty extends ClassPropertyBase { type: "PrivateProperty"; key: PrivateName; } export interface Param extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator { type: "Parameter"; pat: Pattern; } export interface Constructor extends Node, HasSpan { type: "Constructor"; key: PropertyName; params: (Param | TsParameterProperty)[]; body: BlockStatement; accessibility?: Accessibility; is_optional: boolean; } export interface ClassMethodBase extends Node, HasSpan { function: Fn; kind: MethodKind; is_static: boolean; accessibility?: Accessibility; is_abstract: boolean; is_optional: boolean; } export interface ClassMethod extends ClassMethodBase { type: "ClassMethod"; key: PropertyName; } export interface PrivateMethod extends ClassMethodBase { type: "PrivateMethod"; key: PrivateName; } export interface Decorator extends Node, HasSpan { type: "Decorator"; expression: Expression; } export declare type MethodKind = "method" | "setter" | "getter"; export declare type Declaration = ClassDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | TsInterfaceDeclaration | TsTypeAliasDeclaration | TsEnumDeclaration | TsModuleDeclaration; export interface FunctionDeclaration extends Fn { type: "FunctionDeclaration"; ident: Identifier; declare: boolean; } export interface ClassDeclaration extends Class, Node { type: "ClassDeclaration"; identifier: Identifier; declare: boolean; } export interface VariableDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "VariableDeclaration"; kind: VariableDeclarationKind; declare: boolean; declarations: VariableDeclarator[]; } export declare type VariableDeclarationKind = "get" | "let" | "const"; export interface VariableDeclarator extends Node, HasSpan { type: "VariableDeclarator"; id: Pattern; init?: Expression; definite: boolean; } export declare type Expression = ThisExpression | ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | FunctionExpression | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | BinaryExpression | AssignmentExpression | MemberExpression | ConditionalExpression | CallExpression | NewExpression | SequenceExpression | Identifier | Literal | TemplateLiteral | TaggedTemplateExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | YieldExpression | MetaProperty | AwaitExpression | ParenthesisExpression | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXElement | JSXFragment | TsTypeAssertion | TsNonNullExpression | TsAsExpression | PrivateName | OptionalChainingExpression | Invalid; interface ExpressionBase extends Node, HasSpan { } export interface OptionalChainingExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "OptionalChainingExpression"; /** * Call expression or member expression. */ expr: Expression; } export interface ThisExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ThisExpression"; } export interface ArrayExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ArrayExpression"; elements: (Expression | SpreadElement | undefined)[]; } export interface ObjectExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ObjectExpression"; properties: (Property | SpreadElement)[]; } export interface Argument { spread: Span; expression: Expression; } export declare type PropertOrSpread = Property | SpreadElement; export interface SpreadElement extends Node { type: "SpreadElement"; spread: Span; arguments: Expression; } export interface UnaryExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "UnaryExpression"; operator: UnaryOperator; argument: Expression; } export interface UpdateExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "UpdateExpression"; operator: UpdateOperator; prefix: boolean; argument: Expression; } export interface BinaryExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "BinaryExpression"; operator: BinaryOperator; left: Expression; right: Expression; } export interface FunctionExpression extends Fn, ExpressionBase { type: "FunctionExpression"; identifier: Identifier; } export interface ClassExpression extends Class, ExpressionBase { type: "ClassExpression"; identifier: Identifier; } export interface AssignmentExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "AssignmentExpression"; operator: AssignmentOperator; left: Pattern | Expression; right: Expression; } export interface MemberExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "MemberExpression"; object: Expression | Super; property: Expression; computed: boolean; } export interface ConditionalExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ConditionalExpression"; test: Expression; consequent: Expression; alternate: Expression; } export interface Super extends Node, HasSpan { type: "Super"; } export interface CallExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "CallExpression"; callee: Expression | Super; arguments: Argument[]; typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export interface NewExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "NewExpression"; callee: Expression; arguments: Argument[]; typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export interface SequenceExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "SequenceExpression"; expressions: Expression[]; } export interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ArrowFunctionExpression"; params: Pattern[]; body: BlockStatement | Expression; async: boolean; generator: boolean; typeParameters?