/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============================================================================= */ /// /** Properties of an Any. */ export declare interface IAny { /** Any typeUrl */ typeUrl?: (string | null); /** Any value */ value?: (Uint8Array | null); } /** DataType enum. */ export declare enum DataType { 'DT_INVALID' = 0, 'DT_FLOAT' = 1, 'DT_DOUBLE' = 2, 'DT_INT32' = 3, 'DT_UINT8' = 4, 'DT_INT16' = 5, 'DT_INT8' = 6, 'DT_STRING' = 7, 'DT_COMPLEX64' = 8, 'DT_INT64' = 9, 'DT_BOOL' = 10, 'DT_QINT8' = 11, 'DT_QUINT8' = 12, 'DT_QINT32' = 13, 'DT_BFLOAT16' = 14, 'DT_QINT16' = 15, 'DT_QUINT16' = 16, 'DT_UINT16' = 17, 'DT_COMPLEX128' = 18, 'DT_HALF' = 19, 'DT_RESOURCE' = 20, 'DT_VARIANT' = 21, 'DT_UINT32' = 22, 'DT_UINT64' = 23, 'DT_FLOAT_REF' = 101, 'DT_DOUBLE_REF' = 102, 'DT_INT32_REF' = 103, 'DT_UINT8_REF' = 104, 'DT_INT16_REF' = 105, 'DT_INT8_REF' = 106, 'DT_STRING_REF' = 107, 'DT_COMPLEX64_REF' = 108, 'DT_INT64_REF' = 109, 'DT_BOOL_REF' = 110, 'DT_QINT8_REF' = 111, 'DT_QUINT8_REF' = 112, 'DT_QINT32_REF' = 113, 'DT_BFLOAT16_REF' = 114, 'DT_QINT16_REF' = 115, 'DT_QUINT16_REF' = 116, 'DT_UINT16_REF' = 117, 'DT_COMPLEX128_REF' = 118, 'DT_HALF_REF' = 119, 'DT_RESOURCE_REF' = 120, 'DT_VARIANT_REF' = 121, 'DT_UINT32_REF' = 122, 'DT_UINT64_REF' = 123 } /** Properties of a TensorShape. */ export declare interface ITensorShape { /** TensorShape dim */ dim?: (TensorShape.IDim[] | null); /** TensorShape unknownRank */ unknownRank?: (boolean | null); } export declare namespace TensorShape { /** Properties of a Dim. */ interface IDim { /** Dim size */ size?: (number | string | null); /** Dim name */ name?: (string | null); } } /** Properties of a Tensor. */ export declare interface ITensor { /** Tensor dtype */ dtype?: (DataType | null); /** Tensor tensorShape */ tensorShape?: (ITensorShape | null); /** Tensor versionNumber */ versionNumber?: (number | null); /** Tensor tensorContent */ tensorContent?: (Uint8Array | null); /** Tensor floatVal */ floatVal?: (number[] | null); /** Tensor doubleVal */ doubleVal?: (number[] | null); /** Tensor intVal */ intVal?: (number[] | null); /** Tensor stringVal */ stringVal?: (Uint8Array[] | null); /** Tensor scomplexVal */ scomplexVal?: (number[] | null); /** Tensor int64Val */ int64Val?: ((number | string)[] | null); /** Tensor boolVal */ boolVal?: (boolean[] | null); /** Tensor uint32Val */ uint32Val?: (number[] | null); /** Tensor uint64Val */ uint64Val?: ((number | string)[] | null); } /** Properties of an AttrValue. */ export declare interface IAttrValue { /** AttrValue list */ list?: (AttrValue.IListValue | null); /** AttrValue s */ s?: (string | null); /** AttrValue i */ i?: (number | string | null); /** AttrValue f */ f?: (number | null); /** AttrValue b */ b?: (boolean | null); /** AttrValue type */ type?: (DataType | null); /** AttrValue shape */ shape?: (ITensorShape | null); /** AttrValue tensor */ tensor?: (ITensor | null); /** AttrValue placeholder */ placeholder?: (string | null); /** AttrValue func */ func?: (INameAttrList | null); } export declare namespace AttrValue { /** Properties of a ListValue. */ interface IListValue { /** ListValue s */ s?: (string[] | null); /** ListValue i */ i?: ((number | string)[] | null); /** ListValue f */ f?: (number[] | null); /** ListValue b */ b?: (boolean[] | null); /** ListValue type */ type?: (DataType[] | null); /** ListValue shape */ shape?: (ITensorShape[] | null); /** ListValue tensor */ tensor?: (ITensor[] | null); /** ListValue func */ func?: (INameAttrList[] | null); } } /** Properties of a NameAttrList. */ export declare interface INameAttrList { /** NameAttrList name */ name?: (string | null); /** NameAttrList attr */ attr?: ({ [k: string]: IAttrValue; } | null); } /** Properties of a NodeDef. */ export declare interface INodeDef { /** NodeDef