/** * @license * Copyright 2018 Google LLC * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * ============================================================================= */ /// /** * TensorFlow.js Layers: Recurrent Neural Network Layers. */ import * as tfc from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { serialization, Tensor } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core'; import { Activation } from '../activations'; import { Constraint, ConstraintIdentifier } from '../constraints'; import { InputSpec, SymbolicTensor } from '../engine/topology'; import { Layer, LayerArgs } from '../engine/topology'; import { Initializer, InitializerIdentifier } from '../initializers'; import { ActivationIdentifier } from '../keras_format/activation_config'; import { Shape } from '../keras_format/common'; import { Regularizer, RegularizerIdentifier } from '../regularizers'; import { Kwargs, RnnStepFunction } from '../types'; import { LayerVariable } from '../variables'; /** * Standardize `apply()` args to a single list of tensor inputs. * * When running a model loaded from file, the input tensors `initialState` and * `constants` are passed to `RNN.apply()` as part of `inputs` instead of the * dedicated kwargs fields. `inputs` consists of * `[inputs, initialState0, initialState1, ..., constant0, constant1]` in this * case. * This method makes sure that arguments are * separated and that `initialState` and `constants` are `Array`s of tensors * (or None). * * @param inputs Tensor or `Array` of tensors. * @param initialState Tensor or `Array` of tensors or `null`/`undefined`. * @param constants Tensor or `Array` of tensors or `null`/`undefined`. * @returns An object consisting of * inputs: A tensor. * initialState: `Array` of tensors or `null`. * constants: `Array` of tensors or `null`. * @throws ValueError, if `inputs` is an `Array` but either `initialState` or * `constants` is provided. */ export declare function standardizeArgs(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[], initialState: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[], constants: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[], numConstants?: number): { inputs: Tensor | SymbolicTensor; initialState: Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor[]; constants: Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor[]; }; /** * Iterates over the time dimension of a tensor. * * @param stepFunction RNN step function. * Parameters: * inputs: tensor with shape `[samples, ...]` (no time dimension), * representing input for the batch of samples at a certain time step. * states: an Array of tensors. * Returns: * outputs: tensor with shape `[samples, outputDim]` (no time dimension). * newStates: list of tensors, same length and shapes as `states`. The first * state in the list must be the output tensor at the previous timestep. * @param inputs Tensor of temporal data of shape `[samples, time, ...]` (at * least 3D). * @param initialStates Tensor with shape `[samples, outputDim]` (no time * dimension), containing the initial values of the states used in the step * function. * @param goBackwards If `true`, do the iteration over the time dimension in * reverse order and return the reversed sequence. * @param mask Binary tensor with shape `[sample, time, 1]`, with a zero for * every element that is masked. * @param constants An Array of constant values passed at each step. * @param unroll Whether to unroll the RNN or to use a symbolic loop. *Not* * applicable to this imperative deeplearn.js backend. Its value is ignored. * @param needPerStepOutputs Whether the per-step outputs are to be * concatenated into a single tensor and returned (as the second return * value). Default: `false`. This arg is included so that the relatively * expensive concatenation of the stepwise outputs can be omitted unless * the stepwise outputs need to be kept (e.g., for an LSTM layer of which * `returnSequence` is `true`.) * @returns An Array: `[lastOutput, outputs, newStates]`. * lastOutput: the lastest output of the RNN, of shape `[samples, ...]`. * outputs: tensor with shape `[samples, time, ...]` where each entry * `output[s, t]` is the output of the step function at time `t` for sample * `s`. This return value is provided if and only if the * `needPerStepOutputs` is set as `true`. If it is set as `false`, this * return value will be `undefined`. * newStates: Array of tensors, latest states returned by the step function, * of shape `(samples, ...)