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; returnType?: TsTypeAnnotation; } export interface YieldExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "YieldExpression"; argument?: Expression; delegate: boolean; } export interface MetaProperty extends Node { type: "MetaProperty"; meta: Identifier; property: Identifier; } export interface AwaitExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "AwaitExpression"; argument: Expression; } export interface TplBase { expressions: Expression[]; quasis: TemplateElement[]; } export interface TemplateLiteral extends ExpressionBase, TplBase { type: "TemplateLiteral"; } export interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends ExpressionBase, TplBase { type: "TaggedTemplateExpression"; tag: Expression; typeParameters: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export interface TemplateElement extends ExpressionBase { type: "TemplateElement"; tail: boolean; cooked: StringLiteral; raw: StringLiteral; } export interface ParenthesisExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "ParenthesisExpression"; expression: Expression; } export interface Fn extends HasSpan, HasDecorator { params: Param[]; body: BlockStatement; generator: boolean; async: boolean; typeParameters?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; returnType?: TsTypeAnnotation; } interface PatternBase { typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation; } export interface Identifier extends HasSpan, PatternBase { type: "Identifier"; value: string; optional: boolean; } export interface PrivateName extends ExpressionBase { type: "PrivateName"; id: Identifier; } export declare type JSXObject = JSXMemberExpression | Identifier; export interface JSXMemberExpression extends Node { type: "JSXMemberExpression"; object: JSXObject; property: Identifier; } /** * XML-based namespace syntax: */ export interface JSXNamespacedName extends Node { type: "JSXNamespacedName"; namespace: Identifier; name: Identifier; } export interface JSXEmptyExpression extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXEmptyExpression"; } export interface JSXExpressionContainer extends Node { type: "JSXExpressionContainer"; expression: JSXExpression; } export declare type JSXExpression = JSXEmptyExpression | Expression; export interface JSXSpreadChild extends Node { type: "JSXSpreadChild"; expression: Expression; } export declare type JSXElementName = Identifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName; export interface JSXOpeningElement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXOpeningElement"; name: JSXElementName; attrs?: JSXAttributeOrSpread[]; selfClosing: boolean; typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export declare type JSXAttributeOrSpread = JSXAttribute | SpreadElement; export interface JSXClosingElement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXClosingElement"; name: JSXElementName; } export interface JSXAttribute extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXAttribute"; name: JSXAttributeName; value?: JSXAttrValue; } export declare type JSXAttributeName = Identifier | JSXNamespacedName; export declare type JSXAttrValue = Literal | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXElement | JSXFragment; export interface JSXText extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXText"; value: string; raw: string; } export interface JSXElement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXElement"; opening: JSXOpeningElement; children: JSXElementChild[]; closing?: JSXClosingElement; } export declare type JSXElementChild = JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment; export interface JSXFragment extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXFragment"; opening: JSXOpeningFragment; children: JSXElementChild[]; closing: JSXClosingFragment; } export interface JSXOpeningFragment extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXOpeningFragment"; } export interface JSXClosingFragment extends Node, HasSpan { type: "JSXClosingFragment"; } export declare type Literal = StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | NullLiteral | NumericLiteral | RegExpLiteral | JSXText; export interface StringLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "StringLiteral"; value: string; has_escape: boolean; } export interface BooleanLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "BooleanLiteral"; value: boolean; } export interface NullLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "NullLiteral"; } export interface RegExpLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "RegExpLiteral"; pattern: string; flags: string; } export interface NumericLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "NumericLiteral"; value: number; } export declare type ModuleDeclaration = ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportDefaultExpression | ExportAllDeclaration | TsImportEqualsDeclaration | TsExportAssignment | TsNamespaceExportDeclaration; export interface ExportDefaultExpression extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportDefaultExpression"; expression: Expression; } export interface ExportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportDeclaration"; declaration: Declaration; } export interface ImportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ImportDeclaration"; specifiers: ImportSpecifier[]; source: StringLiteral; } export interface ExportAllDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportAllDeclaration"; source: StringLiteral; } /** * - `export { foo } from 'mod'` * - `export { foo as bar } from 'mod'` */ export interface ExportNamedDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportNamedDeclaration"; specifiers: ExportSpecifier[]; source?: StringLiteral; } export interface ExportDefaultDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration"; decl: DefaultDecl; } export declare type DefaultDecl = ClassExpression | FunctionExpression | TsInterfaceDeclaration; export declare type ImportSpecifier = NamedImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier; /** * e.g. `import foo from 'mod.js'` */ export interface ImportDefaultSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier"; local: