import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'; import { fs, fsPath } from '../libs'; export interface IReadOptions { path?: string; } const parentModuleDir = () => { const parts = __dirname.split('/'); return parts .reverse() .splice(parts.indexOf('node_modules') + 1, parts.length) .reverse() .join('/'); }; const toPath = (options: IReadOptions = {}) => { return options.path || fsPath.join(parentModuleDir(), './.env'); }; /** * Determines whether an .env exists. */ export function exists(options: IReadOptions = {}) { return fs.existsSync(toPath(options)); } /** * Reads in the configuration values if the `.env` file exists. */ export function read(options: IReadOptions = {}): any { return exists(options) ? dotenv.config({ path: toPath(options) }) : {}; } // Load environment by default. read();