/// import { CommandRegistry, ContributionProvider, Disposable, Emitter, Event, MenuModelRegistry, MenuPath } from '../../../common'; import { ContextKeyService } from '../../context-key-service'; import { FrontendApplicationContribution } from '../../frontend-application'; import { Widget } from '../../widgets'; import { MenuDelegate, ReactTabBarToolbarItem, TabBarToolbarItem } from './tab-bar-toolbar-types'; /** * Clients should implement this interface if they want to contribute to the tab-bar toolbar. */ export declare const TabBarToolbarContribution: unique symbol; /** * Representation of a tabbar toolbar contribution. */ export interface TabBarToolbarContribution { /** * Registers toolbar items. * @param registry the tabbar toolbar registry. */ registerToolbarItems(registry: TabBarToolbarRegistry): void; } /** * Main, shared registry for tab-bar toolbar items. */ export declare class TabBarToolbarRegistry implements FrontendApplicationContribution { protected items: Map; protected menuDelegates: Map; protected readonly commandRegistry: CommandRegistry; protected readonly contextKeyService: ContextKeyService; protected readonly menuRegistry: MenuModelRegistry; protected readonly contributionProvider: ContributionProvider; protected readonly onDidChangeEmitter: Emitter; readonly onDidChange: Event; protected fireOnDidChange: import("lodash").DebouncedFunc<() => any>; onStart(): void; /** * Registers the given item. Throws an error, if the corresponding command cannot be found or an item has been already registered for the desired command. * * @param item the item to register. */ registerItem(item: TabBarToolbarItem | ReactTabBarToolbarItem): Disposable; /** * Returns an array of tab-bar toolbar items which are visible when the `widget` argument is the current one. * * By default returns with all items where the command is enabled and `item.isVisible` is `true`. */ visibleItems(widget: Widget): Array; unregisterItem(itemOrId: TabBarToolbarItem | ReactTabBarToolbarItem | string): void; registerMenuDelegate(menuPath: MenuPath, when?: string | ((widget: Widget) => boolean)): Disposable; unregisterMenuDelegate(menuPath: MenuPath): void; } //# sourceMappingURL=tab-bar-toolbar-registry.d.ts.map