/** * @license * Copyright 2018 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * ============================================================================= */ /// import { DataType, Scalar, serialization, Tensor } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { Constraint } from '../constraints'; import { Initializer } from '../initializers'; import { Shape } from '../keras_format/common'; import { Regularizer } from '../regularizers'; import { Kwargs, RegularizerFn } from '../types'; import { LayerVariable } from '../variables'; export type Op = (x: LayerVariable) => LayerVariable; /** * Constructor arguments for InputSpec. */ export interface InputSpecArgs { /** Expected datatype of the input. */ dtype?: DataType; /** Expected shape of the input (may include null for unchecked axes). */ shape?: Shape; /** Expected rank of the input. */ ndim?: number; /** Maximum rank of the input. */ maxNDim?: number; /** Minimum rank of the input. */ minNDim?: number; /** Dictionary mapping integer axes to a specific dimension value. */ axes?: { [axis: number]: number; }; } /** * Specifies the ndim, dtype and shape of every input to a layer. * * Every layer should expose (if appropriate) an `inputSpec` attribute: * a list of instances of InputSpec (one per input tensor). * * A null entry in a shape is compatible with any dimension, * a null shape is compatible with any shape. */ export declare class InputSpec { /** Expected datatype of the input. */ dtype?: DataType; /** Expected shape of the input (may include null for unchecked axes). */ shape?: Shape; /** Expected rank of the input. */ ndim?: number; /** Maximum rank of the input. */ maxNDim?: number; /** Minimum rank of the input. */ minNDim?: number; /** Dictionary mapping integer axes to a specific dimension value. */ axes?: { [axis: number]: number; }; constructor(args: InputSpecArgs); } /** * `tf.SymbolicTensor` is a placeholder for a Tensor without any concrete value. * * They are most often encountered when building a graph of `Layer`s for a * `tf.LayersModel` and the input data's shape, but not values are known. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ export declare class SymbolicTensor { readonly dtype: DataType; readonly shape: Shape; sourceLayer: Layer; readonly inputs: SymbolicTensor[]; readonly callArgs: Kwargs; readonly outputTensorIndex?: number; readonly id: number; readonly name: string; readonly originalName?: string; /** * Rank/dimensionality of the tensor. */ readonly rank: number; /** * Replacement for _keras_history. */ nodeIndex: number; /** * Replacement for _keras_history. */ tensorIndex: number; /** * * @param dtype * @param shape * @param sourceLayer The Layer that produced this symbolic tensor. * @param inputs The inputs passed to sourceLayer's __call__() method. * @param nodeIndex * @param tensorIndex * @param callArgs The keyword arguments passed to the __call__() method. * @param name * @param outputTensorIndex The index of this tensor in the list of outputs * returned by apply(). */ constructor(dtype: DataType, shape: Shape, sourceLayer: Layer, inputs: SymbolicTensor[], callArgs: Kwargs, name?: string, outputTensorIndex?: number); } /** * Constructor arguments for Node. */ export interface NodeArgs { /** * The layer that takes `inputTensors` and turns them into `outputTensors`. * (the node gets created when the `call` method of the layer is called). */ outboundLayer: Layer; /** * A list of layers, the same length as `inputTensors`, the layers from where * `inputTensors` originate. */ inboundLayers: Layer[]; /** * A list of integers, the same length as `inboundLayers`. `nodeIndices[i]` is * the origin node of `inputTensors[i]` (necessary since each inbound layer * might have several nodes, e.g. if the layer is being shared with a * different data stream). */ nodeIndices: number[]; /** * A list of integers, the same length as `inboundLayers`. `tensorIndices[i]` * is the index of `inputTensors[i]` within the output of the inbound layer * (necessary since each inbound layer might have multiple tensor outputs, * with each one being independently manipulable). */ tensorIndices: number[]; /** List of input tensors. */ inputTensors: SymbolicTensor[]; /** List of output tensors. */ outputTensors: SymbolicTensor[]; /** List of input masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). */ inputMasks: Tensor[]; /** List of output masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). */ outputMasks: Tensor[]; /** List of input shape tuples. */ inputShapes: Shape | Shape[]; /** List of output shape tuples. */ outputShapes: Shape | Shape[]; } /** * The type of the return value of Layer.dispose() and Container.dispose(). */ export interface DisposeResult { /** * Reference count after the dispose call. */ refCountAfterDispose: number; /** * Number of variables dispose in this dispose call. */ numDisposedVariables: number; } /** * A `Node` describes the connectivity between two layers. * * Each time a layer is connected to some new input, * a node is added to `layer.inboundNodes`. * * Each time the output of a layer is used by another layer, * a node is added to `layer.outboundNodes`. * * `nodeIndices` and `tensorIndices` are basically fine-grained coordinates * describing the origin of the `inputTensors`, verifying the following: * * `inputTensors[i] == * inboundLayers[i].inboundNodes[nodeIndices[i]].outputTensors[ * tensorIndices[i]]` * * A node from layer A to layer B is added to: * A.outboundNodes * B.inboundNodes */ export declare class Node { callArgs?: Kwargs; /** * The layer that takes `inputTensors` and turns them into `outputTensors` * (the node gets created when the `call` method of the layer is called). */ outboundLayer: Layer; /** * A list of layers, the same length as `inputTensors`, the layers from where * `inputTensors` originate. */ inboundLayers: Layer[]; /** * A list of integers, the same length as `inboundLayers`. `nodeIndices[i]` is * the origin node of `inputTensors[i]` (necessary since each inbound layer * might have several nodes, e.g. if the layer is being shared with a * different data stream). */ nodeIndices: number[]; /** * A list of integers, the same length as `inboundLayers`. `tensorIndices[i]` * is the index of `inputTensors[i]` within the output of the inbound layer * (necessary since each inbound layer might have multiple tensor outputs, * with each one being independently manipulable). */ tensorIndices: number[]; /** List of input tensors. */ inputTensors: SymbolicTensor[]; /** List of output tensors. */ outputTensors: SymbolicTensor[]; /** List of input masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). */ inputMasks: Tensor[]; /** List of output masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). */ outputMasks: Tensor[]; /** List of input shape tuples. */ inputShapes: Shape | Shape[]; /** List of output shape tuples. */ outputShapes: Shape | Shape[]; readonly id: number; constructor(args: NodeArgs, callArgs?: Kwargs); getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; } /** Constructor arguments for Layer. */ export declare interface LayerArgs { /** * If defined, will be used to create an input layer to insert before this * layer. If both `inputShape` and `batchInputShape` are defined, * `batchInputShape` will be used. This argument is only applicable to input * layers (the first layer of a model). */ inputShape?: Shape; /** * If defined, will be used to create an input layer to insert before this * layer. If both `inputShape` and `batchInputShape` are defined, * `batchInputShape` will be used. This argument is only applicable to input * layers (the first layer of a model). */ batchInputShape?: Shape; /** * If `inputShape` is specified and `batchInputShape` is *not* specified, * `batchSize` is used to construct the `batchInputShape`: `[batchSize, * ...inputShape]` */ batchSize?: number; /** * The data-type for this layer. Defaults to 'float32'. * This argument is only applicable to input layers (the first layer of a * model). */ dtype?: DataType; /** Name for this layer. */ name?: string; /** * Whether the weights of this layer are updatable by `fit`. * Defaults to true. */ trainable?: boolean; /** * Initial weight values of the layer. */ weights?: Tensor[]; /** Legacy support. Do not use for new code. */ inputDType?: DataType; } export type CallHook = (inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs) => void; /** * A layer is a grouping of operations and weights that can be composed to * create a `tf.LayersModel`. * * Layers are constructed by using the functions under the * [tf.layers](#Layers-Basic) namespace. * * @doc {heading: 'Layers', subheading: 'Classes', namespace: 'layers'} */ export declare abstract class Layer extends serialization.Serializable { /** Name for this layer. Must be unique within a model. */ name: string; /** * List of InputSpec class instances. * * Each entry describes one required input: * - ndim * - dtype * A layer with `n` input tensors must have an `inputSpec` of length `n`. */ inputSpec: InputSpec[]; supportsMasking: boolean; /** Whether the layer weights will be updated during training. */ protected trainable_: boolean; batchInputShape: Shape; dtype: DataType; initialWeights: Tensor[]; inboundNodes: Node[]; outboundNodes: Node[]; activityRegularizer: Regularizer; protected _trainableWeights: LayerVariable[]; private _nonTrainableWeights; private _losses; private _updates; private _built; private _callHook; private _addedWeightNames; readonly id: number; protected _stateful: boolean; protected _refCount: number | null; private fastWeightInitDuringBuild; constructor(args?: LayerArgs); /** * Converts a layer and its index to a unique (immutable type) name. * This function is used internally with `this.containerNodes`. * @param layer The layer. * @param nodeIndex The layer's position (e.g. via enumerate) in a list of * nodes. * * @returns The unique name. */ protected static nodeKey(layer: Layer, nodeIndex: number): string; /** * Returns this.inboundNode at index nodeIndex. * * Porting note: This is a replacement for _get_node_attribute_at_index() * @param nodeIndex * @param attrName The name of the attribute related to request for this node. */ private getNodeAtIndex; /** * Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. * * @param nodeIndex Integer, index of the node from which to retrieve the * attribute. E.g. `nodeIndex=0` will correspond to the first time the layer * was called. * * @return A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple inputs). */ getInputAt(nodeIndex: number): SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; /** * Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer at a given node. * * @param nodeIndex Integer, index of the node from which to retrieve the * attribute. E.g. `nodeIndex=0` will correspond to the first time the layer * was called. * * @return A tensor (or list of tensors if the layer has multiple outputs). */ getOutputAt(nodeIndex: number): SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; /** * Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer. * * Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, * i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. * * @return Input tensor or list of input tensors. * * @exception AttributeError if the layer is connected to more than one * incoming layers. */ get input(): SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; /** * Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer. * * Only applicable if the layer has exactly one inbound node, * i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer. * * @return Output tensor or list of output tensors. * * @exception AttributeError if the layer is connected to more than one * incoming layers. */ get output(): SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; get losses(): RegularizerFn[]; /** * Retrieves the Layer's current loss values. * * Used for regularizers during training. */ calculateLosses(): Scalar[]; get updates(): Tensor[]; get built(): boolean; set built(built: boolean); get trainable(): boolean; set trainable(trainable: boolean); get trainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; set trainableWeights(weights: LayerVariable[]); get nonTrainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; set nonTrainableWeights(weights: LayerVariable[]); /** * The concatenation of the lists trainableWeights and nonTrainableWeights * (in this order). */ get weights(): LayerVariable[]; get stateful(): boolean; /** * Reset the states of the layer. * * This method of the base Layer class is essentially a no-op. * Subclasses that are stateful (e.g., stateful RNNs) should override this * method. */ resetStates(): void; /** * Checks compatibility between the layer and provided inputs. * * This checks that the tensor(s) `input` * verify the input assumptions of the layer * (if any). If not, exceptions are raised. * * @param inputs Input tensor or list of input tensors. * * @exception ValueError in case of mismatch between * the provided inputs and the expectations of the layer. */ protected assertInputCompatibility(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]): void; /** * This is where the layer's logic lives. * * @param inputs Input tensor, or list/tuple of input tensors. * @param kwargs Additional keyword arguments. * * @return A tensor or list/tuple of tensors. */ call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; protected invokeCallHook(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): void; /** * Set call hook. * This is currently used for testing only. * @param callHook */ setCallHook(callHook: CallHook): void; /** * Clear call hook. * This is currently used for testing only. */ clearCallHook(): void; /** * Builds or executes a `Layer`'s logic. * * When called with `tf.Tensor`(s), execute the `Layer`'s computation and * return Tensor(s). For example: * * ```js * const denseLayer = tf.layers.dense({ * units: 1, * kernelInitializer: 'zeros', * useBias: false * }); * * // Invoke the layer's apply() method with a `tf.Tensor` (with