name */ name?: (string | null); /** NodeDef op */ op?: (string | null); /** NodeDef input */ input?: (string[] | null); /** NodeDef device */ device?: (string | null); /** NodeDef attr */ attr?: ({ [k: string]: IAttrValue; } | null); } /** Properties of a VersionDef. */ export declare interface IVersionDef { /** VersionDef producer */ producer?: (number | null); /** VersionDef minConsumer */ minConsumer?: (number | null); /** VersionDef badConsumers */ badConsumers?: (number[] | null); } /** Properties of a GraphDef. */ export declare interface IGraphDef { /** GraphDef node */ node?: (INodeDef[] | null); /** GraphDef versions */ versions?: (IVersionDef | null); /** GraphDef library */ library?: (IFunctionDefLibrary | null); } /** Properties of a CollectionDef. */ export declare interface ICollectionDef { /** CollectionDef nodeList */ nodeList?: (CollectionDef.INodeList | null); /** CollectionDef bytesList */ bytesList?: (CollectionDef.IBytesList | null); /** CollectionDef int64List */ int64List?: (CollectionDef.IInt64List | null); /** CollectionDef floatList */ floatList?: (CollectionDef.IFloatList | null); /** CollectionDef anyList */ anyList?: (CollectionDef.IAnyList | null); } export declare namespace CollectionDef { /** Properties of a NodeList. */ interface INodeList { /** NodeList value */ value?: (string[] | null); } /** Properties of a BytesList. */ interface IBytesList { /** BytesList value */ value?: (Uint8Array[] | null); } /** Properties of an Int64List. */ interface IInt64List { /** Int64List value */ value?: ((number | string)[] | null); } /** Properties of a FloatList. */ interface IFloatList { /** FloatList value */ value?: (number[] | null); } /** Properties of an AnyList. */ interface IAnyList { /** AnyList value */ value?: (IAny[] | null); } } /** Properties of a SaverDef. */ export declare interface ISaverDef { /** SaverDef filenameTensorName */ filenameTensorName?: (string | null); /** SaverDef saveTensorName */ saveTensorName?: (string | null); /** SaverDef restoreOpName */ restoreOpName?: (string | null); /** SaverDef maxToKeep */ maxToKeep?: (number | null); /** SaverDef sharded */ sharded?: (boolean | null); /** SaverDef keepCheckpointEveryNHours */ keepCheckpointEveryNHours?: (number | null); /** SaverDef version */ version?: (SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion | null); } export declare namespace SaverDef { /** CheckpointFormatVersion enum. */ enum CheckpointFormatVersion { 'LEGACY' = 0, 'V1' = 1, 'V2' = 2 } } /** Properties of a TensorInfo. */ export declare interface ITensorInfo { /** TensorInfo name */ name?: (string | null); /** TensorInfo cooSparse */ cooSparse?: (TensorInfo.ICooSparse | null); /** TensorInfo dtype */ dtype?: (DataType | string | null); /** TensorInfo tensorShape */ tensorShape?: (ITensorShape | null); /** Resource id tensor was originally assigned to. */ resourceId?: (number | null); } export declare namespace TensorInfo { /** Properties of a CooSparse. */ interface ICooSparse { /** CooSparse valuesTensorName */ valuesTensorName?: (string | null); /** CooSparse indicesTensorName */ indicesTensorName?: (string | null); /** CooSparse denseShapeTensorName */ denseShapeTensorName?: (string | null); } } /** Properties of a SignatureDef. */ export declare interface ISignatureDef { /** SignatureDef inputs */ inputs?: ({ [k: string]: ITensorInfo; } | null); /** SignatureDef outputs */ outputs?: ({ [k: string]: ITensorInfo; } | null); /** SignatureDef methodName */ methodName?: (string | null); } /** Properties of an AssetFileDef. */ export declare interface IAssetFileDef { /** AssetFileDef tensorInfo */ tensorInfo?: (ITensorInfo | null); /** AssetFileDef filename */ filename?: (string | null); } /** Properties of an OpDef. */ export declare interface IOpDef { /** OpDef name */ name?: (string | null); /** OpDef