`. * @throws ValueError If input dimension is less than 3. * * TODO(nielsene): This needs to be tidy-ed. */ export declare function rnn(stepFunction: RnnStepFunction, inputs: Tensor, initialStates: Tensor[], goBackwards?: boolean, mask?: Tensor, constants?: Tensor[], unroll?: boolean, needPerStepOutputs?: boolean): [Tensor, Tensor, Tensor[]]; export declare interface BaseRNNLayerArgs extends LayerArgs { /** * A RNN cell instance. A RNN cell is a class that has: * - a `call()` method, which takes `[Tensor, Tensor]` as the * first input argument. The first item is the input at time t, and * second item is the cell state at time t. * The `call()` method returns `[outputAtT, statesAtTPlus1]`. * The `call()` method of the cell can also take the argument `constants`, * see section "Note on passing external constants" below. * Porting Node: PyKeras overrides the `call()` signature of RNN cells, * which are Layer subtypes, to accept two arguments. tfjs-layers does * not do such overriding. Instead we preserve the `call()` signature, * which due to its `Tensor|Tensor[]` argument and return value is * flexible enough to handle the inputs and states. * - a `stateSize` attribute. This can be a single integer (single state) * in which case it is the size of the recurrent state (which should be * the same as the size of the cell output). This can also be an Array of * integers (one size per state). In this case, the first entry * (`stateSize[0]`) should be the same as the size of the cell output. * It is also possible for `cell` to be a list of RNN cell instances, in which * case the cells get stacked on after the other in the RNN, implementing an * efficient stacked RNN. */ cell?: RNNCell | RNNCell[]; /** * Whether to return the last output in the output sequence, or the full * sequence. */ returnSequences?: boolean; /** * Whether to return the last state in addition to the output. */ returnState?: boolean; /** * If `true`, process the input sequence backwards and return the reversed * sequence (default: `false`). */ goBackwards?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the last state for each sample at index i in a batch will be * used as initial state of the sample of index i in the following batch * (default: `false`). * * You can set RNN layers to be "stateful", which means that the states * computed for the samples in one batch will be reused as initial states * for the samples in the next batch. This assumes a one-to-one mapping * between samples in different successive batches. * * To enable "statefulness": * - specify `stateful: true` in the layer constructor. * - specify a fixed batch size for your model, by passing * - if sequential model: * `batchInputShape: [...]` to the first layer in your model. * - else for functional model with 1 or more Input layers: * `batchShape: [...]` to all the first layers in your model. * This is the expected shape of your inputs * *including the batch size*. * It should be a tuple of integers, e.g., `[32, 10, 100]`. * - specify `shuffle: false` when calling `LayersModel.fit()`. * * To reset the state of your model, call `resetStates()` on either the * specific layer or on the entire model. */ stateful?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the network will be unrolled, else a symbolic loop will be * used. Unrolling can speed up a RNN, although it tends to be more * memory-intensive. Unrolling is only suitable for short sequences (default: * `false`). * Porting Note: tfjs-layers has an imperative backend. RNNs are executed with * normal TypeScript control flow. Hence this property is inapplicable and * ignored in tfjs-layers. */ unroll?: boolean; /** * Dimensionality of the input (integer). * This option (or alternatively, the option `inputShape`) is required when * this layer is used as the first layer in a model. */ inputDim?: number; /** * Length of the input sequences, to be specified when it is constant. * This argument is required if you are going to connect `Flatten` then * `Dense` layers upstream (without it, the shape of the dense outputs cannot * be computed). Note that if the recurrent layer is not the first layer in * your model, you would need to specify the input length at the level of the * first layer (e.g., via the `inputShape` option). */ inputLength?: number; } export declare class RNN extends Layer { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; readonly cell: RNNCell; readonly returnSequences: boolean; readonly returnState: boolean; readonly goBackwards: boolean; readonly unroll: boolean; stateSpec: InputSpec[]; protected states_: Tensor[]; protected keptStates: Tensor[][]; private numConstants; constructor(args: RNNLayerArgs); getStates(): Tensor[]; setStates(states: Tensor[]): void; computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): Shape | Shape[]; computeMask(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], mask?: Tensor | Tensor[]): Tensor | Tensor[]; /** * Get the current state tensors of the RNN. * * If the state hasn't been set, return an array of `null`s of the correct * length. */ get states(): Tensor[]; set states(s: Tensor[]); build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; /** * Reset the state tensors of the RNN. * * If the `states` argument is `undefined` or `null`, will set the * state tensor(s) of the RNN to all-zero tensors of the appropriate * shape(s). * * If `states` is provided, will set the state tensors of the RNN to its * value. * * @param states Optional externally-provided initial states. * @param training