import { Emitter, Event } from '../../common'; import { Disposable, DisposableCollection } from '../../common/disposable'; import { Coordinate } from '../context-menu-renderer'; import { RendererHost } from '../widgets/react-renderer'; export interface BreadcrumbPopupContainerFactory { (parent: HTMLElement, breadcrumbId: string, position: Coordinate): BreadcrumbPopupContainer; } export declare const BreadcrumbPopupContainerFactory: unique symbol; export declare type BreadcrumbID = string; export declare const BreadcrumbID: unique symbol; /** * This class creates a popup container at the given position * so that contributions can attach their HTML elements * as children of `BreadcrumbPopupContainer#container`. * * - `dispose()` is called on blur or on hit on escape */ export declare class BreadcrumbPopupContainer implements Disposable { protected readonly parent: RendererHost; readonly breadcrumbId: BreadcrumbID; protected readonly position: Coordinate; protected onDidDisposeEmitter: Emitter; protected toDispose: DisposableCollection; get onDidDispose(): Event; protected _container: HTMLElement; get container(): HTMLElement; protected _isOpen: boolean; get isOpen(): boolean; protected init(): void; protected createPopupDiv(position: Coordinate): HTMLDivElement; protected onFocusOut: (event: FocusEvent) => void; protected escFunction: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; dispose(): void; } //#