inputArg */ inputArg?: (OpDef.IArgDef[] | null); /** OpDef outputArg */ outputArg?: (OpDef.IArgDef[] | null); /** OpDef attr */ attr?: (OpDef.IAttrDef[] | null); /** OpDef deprecation */ deprecation?: (OpDef.IOpDeprecation | null); /** OpDef summary */ summary?: (string | null); /** OpDef description */ description?: (string | null); /** OpDef isCommutative */ isCommutative?: (boolean | null); /** OpDef isAggregate */ isAggregate?: (boolean | null); /** OpDef isStateful */ isStateful?: (boolean | null); /** OpDef allowsUninitializedInput */ allowsUninitializedInput?: (boolean | null); } export declare namespace OpDef { /** Properties of an ArgDef. */ interface IArgDef { /** ArgDef name */ name?: (string | null); /** ArgDef description */ description?: (string | null); /** ArgDef type */ type?: (DataType | null); /** ArgDef typeAttr */ typeAttr?: (string | null); /** ArgDef numberAttr */ numberAttr?: (string | null); /** ArgDef typeListAttr */ typeListAttr?: (string | null); /** ArgDef isRef */ isRef?: (boolean | null); } /** Properties of an AttrDef. */ interface IAttrDef { /** AttrDef name */ name?: (string | null); /** AttrDef type */ type?: (string | null); /** AttrDef defaultValue */ defaultValue?: (IAttrValue | null); /** AttrDef description */ description?: (string | null); /** AttrDef hasMinimum */ hasMinimum?: (boolean | null); /** AttrDef minimum */ minimum?: (number | string | null); /** AttrDef allowedValues */ allowedValues?: (IAttrValue | null); } /** Properties of an OpDeprecation. */ interface IOpDeprecation { /** OpDeprecation version */ version?: (number | null); /** OpDeprecation explanation */ explanation?: (string | null); } } /** Properties of an OpList. */ export declare interface IOpList { /** OpList op */ op?: (IOpDef[] | null); } /** Properties of a MetaGraphDef. */ export declare interface IMetaGraphDef { /** MetaGraphDef metaInfoDef */ metaInfoDef?: (MetaGraphDef.IMetaInfoDef | null); /** MetaGraphDef graphDef */ graphDef?: (IGraphDef | null); /** MetaGraphDef saverDef */ saverDef?: (ISaverDef | null); /** MetaGraphDef collectionDef */ collectionDef?: ({ [k: string]: ICollectionDef; } | null); /** MetaGraphDef signatureDef */ signatureDef?: ({ [k: string]: ISignatureDef; } | null); /** MetaGraphDef assetFileDef */ assetFileDef?: (IAssetFileDef[] | null); } export declare namespace MetaGraphDef { /** Properties of a MetaInfoDef. */ interface IMetaInfoDef { /** MetaInfoDef metaGraphVersion */ metaGraphVersion?: (string | null); /** MetaInfoDef strippedOpList */ strippedOpList?: (IOpList | null); /** MetaInfoDef anyInfo */ anyInfo?: (IAny | null); /** MetaInfoDef tags */ tags?: (string[] | null); /** MetaInfoDef tensorflowVersion */ tensorflowVersion?: (string | null); /** MetaInfoDef tensorflowGitVersion */ tensorflowGitVersion?: (string | null); } } /** Properties of a SavedModel. */ export declare interface ISavedModel { /** SavedModel savedModelSchemaVersion */ savedModelSchemaVersion?: (number | string | null); /** SavedModel metaGraphs */ metaGraphs?: (IMetaGraphDef[] | null); } /** Properties of a FunctionDefLibrary. */ export declare interface IFunctionDefLibrary { /** FunctionDefLibrary function */ 'function'?: (IFunctionDef[] | null); /** FunctionDefLibrary gradient */ gradient?: (IGradientDef[] | null); } /** Properties of a FunctionDef. */ export declare interface IFunctionDef { /** FunctionDef signature */ signature?: (IOpDef | null); /** FunctionDef attr */ attr?: ({ [k: string]: IAttrValue; } | null); /** FunctionDef nodeDef */ nodeDef?: (INodeDef[] | null); /** FunctionDef ret */ ret?: ({ [k: string]: string; } | null); } /** Properties of a GradientDef. */ export declare interface IGradientDef { /** GradientDef functionName */ functionName?: (string | null); /** GradientDef gradientFunc */ gradientFunc?: (string | null); }