import { Event, Emitter, DisposableCollection, Disposable } from '../../common'; import { Deferred } from '../../common/promise-util'; import { PreferenceProvider, PreferenceProviderDataChange, PreferenceProviderDataChanges, PreferenceResolveResult } from './preference-provider'; import { PreferenceSchemaProvider } from './preference-contribution'; import URI from '../../common/uri'; import { PreferenceScope } from './preference-scope'; import { PreferenceConfigurations } from './preference-configurations'; import { JSONValue } from '@phosphor/coreutils/lib/json'; import { OverridePreferenceName, PreferenceLanguageOverrideService } from './preference-language-override-service'; export { PreferenceScope }; /** * Representation of a preference change. A preference value can be set to `undefined` for a specific scope. * This means that the value from a more general scope will be used. */ export interface PreferenceChange extends PreferenceProviderDataChange { /** * Tests wether the given resource is affected by the preference change. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource to test. */ affects(resourceUri?: string): boolean; } export declare class PreferenceChangeImpl implements PreferenceChange { protected readonly change: PreferenceProviderDataChange; constructor(change: PreferenceProviderDataChange); get preferenceName(): string; get newValue(): string; get oldValue(): string; get scope(): PreferenceScope; get domain(): string[] | undefined; affects(resourceUri?: string): boolean; } /** * A key-value storage for {@link PreferenceChange}s. Used to aggregate multiple simultaneous preference changes. */ export interface PreferenceChanges { [preferenceName: string]: PreferenceChange; } export declare const PreferenceService: unique symbol; /** * Service to manage preferences including, among others, getting and setting preference values as well * as listening to preference changes. * * Depending on your use case you might also want to look at {@link createPreferenceProxy} with which * you can easily create a typesafe schema-based interface for your preferences. Internally the proxy * uses the PreferenceService so both approaches are compatible. */ export interface PreferenceService extends Disposable { /** * Promise indicating whether the service successfully initialized. */ readonly ready: Promise; /** * Indicates whether the service has successfully initialized. Will be `true` when {@link PreferenceService.ready the `ready` Promise} resolves. */ readonly isReady: boolean; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * * @returns the value stored for the given preference when it exists, `undefined` otherwise. */ get(preferenceName: string): T | undefined; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored. * * @returns the value stored for the given preference when it exists, otherwise the given default value. */ get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T): T; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`. * * @returns the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists, otherwise the given * default value. */ get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T, resourceUri?: string): T; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`. * * @returns the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists, otherwise the given * default value. */ get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined; /** * Sets the given preference to the given value. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param value the new value of the preference. * @param scope the scope for which the value shall be set, i.e. user, workspace etc. * When the folder scope is specified a resourceUri must be provided. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to store * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`. * * @returns a promise which resolves to `undefined` when setting the preference was successful. Otherwise it rejects * with an error. */ set(preferenceName: string, value: any, scope?: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string): Promise; /** * Determines and applies the changes necessary to apply `value` to either the `resourceUri` supplied or the active session. * If there is no setting for the `preferenceName`, the change will be applied in user scope. * If there is a setting conflicting with the specified `value`, the change will be applied in the most specific scope with a conflicting value. * * @param preferenceName the identifier of the preference to modify. * @param value the value to which to set the preference. `undefined` will reset the preference to its default value. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource to which the change is to apply. If none is provided, folder scope will be ignored. */ updateValue(preferenceName: string, value: any, resourceUri?: string): Promise; /** * Registers a callback which will be called whenever a preference is changed. */ onPreferenceChanged: Event; /** * Registers a callback which will be called whenever one or more preferences are changed. */ onPreferencesChanged: Event; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri in all available scopes. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. * @param forceLanguageOverride if `true` and `preferenceName` is a language override, only values for the specified override will be returned. * Otherwise, values for the override will be returned where defined, and values from the base preference will be returned otherwise. * * @return an object containing the value of the given preference for all scopes. */ inspect(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): PreferenceInspection | undefined; /** * For behavior, see {@link PreferenceService.inspect}. * * @returns the value in the scope specified. */ inspectInScope(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): T | undefined; /** * Returns a new preference identifier based on the given OverridePreferenceName. * * @param options the override specification. * * @returns the calculated string based on the given OverridePreferenceName. */ overridePreferenceName(options: OverridePreferenceName): string; /** * Tries to split the given preference identifier into the original OverridePreferenceName attributes * with which this identifier was created. Returns `undefined` if this