Whether this call is done during training. For stateful * RNNs, this affects whether the old states are kept or discarded. In * particular, if `training` is `true`, the old states will be kept so * that subsequent backpropgataion through time (BPTT) may work properly. * Else, the old states will be discarded. */ resetStates(states?: Tensor | Tensor[], training?: boolean): void; apply(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[], kwargs?: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[] | SymbolicTensor | SymbolicTensor[]; call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; getInitialState(inputs: Tensor): Tensor[]; get trainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; get nonTrainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; setFastWeightInitDuringBuild(value: boolean): void; getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; /** @nocollapse */ static fromConfig(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor, config: serialization.ConfigDict, customObjects?: serialization.ConfigDict): T; } /** * An RNNCell layer. * * @doc {heading: 'Layers', subheading: 'Classes'} */ export declare abstract class RNNCell extends Layer { /** * Size(s) of the states. * For RNN cells with only a single state, this is a single integer. */ abstract stateSize: number | number[]; dropoutMask: Tensor | Tensor[]; recurrentDropoutMask: Tensor | Tensor[]; } export declare interface SimpleRNNCellLayerArgs extends LayerArgs { /** * units: Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. */ units: number; /** * Activation function to use. * Default: hyperbolic tangent ('tanh'). * If you pass `null`, 'linear' activation will be applied. */ activation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * Whether the layer uses a bias vector. */ useBias?: boolean; /** * Initializer for the `kernel` weights matrix, used for the linear * transformation of the inputs. */ kernelInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Initializer for the `recurrentKernel` weights matrix, used for * linear transformation of the recurrent state. */ recurrentInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Initializer for the bias vector. */ biasInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the `kernel` weights matrix. */ kernelRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the `recurrent_kernel` weights matrix. */ recurrentRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. */ biasRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Constraint function applied to the `kernel` weights matrix. */ kernelConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Constraint function applied to the `recurrentKernel` weights matrix. */ recurrentConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Constraint function applied to the bias vector. */ biasConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Float number between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear * transformation of the inputs. */ dropout?: number; /** * Float number between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear * transformation of the recurrent state. */ recurrentDropout?: number; /** * This is added for test DI purpose. */ dropoutFunc?: Function; } export declare class SimpleRNNCell extends RNNCell { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; readonly units: number; readonly activation: Activation; readonly useBias: boolean; readonly kernelInitializer: Initializer; readonly recurrentInitializer: Initializer; readonly biasInitializer: Initializer; readonly kernelConstraint: Constraint; readonly recurrentConstraint: Constraint; readonly biasConstraint: Constraint; readonly kernelRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly recurrentRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly biasRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly dropout: number; readonly recurrentDropout: number; readonly dropoutFunc: Function; readonly stateSize: number; kernel: LayerVariable; recurrentKernel: LayerVariable; bias: LayerVariable; readonly DEFAULT_ACTIVATION = "tanh"; readonly DEFAULT_KERNEL_INITIALIZER = "glorotNormal"; readonly DEFAULT_RECURRENT_INITIALIZER = "orthogonal"; readonly DEFAULT_BIAS_INITIALIZER: InitializerIdentifier; constructor(args: SimpleRNNCellLayerArgs); build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; } export declare interface SimpleRNNLayerArgs extends BaseRNNLayerArgs { /** * Positive integer, dimensionality of the output space. */ units: number; /** * Activation function to use. * * Defaults to hyperbolic tangent (`tanh`) * * If you pass `null`, no activation will be applied. */ activation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * Whether the layer uses a bias vector. */ useBias?: boolean; /** * Initializer for the `kernel` weights matrix, used for the linear * transformation of the inputs. */ kernelInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Initializer for the `recurrentKernel` weights matrix, used for * linear transformation of the recurrent state. */ recurrentInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Initializer for the bias vector. */ biasInitializer?: InitializerIdentifier | Initializer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix. */ kernelRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the recurrentKernel weights matrix. */ recurrentRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. */ biasRegularizer?: RegularizerIdentifier | Regularizer; /** * Constraint function applied to the kernel weights matrix. */ kernelConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Constraint function applied to the recurrentKernel weights matrix. */ recurrentConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Constraint function applied to the bias vector. */ biasConstraint?: ConstraintIdentifier | Constraint; /** * Number between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear * transformation of the inputs. */ dropout?: number; /** * Number between 0 and 1. Fraction of the units to drop for the linear * transformation of the recurrent state. */ recurrentDropout?: number; /** * This is added for test DI purpose. */ dropoutFunc?: Function; } /** * RNNLayerConfig is identical to BaseRNNLayerConfig, except it makes the * `cell` property required. This interface is to be used with constructors * of concrete RNN layer subtypes. */ export declare interface RNNLayerArgs extends BaseRNNLayerArgs { cell: RNNCell | RNNCell[]; } export declare class SimpleRNN extends RNN { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; constructor(args: SimpleRNNLayerArgs); call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; /** @nocollapse */ static fromConfig(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor, config: serialization.ConfigDict): T; } export declare interface GRUCellLayerArgs extends SimpleRNNCellLayerArgs { /** * Activation function to use for the recurrent step. * * Defaults to hard sigmoid (`hardSigmoid`). * * If `null`, no activation is applied. */ recurrentActivation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * Implementation mode, either 1 or 2. * * Mode 1 will structure its operations as a larger number of * smaller dot products and additions. * * Mode 2 will batch them into fewer, larger operations. These modes will * have different performance profiles on different hardware and * for different applications. * * Note: For superior performance, TensorFlow.js always uses implementation * 2, regardless of the actual value of this configuration field. */ implementation?: number; /** * GRU convention (whether to apply reset gate after or before matrix * multiplication). false = "before", true = "after" (only false is * supported). */ resetAfter?: boolean; } export declare class GRUCell extends RNNCell { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; readonly units: number; readonly activation: Activation; readonly recurrentActivation: Activation; readonly useBias: boolean; readonly kernelInitializer: Initializer; readonly recurrentInitializer: Initializer; readonly biasInitializer: Initializer; readonly kernelRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly recurrentRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly biasRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly kernelConstraint: Constraint; readonly recurrentConstraint: Constraint; readonly biasConstraint: Constraint; readonly dropout: number; readonly recurrentDropout: number; readonly dropoutFunc: Function; readonly stateSize: number; readonly implementation: number; readonly DEFAULT_ACTIVATION = "tanh"; readonly DEFAULT_RECURRENT_ACTIVATION: ActivationIdentifier; readonly DEFAULT_KERNEL_INITIALIZER = "glorotNormal"; readonly DEFAULT_RECURRENT_INITIALIZER = "orthogonal"; readonly DEFAULT_BIAS_INITIALIZER: InitializerIdentifier; kernel: LayerVariable; recurrentKernel: LayerVariable; bias: LayerVariable; constructor(args: GRUCellLayerArgs); build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; } export declare interface GRULayerArgs extends SimpleRNNLayerArgs { /** * Activation function to use for the recurrent step. * * Defaults to hard sigmoid (`hardSigmoid`). * * If `null`, no activation is applied. */ recurrentActivation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * Implementation mode, either 1 or 2. * * Mode 1 will structure its operations as a larger number of * smaller dot products and additions. * * Mode 2 will batch them into fewer, larger operations. These modes will * have different performance profiles on different hardware and * for different applications. * * Note: For superior performance, TensorFlow.js always uses implementation * 2, regardless of the actual value of this configuration field. */ implementation?: number; } export declare class GRU extends RNN { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; constructor(args: GRULayerArgs); call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; /** @nocollapse */ static