import { dotenvParse, fs, patchEnv } from '@tarojs/helper' import { Config, Kernel } from '@tarojs/service' import * as minimist from 'minimist' import * as path from 'path' import customCommand from './commands/customCommand' import { getPkgVersion } from './util' const DISABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_COMMANDS = ['build', 'global-config', 'doctor', 'update', 'config'] const DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK = 'react' export default class CLI { appPath: string constructor (appPath) { this.appPath = appPath || process.cwd() } run () { return this.parseArgs() } async parseArgs () { const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: { version: ['v'], help: ['h'], port: ['p'], resetCache: ['reset-cache'], // specially for rn, Removes cached files. publicPath: ['public-path'], // specially for rn, assets public path. bundleOutput: ['bundle-output'], // specially for rn, File name where to store the resulting bundle. sourcemapOutput: ['sourcemap-output'], // specially for rn, File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle. sourceMapUrl: ['sourcemap-use-absolute-path'], // specially for rn, Report SourceMapURL using its full path. sourcemapSourcesRoot: ['sourcemap-sources-root'], // specially for rn, Path to make sourcemaps sources entries relative to. assetsDest: ['assets-dest'], // specially for rn, Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle. envPrefix: ['env-prefix'], }, boolean: ['version', 'help', 'disable-global-config'], default: { build: true, }, }) const _ = args._ const command = _[0] if (command) { const appPath = this.appPath const presetsPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'presets') const commandsPath = path.resolve(presetsPath, 'commands') const platformsPath = path.resolve(presetsPath, 'platforms') const commandPlugins = fs.readdirSync(commandsPath) const targetPlugin = `${command}.js` // 设置环境变量 process.env.NODE_ENV ||= args.env if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'undefined' && (command === 'build' || command === 'inspect')) { process.env.NODE_ENV = ( ? 'development' : 'production') } args.type ||= args.t if (args.type) { process.env.TARO_ENV = args.type } if (typeof args.plugin === 'string') { process.env.TARO_ENV = 'plugin' } const mode = args.mode || process.env.NODE_ENV // 这里解析 dotenv 以便于 config 解析时能获取 dotenv 配置信息 const expandEnv = dotenvParse(appPath, args.envPrefix, mode) const disableGlobalConfig = !!(args['disable-global-config'] || DISABLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_COMMANDS.includes(command)) const configEnv = { mode, command, } const config = new Config({ appPath: this.appPath, disableGlobalConfig: disableGlobalConfig }) await config.init(configEnv) const kernel = new Kernel({ appPath, presets: [ path.resolve(__dirname, '.', 'presets', 'index.js') ], config, plugins: [] }) kernel.optsPlugins ||= [] // 将自定义的 变量 添加到 config.env 中,实现 definePlugin 字段定义 const initialConfig = kernel.config?.initialConfig if (initialConfig) { initialConfig.env = patchEnv(initialConfig, expandEnv) } if (command === 'doctor') { kernel.optsPlugins.push('@tarojs/plugin-doctor') } else if (commandPlugins.includes(targetPlugin)) { // 针对不同的内置命令注册对应的命令插件 kernel.optsPlugins.push(path.resolve(commandsPath, targetPlugin)) } // 把内置命令插件传递给 kernel,可以暴露给其他插件使用 kernel.cliCommandsPath = commandsPath kernel.cliCommands = commandPlugins .filter(commandFileName => /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*\.js$/.test(commandFileName)) .map(fileName => fileName.replace(/\.js$/, '')) switch (command) { case 'inspect': case 'build': { let plugin let platform = args.type const { publicPath, bundleOutput, sourcemapOutput, sourceMapUrl, sourcemapSourcesRoot, assetsDest } = args // 针对不同的内置平台注册对应的端平台插件 switch (platform) { case 'weapp': case 'alipay': case 'swan': case 'tt': case 'qq': case 'jd': case 'h5': case 'harmony-hybrid': kernel.optsPlugins.push(`@tarojs/plugin-platform-${platform}`) break default: { // plugin, rn const platformPlugins = fs.readdirSync(platformsPath) const targetPlugin = `${platform}.js` if (platformPlugins.includes(targetPlugin)) { kernel.optsPlugins.push(path.resolve(platformsPath, targetPlugin)) } break } } // 根据 framework 启用插件 const framework = kernel.config?.initialConfig.framework || DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK const frameworkMap = { vue: '@tarojs/plugin-framework-vue2', vue3: '@tarojs/plugin-framework-vue3', react: '@tarojs/plugin-framework-react', preact: '@tarojs/plugin-framework-react', nerv: '@tarojs/plugin-framework-react', } if (frameworkMap[framework]) { kernel.optsPlugins.push(frameworkMap[framework]) } // 编译小程序插件 if (typeof args.plugin === 'string') { plugin = args.plugin platform = 'plugin' kernel.optsPlugins.push(path.resolve(platformsPath, 'plugin.js')) if (plugin === 'weapp' || plugin === 'alipay' || plugin === 'jd') { kernel.optsPlugins.push(`@tarojs/plugin-platform-${plugin}`) } } // 传递 inspect 参数即可 if (command === 'inspect') { customCommand(command, kernel, args) break } customCommand(command, kernel, { _, platform, plugin, isWatch: Boolean(, // Note: 是否把 Taro 组件编译为原生自定义组件 isBuildNativeComp: _[1] === 'native-components', // Note: 新的混合编译模式,支持把组件单独编译为原生组件 newBlended: Boolean(args['new-blended']), // Note: 是否禁用编译 withoutBuild: !, port: args.port, env: args.env, deviceType: args.platform, resetCache: !!args.resetCache, publicPath, bundleOutput, sourcemapOutput, sourceMapUrl, sourcemapSourcesRoot, assetsDest, qr: !!args.qr, blended: Boolean(args.blended), h: args.h }) break } case 'init': { customCommand(command, kernel, { _, appPath, projectName: _[1] ||, description: args.description, typescript: args.typescript, framework: args.framework, compiler: args.compiler, npm: args.npm, templateSource: args['template-source'], clone: !!args.clone, template: args.template, css: args.css, h: args.h }) break } default: customCommand(command, kernel, args) break } } else { if (args.h) { console.log('Usage: taro [options]') console.log() console.log('Options:') console.log(' -v, --version output the version number') console.log(' -h, --help output usage information') console.log() console.log('Commands:') console.log(' init [projectName] Init a project with default templete') console.log(' config Taro config') console.log(' create Create page for project') console.log(' build Build a project with options') console.log(' update Update packages of taro') console.log(' info Diagnostics Taro env info') console.log(' doctor Diagnose taro project') console.log(' inspect Inspect the webpack config') console.log(' help [cmd] display help for [cmd]') } else if (args.v) { console.log(getPkgVersion()) } } } }