import Taro from './index' type TaroGetDerivedStateFromProps = /** * Returns an update to a component's state based on its new props and old state. * * Note: its presence prevents any of the deprecated lifecycle methods from being invoked */ (nextProps: Readonly

, prevState: S) => Partial | null; interface TaroStaticLifecycle { getDerivedStateFromProps?: TaroGetDerivedStateFromProps; } interface TaroNewLifecycle { /** * Runs before React applies the result of `render` to the document, and * returns an object to be given to componentDidUpdate. Useful for saving * things such as scroll position before `render` causes changes to it. * * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate prevents any of the deprecated * lifecycle events from running. */ getSnapshotBeforeUpdate?(prevProps: Readonly

, prevState: Readonly): SS | null; /** * Called immediately after updating occurs. Not called for the initial render. * * The snapshot is only present if getSnapshotBeforeUpdate is present and returns non-null. */ componentDidUpdate?(prevProps: Readonly

, prevState: Readonly, snapshot?: SS): void; } declare module './index' { interface PageNotFoundObject { /** * 不存在页面的路径 */ path: string /** * 打开不存在页面的 query */ query: Record /** * 是否本次启动的首个页面(例如从分享等入口进来,首个页面是开发者配置的分享页面) */ isEntryPage: boolean } interface PageScrollObject { /** * 页面在垂直方向已滚动的距离(单位px) */ scrollTop: number } interface PageResizeObject { size: { windowWidth: number windowHeight: number } } interface ShareAppMessageObject { /** * 转发事件来源 * `button`:页面内转发按钮 * `menu`:右上角转发菜单 * * @since 1.2.4 */ from?: 'button' | 'menu' | string /** * 如果 `from` 值是 `button`,则 `target` 是触发这次转发事件的 `button`,否则为 `undefined` * * @since 1.2.4 */ target?: object /** * 页面中包含 `` 组件时,返回当前 `` 的 url * * @since 1.6.4 */ webViewUrl?: string } interface ShareAppMessageReturn { /** * 转发标题,默认为当前小程序名称 */ title?: string /** * 转发路径,必须是以 / 开头的完整路径,默认为当前页面 path */ path?: string /** * 自定义图片路径,可以是本地文件路径、代码包文件路径或者网络图片路径 * 支持PNG及JPG * 显示图片长宽比是 5:4 * 默认使用截图 * * @since 1.5.0 */ imageUrl?: string } interface TabItemTapObject { /** * 被点击tabItem的序号,从 0 开始 */ index: string /** * 被点击tabItem的页面路径 */ pagePath: string /** * 被点击tabItem的按钮文字 */ text: string } interface AddToFavoritesObject { /** * 页面中包含web-view组件时,返回当前web-view的url */ webviewUrl: string } interface AddToFavoritesReturnObject { /** * 自定义标题 */ title?: string /** * 自定义图片,显示图片长宽比为 1:1 */ imageUrl?: string /** * 自定义query字段 */ query?: string } interface ShareTimelineReturnObject { /** * 自定义标题 */ title?: string /** * 自定义页面路径中携带的参数 */ query?: string /** * 自定义图片路径,可以是本地文件或者网络图片。支持 PNG 及 JPG,显示图片长宽比是 1:1 */ imageUrl?: string } type GetDerivedStateFromProps = TaroGetDerivedStateFromProps type StaticLifecycle = TaroStaticLifecycle type NewLifecycle = TaroNewLifecycle interface TaroStatic { PageNotFoundObject: PageNotFoundObject PageScrollObject: PageScrollObject ShareAppMessageObject: ShareAppMessageObject ShareAppMessageReturn: ShareAppMessageReturn TabItemTapObject: TabItemTapObject AddToFavoritesObject: AddToFavoritesObject AddToFavoritesReturnObject: AddToFavoritesReturnObject ShareTimelineReturnObject: ShareTimelineReturnObject } }