/** * @license * Copyright 2018 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * ============================================================================= */ /// import { Tensor } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { categoricalCrossentropy as categoricalCrossentropyLoss, cosineProximity, meanAbsoluteError, meanAbsolutePercentageError, meanSquaredError, sparseCategoricalCrossentropy as sparseCategoricalCrossentropyLoss } from './losses'; import { LossOrMetricFn } from './types'; export declare function binaryAccuracy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function categoricalAccuracy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function precision(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function recall(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function binaryCrossentropy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function sparseCategoricalAccuracy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function topKCategoricalAccuracy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare function sparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(yTrue: Tensor, yPred: Tensor): Tensor; export declare const mse: typeof meanSquaredError; export declare const MSE: typeof meanSquaredError; export declare const mae: typeof meanAbsoluteError; export declare const MAE: typeof meanAbsoluteError; export declare const mape: typeof meanAbsolutePercentageError; export declare const MAPE: typeof meanAbsolutePercentageError; export declare const categoricalCrossentropy: typeof categoricalCrossentropyLoss; export declare const cosine: typeof cosineProximity; export declare const sparseCategoricalCrossentropy: typeof sparseCategoricalCrossentropyLoss; export declare const metricsMap: { [functionName: string]: LossOrMetricFn; }; export declare function get(identifier: string | LossOrMetricFn): LossOrMetricFn; /** * Get the shortcut function name. * * If the fn name is a string, * directly return the string name. * If the function is included in metricsMap or lossesMap, * return key of the map. * - If the function relative to multiple keys, * return the first found key as the function name. * - If the function exists in both lossesMap and metricsMap, * search lossesMap first. * If the function is not included in metricsMap or lossesMap, * return the function name. * * @param fn loss function, metric function, or short cut name. * @returns Loss or Metric name in string. */ export declare function getLossOrMetricName(fn: string | LossOrMetricFn): string;