is not possible, for example * when the given preference identifier was not generated by `overridePreferenceName`. * * This method is checked when resolving preferences. Therefore together with "overridePreferenceName" * this can be used to handle specialized preferences, e.g. "[markdown].editor.autoIndent" and "editor.autoIndent". * * @param preferenceName the preferenceName which might have been created via {@link PreferenceService.overridePreferenceName}. * * @returns the OverridePreferenceName which was used to create the given `preferenceName` if this was the case, * `undefined` otherwise. */ overriddenPreferenceName(preferenceName: string): OverridePreferenceName | undefined; /** * Retrieve the stored value for the given preference and resourceUri. * * @param preferenceName the preference identifier. * @param defaultValue the value to return when no value for the given preference is stored. * @param resourceUri the uri of the resource for which the preference is stored. This used to retrieve * a potentially different value for the same preference for different resources, for example `files.encoding`. * * @returns an object containing the value stored for the given preference and resourceUri when it exists, * otherwise the given default value. If determinable the object will also contain the uri of the configuration * resource in which the preference was stored. */ resolve(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult; /** * Returns the uri of the configuration resource for the given scope and optional resource uri. * * @param scope the PreferenceScope to query for. * @param resourceUri the optional uri of the resource-specific preference handling * @param sectionName the optional preference section to query for. * * @returns the uri of the configuration resource for the given scope and optional resource uri it it exists, * `undefined` otherwise. */ getConfigUri(scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): URI | undefined; } /** * Return type of the {@link PreferenceService.inspect} call. */ export interface PreferenceInspection { /** * The preference identifier. */ preferenceName: string; /** * Value in default scope. */ defaultValue: T | undefined; /** * Value in user scope. */ globalValue: T | undefined; /** * Value in workspace scope. */ workspaceValue: T | undefined; /** * Value in folder scope. */ workspaceFolderValue: T | undefined; /** * The value that is active, i.e. the value set in the lowest scope available. */ value: T | undefined; } export declare type PreferenceInspectionScope = keyof Omit, 'preferenceName'>; /** * We cannot load providers directly in the case if they depend on `PreferenceService` somehow. * It allows to load them lazily after DI is configured. */ export declare const PreferenceProviderProvider: unique symbol; export declare type PreferenceProviderProvider = (scope: PreferenceScope, uri?: URI) => PreferenceProvider; export declare class PreferenceServiceImpl implements PreferenceService { protected readonly onPreferenceChangedEmitter: Emitter; readonly onPreferenceChanged: Event; protected readonly onPreferencesChangedEmitter: Emitter; readonly onPreferencesChanged: Event; protected readonly toDispose: DisposableCollection; protected readonly schema: PreferenceSchemaProvider; protected readonly providerProvider: PreferenceProviderProvider; protected readonly configurations: PreferenceConfigurations; protected readonly preferenceOverrideService: PreferenceLanguageOverrideService; protected readonly preferenceProviders: Map; protected initializeProviders(): Promise; protected init(): void; dispose(): void; protected readonly _ready: Deferred; get ready(): Promise; protected _isReady: boolean; get isReady(): boolean; protected reconcilePreferences(changes: PreferenceProviderDataChanges): void; protected getAffectedPreferenceNames(change: PreferenceProviderDataChange, accept: (affectedPreferenceName: string) => void): void; protected getProvider(scope: PreferenceScope): PreferenceProvider | undefined; has(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string): boolean; get(preferenceName: string): T | undefined; get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T): T; get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: T, resourceUri: string): T; get(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined; resolve(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult; set(preferenceName: string, value: any, scope: PreferenceScope | undefined, resourceUri?: string): Promise; getBoolean(preferenceName: string): boolean | undefined; getBoolean(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean; getBoolean(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: boolean, resourceUri: string): boolean; getString(preferenceName: string): string | undefined; getString(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: string): string; getString(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: string, resourceUri: string): string; getNumber(preferenceName: string): number | undefined; getNumber(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: number): number; getNumber(preferenceName: string, defaultValue: number, resourceUri: string): number; inspect(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): PreferenceInspection | undefined; inspectInScope(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, forceLanguageOverride?: boolean): T | undefined; protected getScopedValueFromInspection(inspection: PreferenceInspection, scope: PreferenceScope): T | undefined; updateValue(preferenceName: string, value: any, resourceUri?: string): Promise; protected getScopesToChange(inspection: PreferenceInspection, intendedValue: any): PreferenceScope[]; overridePreferenceName(options: OverridePreferenceName): string; overriddenPreferenceName(preferenceName: string): OverridePreferenceName | undefined; protected doHas(preferenceName: string, resourceUri?: string): boolean; protected doInspectInScope(preferenceName: string, scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined; protected doGet(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): T | undefined; protected doResolve(preferenceName: string, defaultValue?: T, resourceUri?: string): PreferenceResolveResult; getConfigUri(scope: PreferenceScope, resourceUri?: string, sectionName?: string): URI | undefined; } //#