import { Logger } from '@terascope/utils'; import * as i from './interfaces'; export declare function newTestSlice(request?: i.SliceRequest): i.Slice; export declare function newTestJobConfig(defaults?: Partial): i.ValidatedJobConfig; export declare function newTestExecutionConfig(jobConfig?: Partial): i.ExecutionConfig; /** * Create a new Execution Context * @deprecated use the new WorkerExecutionContext and SlicerExecutionContext */ export declare function newTestExecutionContext(type: i.Assignment, config: i.ExecutionConfig): i.LegacyExecutionContext; export interface CachedClients { [prop: string]: any; } export interface TestClientConfig { type: string; create: i.ClientFactoryFn; config?: Record; endpoint?: string; } export interface TestClientsByEndpoint { [endpoint: string]: any; } export interface TestClients { [type: string]: TestClientsByEndpoint; } export interface TestContextAPIs extends i.ContextAPIs { setTestClients(clients: TestClientConfig[]): void; getTestClients(): TestClients; } export interface TestContextOptions { assignment?: i.Assignment; clients?: TestClientConfig[]; } export declare class TestContext implements i.Context { logger: Logger; sysconfig: i.SysConfig; cluster: i.ContextClusterConfig; apis: TestContextAPIs | i.WorkerContextAPIs | i.ContextAPIs; foundation: i.LegacyFoundationApis; name: string; assignment: i.Assignment; platform: string; arch: string; constructor(testName: string, options?: TestContextOptions); } //#