import * as path from 'path' import * as minimist from 'minimist' import { Kernel } from '@tarojs/service' import build from './commands/build' import init from './commands/init' import convert from './commands/convert' import customCommand from './commands/customCommand' import { getPkgVersion } from './util' export default class CLI { appPath: string constructor (appPath) { this.appPath = appPath || process.cwd() } run () { this.parseArgs() } parseArgs () { const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: { version: ['v'], help: ['h'] }, boolean: ['version', 'help'] }) const _ = args._ const command = _[0] if (command) { const kernel = new Kernel({ appPath: this.appPath, presets: [ path.resolve(__dirname, '.', 'presets', 'index.js') ] }) switch (command) { case 'build': { build(kernel, { platform: args.type, isWatch: !!, port: args.port, env: args.env, release: args.release, ui: args.ui, uiIndex: args.uiIndex, page:, component: args.component, plugin: args.plugin, isHelp: args.h }) break } case 'init': { const projectName = _[1] || init(kernel, { appPath: this.appPath, projectName, typescript: args.typescript, templateSource: args['template-source'], clone: !!args.clone, template: args.template, css: args.css, isHelp: args.h }) break } case 'convert': { convert(kernel, { appPath: this.appPath, isHelp: args.h }) break } default: customCommand(command, kernel, args) break } } else { if (args.h) { console.log('Usage: taro [options]') console.log() console.log('Options:') console.log(' -v, --version output the version number') console.log(' -h, --help output usage information') console.log() console.log('Commands:') console.log(' init [projectName] Init a project with default templete') console.log(' config Taro config') console.log(' create Create page for project') console.log(' build Build a project with options') console.log(' update Update packages of taro') console.log(' info Diagnostics Taro env info') console.log(' doctor Diagnose taro project') console.log(' inspect Inspect the webpack config') console.log(' help [cmd] display help for [cmd]') } else if (args.v) { console.log(getPkgVersion()) } } } }