concrete * // numeric values). * const input = tf.ones([2, 2]); * const output = denseLayer.apply(input); * * // The output's value is expected to be [[0], [0]], due to the fact that * // the dense layer has a kernel initialized to all-zeros and does not have * // a bias. * output.print(); * ``` * * When called with `tf.SymbolicTensor`(s), this will prepare the layer for * future execution. This entails internal book-keeping on shapes of * expected Tensors, wiring layers together, and initializing weights. * * Calling `apply` with `tf.SymbolicTensor`s are typically used during the * building of non-`tf.Sequential` models. For example: * * ```js * const flattenLayer = tf.layers.flatten(); * const denseLayer = tf.layers.dense({units: 1}); * * // Use tf.layers.input() to obtain a SymbolicTensor as input to apply(). * const input = tf.input({shape: [2, 2]}); * const output1 = flattenLayer.apply(input); * * // output1.shape is [null, 4]. The first dimension is the undetermined * // batch size. The second dimension comes from flattening the [2, 2] * // shape. * console.log(JSON.stringify(output1.shape)); * * // The output SymbolicTensor of the flatten layer can be used to call * // the apply() of the dense layer: * const output2 = denseLayer.apply(output1); * * // output2.shape is [null, 1]. The first dimension is the undetermined * // batch size. The second dimension matches the number of units of the * // dense layer. * console.log(JSON.stringify(output2.shape)); * * // The input and output can be used to construct a model that consists * // of the flatten and dense layers. * const model = tf.model({inputs: input, outputs: output2}); * ``` * * @param inputs a `tf.Tensor` or `tf.SymbolicTensor` or an Array of them. * @param kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to `call()`. * * @return Output of the layer's `call` method. * * @exception ValueError error in case the layer is missing shape information * for its `build` call. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ apply(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[], kwargs?: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; /** * Check compatibility between input shape and this layer's batchInputShape. * * Print warning if any incompatibility is found. * * @param inputShape Input shape to be checked. */ protected warnOnIncompatibleInputShape(inputShape: Shape): void; /** * Retrieves the output shape(s) of a layer. * * Only applicable if the layer has only one inbound node, or if all inbound * nodes have the same output shape. * * @returns Output shape or shapes. * @throws AttributeError: if the layer is connected to more than one incoming * nodes. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ get outputShape(): Shape | Shape[]; /** * Counts the total number of numbers (e.g., float32, int32) in the * weights. * * @returns An integer count. * @throws RuntimeError: If the layer is not built yet (in which case its * weights are not defined yet.) * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ countParams(): number; /** * Creates the layer weights. * * Must be implemented on all layers that have weights. * * Called when apply() is called to construct the weights. * * @param inputShape A `Shape` or array of `Shape` (unused). * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; /** * Returns the current values of the weights of the layer. * * @param trainableOnly Whether to get the values of only trainable weights. * @returns Weight values as an `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ getWeights(trainableOnly?: boolean): Tensor[]; /** * Sets the weights of the layer, from Tensors. * * @param weights a list of Tensors. The number of arrays and their shape * must match number of the dimensions of the weights of the layer (i.e. * it should match the output of `getWeights`). * * @exception ValueError If the provided weights list does not match the * layer's specifications. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ setWeights(weights: Tensor[]): void; /** * Adds a weight variable to the layer. * * @param name Name of the new weight variable. * @param shape The shape of the weight. * @param dtype The dtype of the weight. * @param initializer An initializer instance. * @param regularizer A regularizer instance. * @param trainable Whether the weight should be trained via backprop or not * (assuming that the layer itself is also trainable). * @param constraint An optional trainable. * @return The created weight variable. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ protected addWeight(name: string, shape: Shape, dtype?: DataType, initializer?: Initializer, regularizer?: Regularizer, trainable?: boolean, constraint?: Constraint, getInitializerFunc?: Function): LayerVariable; /** * Set the fast-weight-initialization flag. * * In cases where the initialized weight values will be immediately * overwritten by loaded weight values during model loading, setting * the flag to `true` saves unnecessary calls to potentially expensive * initializers and speeds up the loading process. * * @param value Target value of the flag. */ setFastWeightInitDuringBuild(value: boolean): void; /** * Add losses to the layer. * * The loss may potentially be conditional on some inputs tensors, * for instance activity losses are conditional on the layer's inputs. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ addLoss(losses: RegularizerFn | RegularizerFn[]): void; /** * Computes the output shape of the layer. * * Assumes that the layer will be built to match that input shape provided. * * @param inputShape A shape (tuple of integers) or a list of shape tuples * (one per output tensor of the layer). Shape tuples can include null for * free dimensions, instead of an integer. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): Shape | Shape[]; /** * Computes an output mask tensor. * * @param inputs Tensor or list of tensors. * @param mask Tensor or list of tensors. * * @return null or a tensor (or list of tensors, one per output tensor of the * layer). */ computeMask(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], mask?: Tensor | Tensor[]): Tensor | Tensor[]; private setMaskMetadata; /** * Internal method to create an inbound node for the layer. * * @param inputTensors List of input tensors. * @param outputTensors List of output tensors. * @param inputMasks List of input masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). * @param outputMasks List of output masks (a mask can be a tensor, or null). * @param inputShapes List of input shape tuples. * @param outputShapes List of output shape tuples. * @param kwargs Dictionary of keyword arguments that were passed to the * `call` method of the layer at the call that created the node. */ private addInboundNode; /** * Returns the config of the layer. * * A layer config is a TS dictionary (serializable) * containing the configuration of a layer. * The same layer can be reinstantiated later * (without its trained weights) from this configuration. * * The config of a layer does not include connectivity * information, nor the layer class name. These are handled * by 'Container' (one layer of abstraction above). * * Porting Note: The TS dictionary follows TS naming standards for * keys, and uses tfjs-layers type-safe Enums. Serialization methods * should use a helper function to convert to the pythonic storage * standard. (see serialization_utils.convertTsToPythonic) * * @returns TS dictionary of configuration. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; /** * Dispose the weight variables that this Layer instance holds. * * @returns {number} Number of disposed variables. */ protected disposeWeights(): number; protected assertNotDisposed(): void; /** * Attempt to dispose layer's weights. * * This method decreases the reference count of the Layer object by 1. * * A Layer is reference-counted. Its reference count is incremented by 1 * the first item its `apply()` method is called and when it becomes a part * of a new `Node` (through calling the `apply()` method on a * `tf.SymbolicTensor`). * * If the reference count of a Layer becomes 0, all the weights will be * disposed and the underlying memory (e.g., the textures allocated in WebGL) * will be freed. * * Note: If the reference count is greater than 0 after the decrement, the * weights of the Layer will *not* be disposed. * * After a Layer is disposed, it cannot be used in calls such as `apply()`, * `getWeights()` or `setWeights()` anymore. * * @returns A DisposeResult Object with the following fields: * - refCountAfterDispose: The reference count of the Container after this * `dispose()` call. * - numDisposedVariables: Number of `tf.Variable`s (i.e., weights) disposed * during this `dispose()` call. * @throws {Error} If the layer is not built yet, or if the layer has already * been disposed. * * @doc {heading: 'Models', 'subheading': 'Classes'} */ dispose(): DisposeResult; } /** * Returns the list of input tensors necessary to compute `tensor`. * * Output will always be a list of tensors (potentially with 1 element). * * @param tensor The tensor to start from. * @param layer Origin layer of the tensor. * @param nodeIndex Origin node index of the tensor. * * @return Array of input tensors. */ export declare function getSourceInputs(tensor: SymbolicTensor, layer?: Layer, nodeIndex?: number): SymbolicTensor[];