import * as React from 'react'; import { ReactWidget } from '../widgets'; import { ContextMenuRenderer } from '../context-menu-renderer'; import { MenuPath } from '../../common/menu'; import { HoverService } from '../hover-service'; export declare const SidebarTopMenuWidgetFactory: unique symbol; export declare const SidebarBottomMenuWidgetFactory: unique symbol; export interface SidebarMenu { id: string; iconClass: string; title: string; menuPath: MenuPath; order: number; } /** * The menu widget placed on the sidebar. */ export declare class SidebarMenuWidget extends ReactWidget { protected readonly menus: SidebarMenu[]; /** * The element that had focus when a menu rendered by this widget was activated. */ protected preservedContext: HTMLElement | undefined; /** * Flag indicating whether a context menu is open. While a context menu is open, the `preservedContext` should not be cleared. */ protected preservingContext: boolean; protected readonly contextMenuRenderer: ContextMenuRenderer; protected readonly hoverService: HoverService; constructor(); addMenu(menu: SidebarMenu): void; removeMenu(menuId: string): void; protected readonly onMouseDown: () => void; protected readonly onMouseOut: () => void; protected readonly onMouseEnter: (event: React.MouseEvent, title: string) => void; protected onClick(e: React.MouseEvent, menuPath: MenuPath): void; protected render(): React.ReactNode; } //#