Identifier; } /** * e.g. `import * as foo from 'mod.js'`. */ export interface ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"; local: Identifier; } /** * e.g. - `import { foo } from 'mod.js'` * * local = foo, imported = None * * e.g. `import { foo as bar } from 'mod.js'` * * local = bar, imported = Some(foo) for */ export interface NamedImportSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ImportSpecifier"; local: Identifier; imported: Identifier; } export declare type ExportSpecifier = ExportNamespaceSpecifer | ExportDefaultSpecifier | NamedExportSpecifier; /** * `export * as foo from 'src';` */ export interface ExportNamespaceSpecifer extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportNamespaceSpecifer"; name: Identifier; } export interface ExportDefaultSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportDefaultSpecifier"; exported: Identifier; } export interface NamedExportSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExportSpecifier"; orig: Identifier; /** * `Some(bar)` in `export { foo as bar }` */ exported: Identifier; } interface HasInterpreter { /** * e.g. `/usr/bin/node` for `#!/usr/bin/node` */ interpreter: string; } export declare type Program = Module | Script; export interface Module extends Node, HasSpan, HasInterpreter { type: "Module"; body: ModuleItem[]; } export interface Script extends Node, HasSpan, HasInterpreter { type: "Script"; body: Statement[]; } export declare type ModuleItem = ModuleDeclaration | Statement; export declare type BinaryOperator = "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "||" | "&&" | "in" | "instanceof" | "??"; export declare type AssignmentOperator = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "|=" | "^=" | "&="; export declare type UpdateOperator = "++" | "--"; export declare type UnaryOperator = "-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete"; export declare type Pattern = Identifier | ArrayPattern | RestElement | ObjectPattern | AssignmentPattern | Invalid | Expression; export interface ArrayPattern extends Node, HasSpan, PatternBase { type: "ArrayPattern"; elements: (Pattern | undefined)[]; } export interface ObjectPattern extends Node, HasSpan, PatternBase { type: "ObjectPattern"; props: ObjectPatternProperty[]; } export interface AssignmentPattern extends Node, HasSpan, PatternBase { type: "AssignmentPattern"; left: Pattern; right: Expression; } export interface RestElement extends Node, HasSpan, PatternBase { type: "RestElement"; rest: Span; argument: Pattern; } export declare type ObjectPatternProperty = KeyValuePatternProperty | AssignmentPatternProperty | RestElement; /** * `{key: value}` */ export interface KeyValuePatternProperty extends Node { type: "KeyValuePatternProperty"; key: PropertyName; value: Pattern; } /** * `{key}` or `{key = value}` */ export interface AssignmentPatternProperty extends Node, HasSpan { type: "AssignmentPatternProperty"; key: Identifier; value?: Expression; } /** Identifier is `a` in `{ a, }` */ export declare type Property = Identifier | KeyValueProperty | AssignmentProperty | GetterProperty | SetterProperty | MethodProperty; interface PropBase extends Node { key: PropertyName; } export interface KeyValueProperty extends PropBase { type: "KeyValueProperty"; value: Expression; } export interface AssignmentProperty extends Node { type: "AssignmentProperty"; key: Identifier; value: Expression; } export interface GetterProperty extends PropBase, HasSpan { type: "GetterProperty"; typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation; body: BlockStatement; } export interface SetterProperty extends PropBase, HasSpan { type: "SetterProperty"; param: Pattern; body: BlockStatement; } export interface MethodProperty extends PropBase, Fn { type: "MethodProperty"; } export declare type PropertyName = Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | ComputedPropName; export interface ComputedPropName extends Node, HasSpan { type: "Computed"; expression: Expression; } export interface BlockStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "BlockStatement"; stmts: Statement[]; } export interface ExpressionStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ExpressionStatement"; expression: Expression; } export declare type Statement = ExpressionStatement | BlockStatement | EmptyStatement | DebuggerStatement | WithStatement | ReturnStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | IfStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | Declaration; export interface EmptyStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "EmptyStatement"; } export interface DebuggerStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "DebuggerStatement"; } export interface WithStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "WithStatement"; object: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface ReturnStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ReturnStatement"; argument: Expression; } export interface LabeledStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "LabeledStatement"; label: Identifier; body: Statement; } export interface BreakStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "BreakStatement"; label: Identifier; } export interface ContinueStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ContinueStatement"; label: Identifier; } export interface IfStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "IfStatement"; test: Expression; consequent: Statement; alternate?: Statement; } export interface SwitchStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "SwitchStatement"; discriminant: Expression; cases: SwitchCase[]; } export interface ThrowStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ThrowStatement"; argument: Expression; } export