/** * @license * Copyright 2018 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * ============================================================================= */ /// /** @docalias (null | number)[] */ export declare type Shape = Array; export declare type DataType = 'float32' | 'int32' | 'bool' | 'complex64' | 'string'; /** @docinline */ export declare type DataFormat = 'channelsFirst' | 'channelsLast'; export declare const VALID_DATA_FORMAT_VALUES: string[]; export declare type InterpolationFormat = 'nearest' | 'bilinear'; export declare const VALID_INTERPOLATION_FORMAT_VALUES: string[]; export declare type DataFormatSerialization = 'channels_first' | 'channels_last'; /** @docinline */ export declare type PaddingMode = 'valid' | 'same' | 'causal'; export declare const VALID_PADDING_MODE_VALUES: string[]; /** @docinline */ export declare type PoolMode = 'max' | 'avg'; export declare const VALID_POOL_MODE_VALUES: string[]; /** @docinline */ export declare type BidirectionalMergeMode = 'sum' | 'mul' | 'concat' | 'ave'; export declare const VALID_BIDIRECTIONAL_MERGE_MODES: string[]; /** @docinline */ export declare type SampleWeightMode = 'temporal'; export declare const VALID_SAMPLE_WEIGHT_MODES: string[];