import { TemplateRef, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { BaseChartComponent } from '../common/base-chart.component'; import { ColorHelper } from '../common/color.helper'; import { LegendOptions, LegendPosition } from '../common/types/legend.model'; import { ViewDimensions } from '../common/types/view-dimension.interface'; import { ScaleType } from '../common/types/scale-type.enum'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; interface RectItem { fill: string; height: number; rx: number; width: number; x: number; y: number; } export declare class HeatMapComponent extends BaseChartComponent { legend: boolean; legendTitle: string; legendPosition: LegendPosition; xAxis: boolean; yAxis: boolean; showXAxisLabel: boolean; showYAxisLabel: boolean; xAxisLabel: string; yAxisLabel: string; gradient: boolean; innerPadding: number | number[] | string | string[]; trimXAxisTicks: boolean; trimYAxisTicks: boolean; rotateXAxisTicks: boolean; maxXAxisTickLength: number; maxYAxisTickLength: number; xAxisTickFormatting: any; yAxisTickFormatting: any; xAxisTicks: any[]; yAxisTicks: any[]; tooltipDisabled: boolean; tooltipText: any; min: number; max: number; activeEntries: any[]; wrapTicks: boolean; activate: EventEmitter; deactivate: EventEmitter; tooltipTemplate: TemplateRef; dims: ViewDimensions; xDomain: string[]; yDomain: string[]; valueDomain: any[]; xScale: any; yScale: any; colors: ColorHelper; colorScale: any; transform: string; rects: RectItem[]; margin: number[]; xAxisHeight: number; yAxisWidth: number; legendOptions: LegendOptions; scaleType: ScaleType; update(): void; getXDomain(): string[]; getYDomain(): string[]; getValueDomain(): any[]; /** * Converts the input to gap paddingInner in fraction * Supports the following inputs: * Numbers: 8 * Strings: "8", "8px", "8%" * Arrays: [8,2], "8,2", "[8,2]" * Mixed: [8,"2%"], ["8px","2%"], "8,2%", "[8,2%]" * * @memberOf HeatMapComponent */ getDimension(value: string | number | Array, index: number, N: number, L: number): number; getXScale(): any; getYScale(): any; getRects(): RectItem[]; onClick(data: any): void; setColors(): void; getLegendOptions(): LegendOptions; updateYAxisWidth({ width }: { width: number; }): void; updateXAxisHeight({ height }: { height: number; }): void; onActivate(event: any, group: any, fromLegend?: boolean): void; onDeactivate(event: any, group: any, fromLegend?: boolean): void; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; } export {};