interface TryStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TryStatement"; block: BlockStatement; handler?: CatchClause; finalizer: BlockStatement; } export interface WhileStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "WhileStatement"; test: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface DoWhileStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "DoWhileStatement"; test: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface ForStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ForStatement"; init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression; test?: Expression; update?: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface ForInStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ForInStatement"; left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern; right: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface ForOfStatement extends Node, HasSpan { type: "ForOfStatement"; /** * Span of the await token. * * es2018 for-await-of statements, e.g., `for await (const x of xs) {` */ await: Span; left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern; right: Expression; body: Statement; } export interface SwitchCase extends Node, HasSpan { type: "SwitchCase"; /** * Undefined for default case */ test?: Expression; consequent: Statement[]; } export interface CatchClause extends Node, HasSpan { type: "CatchClause"; /** * The param is `undefined` if the catch binding is omitted. E.g., `try { foo() } catch {}` */ param: Pattern; body: BlockStatement; } export interface TsTypeAnnotation extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeAnnotation"; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsTypeParameterDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeParameterDeclaration"; parameters: TsTypeParameter[]; } export interface TsTypeParameter extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeParameter"; name: Identifier; constraint: TsType; default: TsType; } export interface TsTypeParameterInstantiation extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeParameterInstantiation"; params: TsType[]; } export interface TsParameterProperty extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator { type: "TsParameterProperty"; accessibility?: Accessibility; readonly: boolean; param: TsParameterPropertyParameter; } export declare type TsParameterPropertyParameter = Identifier | AssignmentPattern; export interface TsQualifiedName extends Node { type: "TsQualifiedName"; left: TsEntityName; right: Identifier; } export declare type TsEntityName = TsQualifiedName | Identifier; export declare type TsSignatureDeclaration = TsCallSignatureDeclaration | TsConstructSignatureDeclaration | TsMethodSignature | TsFunctionType | TsConstructorType; export declare type TsTypeElement = TsCallSignatureDeclaration | TsConstructSignatureDeclaration | TsPropertySignature | TsMethodSignature | TsIndexSignature; export interface TsCallSignatureDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsCallSignatureDeclaration"; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; } export interface TsConstructSignatureDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsConstructSignatureDeclaration"; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; } export interface TsPropertySignature extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsPropertySignature"; readonly: boolean; key: Expression; computed: boolean; optional: boolean; init: Expression; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; } export interface TsMethodSignature extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsMethodSignature"; readonly: boolean; key: Expression; computed: boolean; optional: boolean; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; } export interface TsIndexSignature extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsIndexSignature"; readonly: boolean; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation; } export declare type TsType = TsKeywordType | TsThisType | TsFnOrConstructorType | TsTypeReference | TsTypeQuery | TsTypeLiteral | TsArrayType | TsTupleType | TsOptionalType | TsRestType | TsUnionOrIntersectionType | TsConditionalType | TsInferType | TsParenthesizedType | TsTypeOperator | TsIndexedAccessType | TsMappedType | TsLiteralType | TsImportType | TsTypePredicate; export declare type TsFnOrConstructorType = TsFunctionType | TsConstructorType; export interface TsKeywordType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsKeywordType"; kind: TsKeywordTypeKind; } export declare type TsKeywordTypeKind = "any" | "unknown" | "number" | "object" | "boolean" | "bigint" | "string" | "symbol" | "void" | "undefined" | "null" | "never"; export interface TsThisType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsThisType"; } export declare type TsFnParameter = Identifier | RestElement | ObjectPattern; export interface TsFunctionType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsFunctionType"; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; } export interface TsConstructorType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsConstructorType"; params: TsFnParameter[]; typeParams: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; } export interface TsTypeReference extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeReference"; typeName: TsEntityName; typeParams: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export interface TsTypePredicate extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypePredicate"; asserts: boolean; paramName: TsThisTypeOrIdent; typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation; } export declare type TsThisTypeOrIdent = TsThisType | Identifier; export interface TsImportType extends Node, HasSpan { argument: