import { type keyboardKey } from './system/keyboard'; import { type pointerKey } from './system/pointer'; export declare enum PointerEventsCheckLevel { /** * Check pointer events on every user interaction that triggers a bunch of events. * E.g. once for releasing a mouse button even though this triggers `pointerup`, `mouseup`, `click`, etc... */ EachTrigger = 4, /** Check each target once per call to pointer (related) API */ EachApiCall = 2, /** Check each event target once */ EachTarget = 1, /** No pointer events check */ Never = 0 } export interface Options { /** * When using `userEvent.upload`, automatically discard files * that don't match an `accept` property if it exists. * * @default true */ applyAccept?: boolean; /** * We intend to automatically apply modifier keys for printable characters in the future. * I.e. `A` implying `{Shift>}a{/Shift}` if caps lock is not active. * * This options allows you to opt out of this change in foresight. * The feature therefore will not constitute a breaking change. * * @default true */ autoModify?: boolean; /** * Between some subsequent inputs like typing a series of characters * the code execution is delayed per `setTimeout` for (at least) `delay` seconds. * This moves the next changes at least to next macro task * and allows other (asynchronous) code to run between events. * * `null` prevents `setTimeout` from being called. * * @default 0 */ delay?: number | null; /** * The document. * * This defaults to the owner document of an element if an API is called directly with an element and without setup. * Otherwise it falls back to the global document. * * @default element.ownerDocument??globalThis.document */ document?: Document; /** * An array of keyboard keys the keyboard device consists of. * * This allows to plug in different layouts / localizations. * * Defaults to a "standard" US-104-QWERTY keyboard. */ keyboardMap?: keyboardKey[]; /** * An array of available pointer keys. * * This allows to plug in different pointer devices. */ pointerMap?: pointerKey[]; /** * The pointer API includes a check if an element has or inherits `pointer-events: none`. * This check is known to be expensive and very expensive when checking deeply nested nodes. * This option determines how often the pointer related APIs perform the check. * * This is a binary flag option. You can combine multiple Levels. * * @default PointerEventsCheckLevel.EachCall */ pointerEventsCheck?: PointerEventsCheckLevel | number; /** * `userEvent.type` automatically releases any keys still pressed at the end of the call. * This option allows to opt out of this feature. * * @default false */ skipAutoClose?: boolean; /** * `userEvent.type` implies a click at the end of the element content/value. * This option allows to opt out of this feature. * * @default false */ skipClick?: boolean; /** * `` implies moving the cursor to the target element first. * This options allows to opt out of this feature. * * @default false */ skipHover?: boolean; /** * Write selected data to Clipboard API when a `cut` or `copy` is triggered. * * The Clipboard API is usually not available to test code. * Our `setup` replaces the `navigator.clipboard` property with a stub. * * Defaults to `false` when calling the APIs directly. * Defaults to `true` when calling the APIs per `setup`. */ writeToClipboard?: boolean; /** * A function to be called internally to advance your fake timers (if applicable) * * @example jest.advanceTimersByTime */ advanceTimers?: ((delay: number) => Promise) | ((delay: number) => void); }