fromConfig(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor, config: serialization.ConfigDict): T; } export declare interface LSTMCellLayerArgs extends SimpleRNNCellLayerArgs { /** * Activation function to use for the recurrent step. * * Defaults to hard sigmoid (`hardSigmoid`). * * If `null`, no activation is applied. */ recurrentActivation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * If `true`, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. * Setting it to `true` will also force `biasInitializer = 'zeros'`. * This is recommended in * [Jozefowicz et * al.](http://www.jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v37/jozefowicz15.pdf) */ unitForgetBias?: boolean; /** * Implementation mode, either 1 or 2. * * Mode 1 will structure its operations as a larger number of * smaller dot products and additions. * * Mode 2 will batch them into fewer, larger operations. These modes will * have different performance profiles on different hardware and * for different applications. * * Note: For superior performance, TensorFlow.js always uses implementation * 2, regardless of the actual value of this configuration field. */ implementation?: number; } export declare class LSTMCell extends RNNCell { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; readonly units: number; readonly activation: Activation; readonly recurrentActivation: Activation; readonly useBias: boolean; readonly kernelInitializer: Initializer; readonly recurrentInitializer: Initializer; readonly biasInitializer: Initializer; readonly unitForgetBias: boolean; readonly kernelConstraint: Constraint; readonly recurrentConstraint: Constraint; readonly biasConstraint: Constraint; readonly kernelRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly recurrentRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly biasRegularizer: Regularizer; readonly dropout: number; readonly recurrentDropout: number; readonly dropoutFunc: Function; readonly stateSize: number[]; readonly implementation: number; readonly DEFAULT_ACTIVATION = "tanh"; readonly DEFAULT_RECURRENT_ACTIVATION = "hardSigmoid"; readonly DEFAULT_KERNEL_INITIALIZER = "glorotNormal"; readonly DEFAULT_RECURRENT_INITIALIZER = "orthogonal"; readonly DEFAULT_BIAS_INITIALIZER = "zeros"; kernel: LayerVariable; recurrentKernel: LayerVariable; bias: LayerVariable; constructor(args: LSTMCellLayerArgs); build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; } export declare interface LSTMLayerArgs extends SimpleRNNLayerArgs { /** * Activation function to use for the recurrent step. * * Defaults to hard sigmoid (`hardSigmoid`). * * If `null`, no activation is applied. */ recurrentActivation?: ActivationIdentifier; /** * If `true`, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. * Setting it to `true` will also force `biasInitializer = 'zeros'`. * This is recommended in * [Jozefowicz et * al.](http://www.jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v37/jozefowicz15.pdf) */ unitForgetBias?: boolean; /** * Implementation mode, either 1 or 2. * Mode 1 will structure its operations as a larger number of * smaller dot products and additions, whereas mode 2 will * batch them into fewer, larger operations. These modes will * have different performance profiles on different hardware and * for different applications. * * Note: For superior performance, TensorFlow.js always uses implementation * 2, regardless of the actual value of this config field. */ implementation?: number; } export declare class LSTM extends RNN { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; constructor(args: LSTMLayerArgs); call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; /** @nocollapse */ static fromConfig(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor, config: serialization.ConfigDict): T; } export declare interface StackedRNNCellsArgs extends LayerArgs { /** * An `Array` of `RNNCell` instances. */ cells: RNNCell[]; } export declare class StackedRNNCells extends RNNCell { /** @nocollapse */ static className: string; protected cells: RNNCell[]; constructor(args: StackedRNNCellsArgs); get stateSize(): number[]; call(inputs: Tensor | Tensor[], kwargs: Kwargs): Tensor | Tensor[]; build(inputShape: Shape | Shape[]): void; getConfig(): serialization.ConfigDict; /** @nocollapse */ static fromConfig(cls: serialization.SerializableConstructor, config: serialization.ConfigDict, customObjects?: serialization.ConfigDict): T; get trainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; get nonTrainableWeights(): LayerVariable[]; /** * Retrieve the weights of a the model. * * @returns A flat `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s. */ getWeights(): Tensor[]; /** * Set the weights of the model. * * @param weights An `Array` of `tf.Tensor`s with shapes and types matching * the output of `getWeights()`. */ setWeights(weights: Tensor[]): void; } export declare function generateDropoutMask(args: { ones: () => tfc.Tensor; rate: number; training?: boolean; count?: number; dropoutFunc?: Function; }): tfc.Tensor | tfc.Tensor[];