StringLiteral; qualifier?: TsEntityName; typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } /** * `typeof` operator */ export interface TsTypeQuery extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeQuery"; exprName: TsTypeQueryExpr; } export declare type TsTypeQueryExpr = TsEntityName | TsImportType; export interface TsTypeLiteral extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeLiteral"; members: TsTypeElement[]; } export interface TsArrayType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsArrayType"; elemType: TsType; } export interface TsTupleType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTupleType"; elemTypes: TsType[]; } export interface TsOptionalType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsOptionalType"; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsRestType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsRestType"; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export declare type TsUnionOrIntersectionType = TsUnionType | TsIntersectionType; export interface TsUnionType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsUnionType"; types: TsType[]; } export interface TsIntersectionType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsIntersectionType"; types: TsType[]; } export interface TsConditionalType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsConditionalType"; checkType: TsType; extendsType: TsType; trueType: TsType; falseType: TsType; } export interface TsInferType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsInferType"; typeParam: TsTypeParameter; } export interface TsParenthesizedType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsParenthesizedType"; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsTypeOperator extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeOperator"; op: TsTypeOperatorOp; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export declare type TsTypeOperatorOp = "keyof" | "unique"; export interface TsIndexedAccessType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsIndexedAccessType"; objectType: TsType; indexType: TsType; } export declare type TruePlusMinus = true | "+" | "-"; export interface TsMappedType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsMappedType"; readonly: TruePlusMinus; typeParam: TsTypeParameter; optional: TruePlusMinus; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsLiteralType extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsLiteralType"; literal: TsLiteral; } export declare type TsLiteral = NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | TemplateLiteral; export interface TsInterfaceDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsInterfaceDeclaration"; id: Identifier; declare: boolean; typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; extends: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[]; body: TsInterfaceBody; } export interface TsInterfaceBody extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsInterfaceBody"; body: TsTypeElement[]; } export interface TsExpressionWithTypeArguments extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsExpressionWithTypeArguments"; expression: TsEntityName; typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation; } export interface TsTypeAliasDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsTypeAliasDeclaration"; declare: boolean; id: Identifier; typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsEnumDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsEnumDeclaration"; declare: boolean; is_const: boolean; id: Identifier; member: TsEnumMember[]; } export interface TsEnumMember extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsEnumMember"; id: TsEnumMemberId; init?: Expression; } export declare type TsEnumMemberId = Identifier | StringLiteral; export interface TsModuleDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsModuleDeclaration"; declare: boolean; global: boolean; id: TsModuleName; body?: TsNamespaceBody; } /** * `namespace A.B { }` is a namespace named `A` with another TsNamespaceDecl as its body. */ export declare type TsNamespaceBody = TsModuleBlock | TsNamespaceDeclaration; export interface TsModuleBlock extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsModuleBlock"; body: ModuleItem[]; } export interface TsNamespaceDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsNamespaceDeclaration"; declare: boolean; global: boolean; id: Identifier; body: TsNamespaceBody; } export declare type TsModuleName = Identifier | StringLiteral; export interface TsImportEqualsDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsImportEqualsDeclaration"; declare: boolean; is_export: boolean; id: Identifier; moduleRef: TsModuleReference; } export declare type TsModuleReference = TsEntityName | TsExternalModuleReference; export interface TsExternalModuleReference extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsExternalModuleReference"; expression: Expression; } export interface TsExportAssignment extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsExportAssignment"; expression: Expression; } export interface TsNamespaceExportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan { type: "TsNamespaceExportDeclaration"; id: Identifier; } export interface TsAsExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "TsAsExpression"; expression: Expression; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsTypeAssertion extends ExpressionBase { type: "TsTypeAssertion"; expression: Expression; typeAnnotation: TsType; } export interface TsNonNullExpression extends ExpressionBase { type: "TsNonNullExpression"; expression: Expression; } export declare type Accessibility = "public" | "protected" | "private"; export interface Invalid extends Node, HasSpan { type: "Invalid"; } export {};